JGB lived in and based most of his writing on the small corner of suburban London in which i grew up and my parents still live. The reputation is not unearned
Only about a month after the guys who killed Ahmaud Arbery were charged with murder we had some neighborhood watch vigilantes in my subdivision trying to pin people in with cars near the entrance to our neighborhood if they thought you didn’t stop well enough at the stop sign or were speeding.
I got out of my car and said, “do you dumbass MFs want to get someone killed? Do you want to go to prison? Stop being morons and go home, you’re creating more danger than you’re preventing.”
By season 4, I realized 'The Walking Dead' had morphed from a deeply philosophical question on 'what is society' to become a representation of 'the New American Dream':
Drive around with a gun and shoot everything that moves.
Do they know this will just make ppl match energy- you know "dont bring a knife to a gun fight" will simply take over. the tactics will just switch to passby baseball bats and parked at walmart opportunities. silly stormtroopers.
But that's the only way remaining that _all of this_ *can* go; they've discarded all of the norms that resolve conflict in civil ways.
Escalation and counter-escalation. Those "street battles" 6 or 7 years ago? Lots of losers LARPing with improvised armor. We're going beyond that, this time around.
Yes I was saying its an inevitability. Im mocking the logic of the offended tesla owner. ccause like bitch how you gonna get that out when you arent even in the fucker? it sounds very desperate to my ears.
Oh, I haven't read that one yet. I'll have to get around to it.
Hmm. I think the moving company stole my Ballard books along with all our other possessions. (Hopefully the DOT will nail their gonads to the ceiling. Iunno. We'll see.)
Well, for now there's the library.
FR, the most unthreatened people to ever walk the Earth saw video of a firefighter struggling to break the glass on one of these things and their GENUINE takeaway was "I will survive the zombie apocalypse" and not "I will burn to death in this thing"
It's always amazing how these people think they are the only ones carrying guns. And nothing bad would ever happen to them if they start to wave that thing around on the street.
Never seen a truck (because it’s always a truck with a lift kit in the quietest suburb) with those stickers that I instantly didn’t hear this ringing off in my head knowing they were ripe for a robbery
And they even believed it themselves. If the story of them disguising themselves as Athenians and then going 'They think they fight Athens, but they do not know they fight us the superior Spartans' before a battle they lost is true.
I have lived long enough to learn life is not Hollywod-movie, whatever movie is playing in your head, you being John Rambo or Superwoman is not going to play out in real life.
Local gun idjits in my neighborhood regard a gun theft as an excuse to buy a new toy. No thought about the victims of crimes that will be committed using that stolen gun.
They play that silly "try that in a small town" song like their shiny lifted trucks wouldn't be peppered with holes if they really tried their shit in a big city.
I feel like people just don't want to see the poors. I live in the safest place in the country and they talk about MS13 like we're in a war zone. Meanwhile the only thing the cops do is move the hobos out of the nice part of town. It's all an excuse to pretend the bill isn't overdue.
It was a bullseye. They cannot wait for violence to disrupt their boring lives and now thanks to Twitter we have a way to straight up chronicle this mania.
A dog got loose in our neighborhood so I knocked on the nearest door to see if it was theirs. He came out, pistol at the ready, prepared to murder me. It was 8:30 on a Friday night.
He then checked the dogs tags, as if we didn't do that, and just let go of the dog, so it ran back into the woods.
I’ve seen many profound takes online that our current descent into fascism was caused by none other than the boredom of mediocre men. They want violence and passion and love and all the other shit from fiction. But they’re basement dwelling incels who have their needs met but don’t feel Great.
Everything here is spot-on except the basement-dwelling part. It lets off the hook all the well-off community-leading middle management dudebros who are ecstatic over this
"People feel they can rely on the irrational...they're retreating into the inner darkness, into superstition & unreason. The future is going to be a struggle between vast systems of competing psychopathies...a desperate attempt to escape from a rational world & the boredom of consumerism."
