This isn't really fair. Most people don't have Twitter, so they wouldn't have known what the hell Elon Musk was up to. He was a Nazi waaaay before he threw up the salute. People are stupid.
And endorsing Trump, spending hundreds of millions helping him win, working for him in an illegal capacity to cut funding for USAID and prevent seniors from accessing SSA. Yeah totally the same.
He’s not, and lots of CEOs of products and services you use are Republican. But they aren’t literally bribing people to vote for Trump, calling for journalists to be imprisoned, or speaking at AfD rallies.
There's something more, though. My coworker grew up in South Africa and is nothing like Elon. I think not having Nazi grandparents, an emerald mining dad who married his stepdaughter, and an enabling mother has a lot to do with it.
Like I'm sorry, but if you didn't smell his bullshit like a decade ago - because he's a fucking feckless billionaire - then you're someone who deserves to get your dumpster car keyed
I don't know how many Kardashians there are, their names or what they look like. I didn't care what musk dated or did before last year. Just because YOU knew doesn't mean everyone should or did. Nobody deserves to have their property damaged because you think they do. Be better than the enemy.
I have empathy for anyone who can't afford to trade it in to buy a Chevy or Hyundai or Toyota or almost every car company's electric car right now. I do. I think it sucks ass that the Volt was discontinued, given its affordability.
Yeah you're holier than tho attitude is not doing you any favors here. Most people weren't tuned into Elon until maybe the last 3 years. I understand your frustrations but we all have our own lives and a capacity in which we are able to stay aware of every little things.
I agree that the arson/property damage should not be done, but the protests and boycotts should. And may his empire come crashing down and may he lose all his money, support, and may his kin disown him. Amen.
Billionaire defense contractors are all deeply evil people. Everyone over the age of 5 knows that, so yes everyone knew he was a terrible person, and he stopped hiding it a decade ago.
Are they satisfied because of the image or because it actually performs well? There are always people who want to be trendy or have the "it" thing. I remember when there was the trend for Hummers. Ahem.
Tesla Dangerously Flawed Cyber Truck Was Designed By Lunatic Elon —Who Was Mentally Disturbed Long Before This Failure!
First Warning Cyber Truck Was Shit —When Elon Presented Cyber Truck To Public—Elon Demonstrating Cyber Truck Windows Were Unbreakable -Broke The Window!
He just had the tact not to openly display his craziness before acquiring Twitter. I remember back when people thought he was the “quirky billionaire inventor” and compared him to Tony Stark/Ironman.
Nah I pegged Musk for the moron he was the moment he started posting on social media.
You do have a point though. People still don’t wanna believe how far our “elite” have jumped the rails straight into Nazi-town despite all the evidence staring them in the face.
The thing is, they didn't jump into Naziism or embrace Naziism – they already were and orchestrated this.
Why else would Bezos, weeks before the election, suddenly gut WaPo reporting? Why else would Zuckerberg gut community standards weeks before the election?
Zuch and Bezos are just all about their money. They will do what they have to to stay on top and stay superbillionaires, even if they aren't out and out fascists or neo-nazis or white supremacists. They are nonetheless greedy shits.
False. His crazy started showing with his original "Buy at 420" tweet when the FEC lightly slapped his hand. You may have not noticed until the Twitter byout, which informs others about your level of informedness, but he was *well* into crazy town by the time he bought Twitter.
Not being informed isn't a sin. But it is better for everyone if more people are more informed, and I am glad you are more informed today than you were yesterday.
So please don't take ignorance as an insult – take it as a challenge to be better. Even the most informed are ignorant of some things.
Cybertruck is 17 times deadlier than the Ford Pinto.
His Space Rockets blow up an crash frequently when NASA had a record of 2 incidents, both with the space shuttle, of 179 manned flights and 100s more non-manned flights over 65 years.
SpaceX: 2 in the last year, and 11 or 12 in 11 years.
While there doesn't appear to be a single convenient table listing all the crashes, the Wikipedia page documents them and there's coverage through the years from various news outlets
They aren't, but they're cheap. And cost was one of the major roadblocks to space exploration. Even if his rockets are error-prone (due to arguably questionable methods of testing new ideas practically, IIRC), they have shown that it is possible and hopefully will kick others to pick up the pace.
