So, will we see more Covfefe posts? As Richard Engel reported- Roger Covfefe owned the land in Panama that Trump was going to put another tower in the "cocaine concrete district"- and Covfefe would be the developer.
Wonder what happened to those plans?
Workers which also happened to have less rights, benefits and overall status because they were Black, thus put on the Silver Roll (as in *a literal separate payroll*). They earned better than Panamanians working at Panama itself, but it was still less than the White-only Gold Roll.
These tweets are 110% President Musk. Trump couldn't even show you where the Panama Canal is, much less what it does, when it was built or why it's important. This little place on the planet never, ever crossed spokesman Trump's mind.
I wouldn't say the person who wrote it had brains, though. They may have just made more cogent the nonsense Trump was ranting. But none of this rant is brain-oriented.
Not sure who is actually behind this idea or maybe it’s another distraction [*SQUIRREL!*] but … no way did trump write this … there’s grammar, punctuation, appropriate capitalization … 😏
I don’t know who wrote this, but it definitely wasn’t Trump. He speaks like a child. Several of those words are not in his vocabulary. Probably Stephen Miller or President Elon.
Senile paranoia in an old man could well take the form of excessive miserliness and a conviction that others are conspiring to rob him of money that he’s owed.
But, America, must it play out in this case on a national scale? It’s pitiful and embarrassing.
TBH there are so many candidates for authorship. But it's too literate and historically informed - if misleading - to be Trump. I'd like to know the background. Not aware that DT has ever expressed interest in - or knowledge of - the Panama Canal. (Or Panama, for that matter.)
Too literate, yes, but historically very wrong. Did some quick reading… deaths during construction were about 27k with most occurring when the French were trying to build it. About 5,600 died when the US was building. In both cases, most deaths were black workers from the West Indies.
I’m thinking that a certain auto maker doesn’t care for certain fees being imposed or not having his shipments prioritized. Will be fun to watch the mouth breathers become experts on this. (After they figure out which country it’s in.)
The canal is in an area that is experiencing desertification, as climate change continues, the area will start to dry up more and more, meaning that water will have to be diverted from other sources to the canal to sustain it. Ocean water won't work for that
This is EXACTLY why president Musk wants to take back the canal. He doesn't think the Panamanians have the resources, or skills to fix the problem, but he certainly does. The canal is important for his world oligarch domination scheme. It requires the free movement of military power and resources.
The escalation of data by many factors is the “Trump-coefficient.”
Mathematicians have studied it for nearly a decade now. It’s really interesting as most coefficients are numbers but the Trump one is a variable that increases the more he babbles about the subject!
He is acting on behalf of President Musk on this one. (Well whoever wrote that tweet is anyway because it wasn't him, Sounds like Vivek) In any case, Musk is on a mission to control the world so he needs the Panama Canal for the trade part. Musk is just using his monkey to set the stage.
Well, if it makes you feel any better, my own view is that the US today is a more like Germany in 1932-33. And history only shows us what is possible, meaning that Americans can still fight to turn this ship around.
Writing things like that is what staff members are for.
Back when he was on Twitter, you could tell by what Twitter client (phone/web/etc) was used whether it was staff or him.
But if he wants to give Panama $1 back in return for repossessing the canal, he's going to get $24 in beads for Trump Tower
I think he may legitimately know some history when it comes to the greatest hits of presidents like Teddy Roosevelt. But it probably is a collaborative effort with someone else helping dictate as they spitball about “why’d we give up XYZ?” at Mar-a-Lago
A second set of parallel locks opened in 2016 to accommodate larger ships. Naval engineers and shipbuilders are aware of the canal's size limitations. Buying/building something bigger is a choice.
He's obsessed with McKinley, not just because of tariffs, but also for his appropriation of Guam, Puerto Rico and the Philippines (he didn't know about this or until Bannon or Miller told him).
twist yourself into a pretzel to bring Putin into this when it is actually fully consistent with the history of US imperialist oppression that built the canal in the first place.
“With the backing of the United States, Panama seceded from Colombia in 1903, allowing the construction of the Panama Canal to be completed by the United States Army Corps of Engineers between 1904 and 1914.“
Please, someone delete this tyrant and dictator. He will lead us to World War III or, worse, Armageddon, the final war after which humanity will be annihilated (because god doesn't exist).
