This has not broken me, but it has stopped me in my tracks and made me think about how easily some purported journalists would just go along with whatever transpires in the coming weeks, months, and years.
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Don Lemon really handed it to them today on TikTok. He said cnn and others were complicit in this mess with their 9 years of false equivalency nonsense! He said Trump isn’t normal and they never should’ve covered him as such 🥴
So start back another "prediction" list for when the first one of them will be arrested, the first deported and the first executed all for simply pissing off the White House and if any of them will survive to cover the war crimes tribunal after the civil war to evict fascist regime?
Really??? For me it didn't even register because it was implied.
Don't know if to wish you remain as naive (as in not used to the depravity that's coming) or to be like those of us who've lived all this elsewhere and can see too much and too clearly what's coming
I'm PO'd at the "speculation about who will fill cabinet post X" stories — horse-race journalism about races where nobody cares. What matters is who gets the gig, not who's under consideration.
I figured the media was broken when they treated Trump like he had serious policies for the past four years, and had it confirmed when a lot of them immediately reversed course within hours of Trump winning the election and started saying what a threat he was.
One Weird Trick
to help you forget the plentiful stables of complicit journalists who are more interested in engagement numbers than in supporting democracy through the free press of an informed electorate
It's all a big fucking game to the Beltway/NYC Blathering Class. Decisions that have the potential to destroy lives or even nations are treated like the next episode of The Bachelor.
My DH turns the news on, ABC, I walk outta room talkin' aloud. Me: listen to them. JFC they're all acting as if this isn't a fuckin' catastrophe.
i did catch one of my local news gals, sunny as ever, slip and grimace, choke before catching herself
It just happens to be ABC🤮, I know it's the rest 2
Sure, more pregnant women will die and others will be forced to birth rapists' babies, predators can choose the mothers of their kids "whether they like it or not," not to mention the depravity and cruelty of attempts at mass deportation...
...but, fascism can be FUN, too! We have PRIZES, you see!
Step right up folks and guess the number of U.S. citizens "accidentally" deported! Closest to the actual number wins a year supply of Rice-A-Roni, the San Francisco treat!
The first and subsequently last journalism class I took in undergrad (20 years ago) was all about how the industry was dying, the work is hard and thankless, the same 50 companies own everything, and if you were q lucky one you might be able to live a comfortable life.
This reminds me of a quote from some reporter lamenting that covering Biden was boring and longing for the chaos of a Trump administration. I mean talk about losing the plot.
This is why I haven't given Politico an ounce of traffic in at least 8 years. Horrible people that own it, work there and anyone who elevates them or defends that trash.
If anyone is feeling to overwhelmed and too scared about any of this, and you're looking for a protected space to unpack that response, reach out to me. Come find me. I will make space for you and give you a foundation of love and support to get you back on your feet.
I’ve been so frustrated for years with the sheer laziness and ambivalence of most journalists.
The 2024 election could have been summed up as “One side has some boring economic proposals and the other says Hitler didn’t do far enough. We’ll keep you posted on how voters react.”
... Someone should do undercover investigation pretending to be Trump teamster looking for reporters to embed into "ICE siege units" going into blue cities...
Indeed, they have a running start with those that turned a blind eye to the countless “unfit for to be president” public statements by Trump in the 2024 race alone.
All quizzes, contests,'fun' polls, and audience participation posts are first & foremost data slurpers. Journalism is over-represented with aggressively ambitious, selfish, under-achievers who never see a bar they can't stoop below. Think of an English one who only appears on US TV. Typical.
RELATED: Subscribe to Law Dork instead. I have free and paid options, but please do support my independent legal journalism if you can.
This is why I’ve said all along the MSM ignored Trump’s vile rants and obsessed over Biden gaffes. They wanted Trump for ratings and revenue. They are not journalists, they are entertainers and cannot be trusted. Most Corporate journalists are revenue and ratings driven pure and simple.
We still have some non-MAGA GOP who can help keep out the crazies.
Don't know if to wish you remain as naive (as in not used to the depravity that's coming) or to be like those of us who've lived all this elsewhere and can see too much and too clearly what's coming
(she said "showman")
It'll be easier here to keep cutesy Suddenly Trumpers from invading my home turf.
Totally worth throwing out all semblance of self worth, independent thought.
Did the form have an option called “just scream into the void”? That’s the one I would have checked.
Fkng ghouls.
to help you forget the plentiful stables of complicit journalists who are more interested in engagement numbers than in supporting democracy through the free press of an informed electorate
i did catch one of my local news gals, sunny as ever, slip and grimace, choke before catching herself
It just happens to be ABC🤮, I know it's the rest 2
And yet it’s still gone over their heads
Very dark vibe either way.
...but, fascism can be FUN, too! We have PRIZES, you see!
As a human? Just so sad.
(I still think there are some wonderful people out there doing great work, but my trust in a lot of it has been absolutely broken.)
oh no
Rank these demographic groups on the expected number of casualties between now and 2028! Correct guesses win a T-shirt and travel mug!
Appreciate your coverage
I think a majority of citizens value what they consider to be their freedoms and their inalienable rights
And there are opportunities for those who care about vindicating those rights bc Rs will overreach
The 2024 election could have been summed up as “One side has some boring economic proposals and the other says Hitler didn’t do far enough. We’ll keep you posted on how voters react.”
This is gross
I wish people would learn a single fucking lesson from history