People pre ordered in 2019. Musk bought X in 2022. He wasn't SO publicly down that rabbit hole until around 2022 or 2023. Stop touching other people's property. You're an idiot if you think it's ok to do that. But, if you are an idiot and do it... Get your facts right. Focus on Musk, not a car.
"I bought a car from a South African racist, please don't key or pee on it."
~signed some wealthy person who drives around smugly telling people who drive gas cars they're bad people
He's been a fraud since forever. We're talking Paypal era. He's been Elizabeth Holmes on steroids. People were just ignorant, or stupid, or making a buck off of it.
I think someone needs to arbitrarily define a cutoff point. So I will: the date Elon went crazy was July 6, 2020, when the Tesla S3XY shorts came out.
If anyone disagrees with this assessment, note that I could've been harsher and picked July 15, 2018, when he called that rescue worker "pedo guy".
I think 2018 was the right time. When did he start liking antisemitic shit on Twitter? I think not realizing it after that was the absolute last time I can give someone an excuse for just not paying enough attention.
From a normie perspective, I think the flamethrower thing was seen as fun in a "mad science" way. My less-radicalised past self thought that was cool back then. The short shorts are just kind of desperate and creepy.
Yes, but they were $100 on what would be a $100,000 dumpster.
The people who can afford that rolling shitbox could have afforded to write that $100 off just to not be associated with Elon, if they were decent people.
The earliest deposits were $100. That was increased to $250 in 2023 when the Cybertrucks went on sale (and has been increased again since). So the earliest you could plausibly put a deposit down and not known what a shitbag Musk was would have been back when they were still $100.
Other Tesla models a number of years ago were like $1,000 i think, but still. I believe my dad forfeited a deposit bc the cars were just not being produced and he was waiting forever and also they ended up being shit anyway.
I agree that Elon has been both noticeably crazy and noticeably racist for years; but at the same time if someone only realized that 20 minutes ago I still welcome them to the resistance.
I won't trust them with the sharp scissors if you know what I mean, but I still welcome them aboard
The Thai soccer team incident was when I figured out he was a giant narcissistic baby like Trump. It's both horrifying and hilarious seeing them become toxic besties years after I made that comparison.
Leon made the Cybertruck as a *result* of going crazy. Look at the piece of junk. It's got the lowest resale value of virtually any vehicle on the road. And in any event, whatever Tesla you may have, sell it. It's your duty.
I was calling him evil in 2013 because he's a billionaire and there are no good billionaires. Literally lost friends over it. As true today as it was then.
I really don’t understand the point of attacking individual Tesla owners. I barely see the point of attacking Tesla dealerships. It’s pretty obvious Prez musk doesn’t care about Tesla anymore. He can siphon all the money he wants from American taxpayers
For me it was when I found out he didn't found Tesla and wasn't even an engineer/inventor. Just some Rich guy who has a lot more in common with Edison, buying into a company named after a real Engineer worthy of respect. My tech friends thought I was being a hater but now look at him
The cave incident was when he publicly revealed himself to be a nasty nut job. He likely has been extremely disturbed since childhood. Did he come by it "honestly"? His father seems cruel and crazy, his maternal grandfather LOVED apartheid. His mother has "issues". It's in the genes...
One day the American society might stop thinking wealth and being a good person goes hand in hand. And if you believe God blesses good people with money you get right to this disaster. Because you end up focused on money not on voting for the good person.
He’s always been a POS, but it’s *sort of* true that we as a society didn’t used to have to know the politics of every CEO of every company we purchased anything from, because it was assumed that while CEOs were sociopaths, they would at least stay in their lanes.
Sure, but only the ignorant didn’t know he was a horrible narcissist literally upon coming to steals. He literally fired a gift the gave to him into outer space.
Not to mention that no one with any community spirit would force the rest of us to see something so butt ugly by driving it around town. That alone is a crime against good taste and a refined aesthetic!!!