Somebody told him that Greenland was rich in resources and a vast undeveloped territory and somehow that lodged in his 'brain' where so many other facts did not. He'll be raving about buying Greenland when dementia has eaten every other fact out of him.
He wants the canal to squeeze the Chinese, domestic, and priority movement of naval assets. Sealing vulnerability. Something bigger is simmering. The play on Canada and Mexico similarly is just saying the rules haven't changed... but they may. Russia and China are taking notes. And that's the point.
If there's something that can trigger a war with China (a conventional war, not a commercial one) is trying to size the Panama channel. For someone who has said doesn't want the US to get involved in conflicts this is a bad start.
In what passes for a worldview in his twisted and sad psyche, Puerto Rico "has nothing of value to offer HIM".
Beautiful people? Nope, their skin is darker than his and they don't even speak (English).
EVERYTHING is transactional with him.
So are Hawaiians. ...their skin is darker than his, English wasn't their first language. How about the American government install electricity, plumbing, and wifi for the entire island and make 70% of the island a vacation destination. (including the mountains).
HI has several islands
He had a failed Trump Golf Club in Puerto Rico which he of course blames on everyone except himself. That's why he hates Puerto Rico and always will. Trump grudges are FOREVER.
Case in point. I had forgotten about that Trump bldg. in Panama where they kicked him out of the mgmt. contract and "de-named" the place.
Now he wants the canal back.
The Panama Canal visitor center has an IMAX film on its history. The part about the transition remarks—in the most patronizing way—at how surprising it was that the people of Panama were able to operate it without our help.
Elon and I are pleased to announce that Dr. Evil is our nominee for United States Ambassador to Panama.
Dr. Evil is an internationally known criminal genius and billionaire businessman, who shares our vision of World Domination. He also is The Princess of Canada, soon to be our 51st State!
Naw...he's just pissed off because he has found himself in tax evasion hot water for one of his hotel properties in Panama... you knew there had to be a back story here - otherwise Trump would not even be able to find Panama on a map...
He. Didn’t. Write. It.
It’s just theater. Stop helping the Trump team and the media play everyone.
Don’t be part of the problem
The real story is how the Trump team is making up fake crises for the media and the media knows it bullshit and still plays along.
I had no idea it was one of the deadliest construction projects. Though I read it was ~20,000 French who first died and then ~5,000 USA workers, not 35,000 “Americans”.
i think he’s dead serious
i can’t understand people who say “oh he said it but he didn’t mean it”
no, he said it, that’s what you need to believe he will try to do moron.
The other part of this is that this old fuck has been around so long that he even remembers when this happened. What percentage of Americans were alive to even recall this
And if anybody thinks he wrote that - yikes. It's infinitely more coherent and articulate than he could ever be. "Me want canal", sure. But this? Not in a million years.
Trump fails to realize that his maga influence does not extend beyond his followers. He’ll not even unified in the house. Ridiculous stuff like this won’t garner much attention outside the US.
He's so embarrassing, travel internationally, it's hard to hear all of the negative things about Trump, never heard a positve comment, not once, about him, he has no clue what people really think!
That's absurd, clearly, we should invade Nicaragua and build a new canal there, big enough to handle anything. With modern tech, that is the better route.
He wasn’t joking about buying Greenland. Why would he joke about Canada or the Panama Canal? Betcha he’s been talking to Putin about how imperialism works.
I'm an expat living in Panama. This is rhetoric & more bluster than realistic policy. The complexities of international relations & established treaties make it highly unlikely. It faces significant legal & diplomatic hurdles. The real truth is he is afraid of the amount of influence China has here.
Surely burning a few hundred people alive again will go unnoticed.
Anybody remembers the Panama invasion of 1989?
With George Herbert Walker Bush as the main war criminal.
Trump thinks he’s julius ceaser. He committed a bunch of crimes in office while immune, left, successfully delayed prosecution, and is now emperor. she’s killed the american republic, and now he needs to expand the american empire. Why wouldn’t he?
