What I think is really depressing it's that I'm pretty sure they have no leverage that they're using on Roberts. He's just that unethical and partiasan. Same is true with the rest of the court. Hell, just look at Alito and Thomas -- all the stuff found on them and their behavior means nothing.
Scientists with super-sensitive equipment have detected neutrinos, but despite its existence in theory, they still haven't found #SCOTUS Justice Roberts's sense of shame ...
I don't see many people mentioning that George Bush Jr elected Roberts to the SCOTUS. Maybe it's no big deal not to mention how the Bush family walks hand in hand with Saudi corruption. But where is George Bush jr?
For those puzzled about retired Justice Kennedy: Kavanaugh was his clerk when Kennedy was a justice. I expect the "young people" remark had to do with Trump nominating Kavanaugh. (BTW, Kennedy was a Reagan appointee.)
This collusive little exchange is your reminder that SCOTUS actually has no Constitutional function in connection with the SOTU. Long past time for its members to absent themselves for the occasion
Just another example of a how trump corrupted this court into giving him immunity. If anyone still has a doubt about this Supreme Court being totally taken over by trump, this should put that to rest. Every member who voted to give trump more power needs to be impeached and put on trial.
Roberts deliberately widened the parameters of the case that resulted in the Citizens United decision. There was no reason to do so, & I firmly believe that only a Justice who welcomed the complete corruption of our election process would have sought to do it.
“I won’t forget” - that’s why Roberts posted the decision the morning after his speech. And BTW- friends in the NGO community started seeing indications of funds being released YESTERDAY. Wonder if Alito & co. were leaking decision in advance so that Marocco could pretend to be compliant
It's almost like Trump is trying to publicly soil Roberts. Formally compromised or not, Roberts is complicit, and Trump is sort of marking his territory. It's a power play, isn't it?
You can email the Court’s general mailbox with @resist.bot. Apply whatever pressure possible like we ask Democrats in Congress to do as the minority party.
Yeah, they actually had quite a cozy little chat. Kennedy said something about young people that I couldn’t quite catch and looked stoked to shake Trump’s hand.
Gvrnmnt Daddy is not, like a real person. He's a narc. I could give you the playbook I use on the narcs in my life. It would be more effective then political posturing. Narc abuse isn't revolutionary. It's simpleness bullying u away from exposing their truth.
Also, Roberts was the sole justice who granted an emergency review of a lower court ruling that ordered the restart of USAID funds (which might have unwound "DOGE"). This postponed any showdown the Trump admin would have w/the judicial branch w/r/t whether it will commit to ignoring court orders.
I think he's thanking him for absolute immunity and a commitment either not yet known or for general complicity. "I won't forget it" also admits another quid pro quo or otherwise illegal favor exchange.
He had a separate chat with Kennedy a few seconds before this. Kennedy said something about “young people,” but I didn’t catch it. Kennedy looked freaking delighted to shake his hand.
Kennedy is way down at the end. Trump was already beyond Kennedy, Barrett, and Kavanaugh. He was passing Kagan and then speaking to Roberts. (By my view of the tape approx. 549 times so far.)
Trump only said "I won't forget" to Roberts. He didn't thank him.
It could have been a threat and not an expression of gratitude. Makes sense given today's news about SC rejecting Trump's attempt to freeze foreign aid.
Either Roberts is running back to get his tip-jar or he’s running back to get his tip-jar. There’s also the slight possibility that he is simply running back to get his tip-jar.
It is funny how Kagan hurries out just behind him. Her hustle reminds me of when your girlfriend tells you to come with her to the club bathroom right now for gossip and/or ⛷️
ABA has no power over judges & certainly not SCOTUS. Also, 6 of the 9 justices side with Trump. Impeachment is the only way to do anything to a justice w a lifetime appt
There's absolutely nothing anyone can do to them except make them unwelcome in public. But no legal or government group can apply pressure to them. We'd need at least 60 votes in the Senate to do that.
That's certainly the case now. A justice can always be impeached; but as with any impeachment, you need a majority in the House and 2/3 of the Senate going along with it. Only one justice ever has been impeached.
Nixon was forced to resign by pressure and shame, and we won't even TRY to think about it?
We have access to more media and more Voice in the world than ever, we're incapable of even TRYING actions and PR that shame and pressure these guys?
None of the sitting justices appear eager or happy to greet the President, but everyone in the comments suggesting they are in his pocket and the "system is rigged". 🙄
Well my comment was for those that haven't bothered to do that either.
This is the same Court, with the exact same justices, who denied certiorari in every single one of Trump's election fraud cases. And with one exception, they have refused to intervene in the the injunctions/TROs.
Roberts says "It's okay" .. ?? Or was that someone in the group Trump was walking towards? It did not sound like Roberts voice to me.. seems like he has a higher pitch
What have I done…
Oh, wait …
Back, and to the left.
Back, and to the left.
See. Back... and to the left.
The 4 not-currupt members are insufficient to make the institution clean.
What? Why are you looking at...
Ok, I'll just sit over here and be quiet now.
Roberts deliberately widened the parameters of the case that resulted in the Citizens United decision. There was no reason to do so, & I firmly believe that only a Justice who welcomed the complete corruption of our election process would have sought to do it.
Which often makes enablers uncomfortable for handing them things like immunity from it.
He forgot before he left the building.
(Or set up your own message).
POTUS KRASNOV of America; alias, Donald John Trump.
The rest of us will pay the price.
Malignant narcissist gonna do malignant narcissism 🤷🏻♀️
He is so sadistic that he feels compelled to humiliate the very people who have most enabled him.
It could backfire with Roberts, but I’m not counting on it.
Most foul
But he was just callin’ ‘balls and strikes’ right?
It could have been a threat and not an expression of gratitude. Makes sense given today's news about SC rejecting Trump's attempt to freeze foreign aid.
But I feel like my voice is weak
I need your support, brothers
📌Visit my page please
This clip from a right-wing influencer has the video/audio matched up (even if his transcription is wrong): https://x.com/BehizyTweets/status/1897136149476597817
And i mean that literally, he feels that he does.
Can't any of the organizations of the Law put pressure on the Supremes to step up and either alert us or crash/burn?
The ABA having standards should have been the first set of guardrails, no?
I'm not giving him any sympathy, lol
The ABA has a RESPONSIBILITY to call out of these crimes, and to be vocal about it.
to impeach 2/3 of SCOTUS, the President and many members of Congress.
I gaze fondly at the thought of the Next Nuremberg Trials -
televised, with all the stars you long to
see - in chains!
Nixon was forced to resign by pressure and shame, and we won't even TRY to think about it?
We have access to more media and more Voice in the world than ever, we're incapable of even TRYING actions and PR that shame and pressure these guys?
However we just get another illegality-generating kook in, if he did.
Congress can apply pressure, but that's really it.
Trump greets the justices after his March 4, 2025 address.
This is the same Court, with the exact same justices, who denied certiorari in every single one of Trump's election fraud cases. And with one exception, they have refused to intervene in the the injunctions/TROs.
And the other five didn't show?
Trump knows a proper system would have put him away years ago.
Knights Of Malta, Supreme Cult SCOTUS, Christian Nationalist, & MikeFlynnUSSR