I struggle with these things too. I think that’s normal. It’s only abnormal when it pushes you to want to destroy the things you can’t have, create, or maintain. Like jobs, relationships, or a compassionate and constructive society.
also worth pointing out their living in their dream world doesn't actually satisfy them. it's too alienating and isolating to create great happy citizens and the bored mediocrities can't or won't reflect on that, so "father I crave violence" it is
The worst part is YouTube can be a great place, full of knowledge, every imaginable tutorial and skill…
Mine is full of scientific articles presented by their author or by a peer reviewer, but the algo keeps trying to pull me down into a pit of angry man clickbait like the void calling to me.
these people could be forest fire fighters or wind turbine technicians or engineers for massive powerful high speed rail networks but instead they bitch and moan and roll coal in a f350 because that makes them feel Manly without having to put effort into personal development and forming convictions
I've been reading about the fall of the Weimar republic and the thing I got most was just how awful and unpredictable life was for everyone. Your siblings would die in childhood, your father would leave or die, you'd get gassed in WW1. Meanwhile these guys are Nazis because they're BORED
They also seem to envision the weekly trip to Walmart like some sort of Black Ops mission and feel disappointed when their biggest conflict is not being able to find the drill bits.
Their main gripe is actually the women & people of color who put in the effort to go to college & work hard & sometimes manage to get promoted “took” the decent paying job they should have gotten by default because “white guy in white supremacist culture” never required competence or experience.
The core of American culture is the terrorist fantasy. Everyone wants to shoot up some place or run over a pride parade in their oversized pickups, and we sleep at night thinking these are normal thoughts had by normal people. Our peace is savage and warlike
Should we tell her that shooting someone for vandalizing her precious Tesla will get her locked up in jail? Of course, if the vandal has a weapon in their waistband, when she brandishes her gun that person can feel free to defend themselves (as in shoot the smelly green fuck out of her).
SCOTUS has repeatedly ruled setting a trap isn’t a self defense. Waiting in your white nationalist car for someone to deface your white nationalist car so it can shoot them is premeditated murder. Thank you for posting evidence online.
People don't typically vandalize objects when the owner is around, either. So thanks for advertising the free gun when someone decides to break into your car and rip that glove compartment open with a crowbar while you're at spin class or whatever.
I can only assume the same people who are enough of a tool to go into business selling gun mats for glove compartments are also apt to think "we're basically just like the James Bond Gadget Guy"
Using a gun for someone keying your tesla is a good way to land in prison. Majority of state prosecutors wouldn't see your life in danger over keying your car.
This is the right common-sense response, but unfortunately some states have made “stand your ground” laws so aggressive that it’s not that hard to get away with straight-up murdering someone if they’re on your property, regardless of what they’re doing
You don’t need to “agree,” but it’s not my opinion, it’s a factual statement. Pretty basic 1L stuff. There was case law supporting the “castle doctrine” approach in many jurisdictions, even before states like Florida and Texas codified it into state law.
Trying to get in an occupied vehicle wold be a good example of correct castle doctrine example. Not keying an unoccupied vehicle or even n occupied vehicle. The word rebuttal is crucial.
Everybody's gangster until they find out the other guys have guns too. They just have got to live in a bubble where the fantasy can live uninterrupted by reality.
The very first time any of these people get shot at themselves these sentiments will run down their trouser leg.
Go ahead, shoot me. It won’t unkey your car
Drive around with a gun and shoot everything that moves.
Escalation and counter-escalation. Those "street battles" 6 or 7 years ago? Lots of losers LARPing with improvised armor. We're going beyond that, this time around.
Hmm. I think the moving company stole my Ballard books along with all our other possessions. (Hopefully the DOT will nail their gonads to the ceiling. Iunno. We'll see.)
Well, for now there's the library.
Off to read more Ballard.
He then checked the dogs tags, as if we didn't do that, and just let go of the dog, so it ran back into the woods.
"People feel they can rely on the irrational...they're retreating into the inner darkness, into superstition & unreason. The future is going to be a struggle between vast systems of competing psychopathies...a desperate attempt to escape from a rational world & the boredom of consumerism."
They don’t have the humility to embrace a role of service to family and community. They never learned to create, nurture, and support.
They hurt for imaginary reasons.
The situation is awful
Giant waste of resources cities have to subsidize so people can have to drive a half hour any time they want to do anything at all.
Mine is full of scientific articles presented by their author or by a peer reviewer, but the algo keeps trying to pull me down into a pit of angry man clickbait like the void calling to me.
(If this is a joke it's flying over my autistic head)
anyway, this mfer said "this firs skeet"
these people need real problems.
Or quality, maybe.
Love to fantasize about violently murdering my imagined enemies
The very first time any of these people get shot at themselves these sentiments will run down their trouser leg.