The rest of the world also has a vested interest but Lardy Arse only cares about Lardy Arse. How many ocean going merchant ships registered in the USA are there? Hardly any. So Is Lardy Arse also going to build hundreds of ships to fulfil his 'MAGAlomaniac' fantasies?
Maybe someone should bring up the Chinese just finished a mega seaport at the coast of Chile, for better and faster access to many markets on that side of the pacific. Of course people here would say why does Chili's need a seaport? Start over USA.
Musk bought the US for 240 million and is trying to set foreign policy to benefit his own company, tesla uses the panama canal to ship his rusty fridges on wheels
But is OK if the principals of a U.S. President, both legal and moral are not followed by him?
Does he ever post about solid policies for the American people? 🦗🦗
Who wrote this post? This isn't his writing..."please be guided accordingly" doesn't even sound like it was written by a native American English speaker.
Liberia had ten times as many ships under its flags - I think this means Liberia gets to annexe Panama, yes?
Wonder what happened to those plans?
He is such a moron. I'm embarrassed for all the sensible people of America who did not vote for this clown show.
He’s a cautionary tale character, dipped in flop sweat and magnified on a giant cheap TV screen
Also, it was like 5,600 that died from accidents and disease
But, America, must it play out in this case on a national scale? It’s pitiful and embarrassing.
#Elonald innit.
Mathematicians have studied it for nearly a decade now. It’s really interesting as most coefficients are numbers but the Trump one is a variable that increases the more he babbles about the subject!
Back when he was on Twitter, you could tell by what Twitter client (phone/web/etc) was used whether it was staff or him.
But if he wants to give Panama $1 back in return for repossessing the canal, he's going to get $24 in beads for Trump Tower
Keep Texas in mind, being the right wing test bed as usual with Kay Granger.
(Makes joke about a long forgotten 1990s Michelle Pfieffer vehicle)
(Is actually a decent little flick)
No more rain, no more canal…
*checks notes*
the principles of
gestures of giving?
Also, Trump is obsessed with retribution.
These 2 need to attend clown school for idiots.
Next the Brits will demand Hong Kong back 🤣
sounds like a chaos agent leon idea to me!
Someone told him China is buying large swaths of infrastructure around the world. And they want the Panama Canal. Why wouldn't they.
Although, I think there is a provision that the USA, would come to Panama's aid if the canal was threatened by a foreign country.
No doubt he and "Call-Me-Diddy" Musk will then privatize the canal and pocket whatever they want to charge us and the rest of the world.
Beautiful people? Nope, their skin is darker than his and they don't even speak (English).
EVERYTHING is transactional with him.
but he probably didn't learn much German except cussing,
and even less Gaelic.
HI has several islands
Case in point. I had forgotten about that Trump bldg. in Panama where they kicked him out of the mgmt. contract and "de-named" the place.
Now he wants the canal back.
Dr. Evil is an internationally known criminal genius and billionaire businessman, who shares our vision of World Domination. He also is The Princess of Canada, soon to be our 51st State!
It’s just theater. Stop helping the Trump team and the media play everyone.
Don’t be part of the problem
The real story is how the Trump team is making up fake crises for the media and the media knows it bullshit and still plays along.
i can’t understand people who say “oh he said it but he didn’t mean it”
no, he said it, that’s what you need to believe he will try to do moron.
Isn't that Invasion of a Sovereign Nation and considered an act of war?
This is how he "negotiates." Didn't we learn anything from the 1st 4 disastrous years of his "leadership"?
A reverse Barbarians at the Gate.
Trump threatens to take Panama Canal .
Stephen Miller did.
That’s his high-fallutin BS.
At this point my understanding is we retain the right to defend the canal's neutrality. We don't own it.
Anybody remembers the Panama invasion of 1989?
With George Herbert Walker Bush as the main war criminal.
Kicking an opponent when they are down, for fun and profit.
He can hold his breath, kick & scream, but swinging his Itty bitty mushroom around ain't gonna get him jack.
Military leadership better learn THEY'RE gonna be held accountable when the old fuck strokes out during one of his shit-posting sessions.
Does he ever post about solid policies for the American people? 🦗🦗
He'll say "you could have joined the US but didn't..... You're on your own".
These current statements are Trump gaslighting Canada and setting the groundwork for Russian seizure of the Arctic.