At least they realized he's a prick at some point, that's a lot better than a lot of people. Still pretty odd for choosing a cyber truck out of every other option, but at least they regret it
I’ve wondered about this. Some people reserved theirs in 2019, and I don’t know if you were allowed to back out after signing? If not, that would really suck. I wasn’t an Elon fan in 2019
but I certainly didn’t know he was THIS bad
im talking bout boomers that get scared trying to sign up to twitter it was incredibly easy to figure out how bad he was in 2019 if u knew how the internet worked
Screen reader problem? According to the Mayo Clinic "colic is frequent, prolonged and intense crying or fussiness in a healthy infant." Nothing to do with garlic
my experience is normies just didn’t want to listen, they simply couldn’t be told that elon sucked no matter what. there’s people in my life who normally trust my opinion who just wouldn’t listen to me about him until like last year. i’ve hated the guy and been shit talking him since ~2015
Buying a car has always required a certain level of “is this worth spending $100K on” and if the answer to anyone was “yes” they are obvious marks and embarrassing.
You could have bought a Tesla without really knowing it was associated with him until the past year or two. If you bought a cyber truck you knew exactly what you were doing.
when I see a cybertruck with a temp (paper) license plate on it in the Bay Area, I know that person didn't get hugged as a child and is not getting any sex as an adult
You're giving the American people wayyy too much credit.
The sheer cognitive dissonance in the population of the people is phenomenally outrageous, and most folks buy cars based on looks and specs without any regard to the company they were made from or the politics.
I agree but I also think the cybertruck had such an extraordinary amount of publicity and public discussion around it before it even came out, it seems like it would be difficult to buy one without knowing it was Elon Musk's weird troll car.
I don't agree. I think there are a lot of people for whom politics is something they don't actively think about. Whether or not they *should* is one thing but I think at least half, if not the majority of Tesla owners didn't consider Musk's reputation in their purchase until he bought the election.
Especially overseas. Tesla sales have plummeted here in Australia for instance but before 2024 I'd argue no one really cared who Musk was any more than the CEO of the company that makes the Subaru WRX. As for the design, well, people still bought the Nissan Cube didn't they.
Elon has always been a little crazy. He is really no different than he has always been, he just sided with you. Tesla’s are excellent products. You should do a deep dive on the producers of all the products you buy on a daily basis. Your hypocrisy will hit you in the face. Such unserious people
See, now you’re being ridiculous. I have watched him over the last fifteen years and there is no evidence of that. He is definitely on the spectrum, so he is very socially awkward. Can’t read social cues to save his life. Anyway, I don’t think we will get far in this conversation. Peace ✌️
Yeah, I think it might well be.
Muskolini's got a shit ton of pro Elon propaganda going out there.
Funny how such a supposed bro man is so insecure he has to stroke his own ego by doing that. Thin skinned babyman, just like his fluffer Krasnov.
as someone who actually is autistic someone should break your fucking fingers for trying to blame elon's nazism on him (allegedly) being on the spectrum. fuck you, never speak again
I am assuming you think yourself more moral than most everyone else? Seems you would find pleasure in sadistically maiming innocent people. You’re not the saint you think you are.
If I didn’t listen to the music of people I totally disagree with then I would be missing out. Same with movies, books and TV. It takes maturity to be able to disagree with someone and still appreciate their contribution to society.
Yes, and Musk is clearly a Nazi.
Nazis don't get my ear, or my hard-earned money.
Look, you can stay in denial all you want, but YOU ARE DEFENDING A NAZI WHO IS INFILTRATING OUR GOVERNMENT.
Wake up buttercup
We’ll have to agree to disagree. Just because you say he is a Nazi doesn’t make it true. You guys are just minimizing what it means to be an actual Nazi.
You are SO right on with this statement. The word "Nazi" has been so devalued by over application predominantly from The Tolerant Left. When you oversaturate the usage of a word, especially by tagging it on everything you don't like or agree with, that word is shorn of its meaning.
I own a Tesla and my husband has worked there for 11 years. The car is an awesome car. I had my doubts at first, but after driving it for 6 months, I can honestly say I hate when I have to drive my ICE car. You can hate Elon all you want, but he has created some great products.
Just rationally looking at a situation without emotional immaturity. Please make sure you don’t buy anything from China. Their government does oppress the populace. You need to only buy products from those who align with your beliefs. Oh, and I didn’t even vote for Trump by the way.
So yes, you are giving him your money. And you are continuing to do so.
You are supporting a Nazi who is infiltrating our government.
Don't you dare lecture me.
Well, they are working for one.
And guess what, he wouldn't piss on any of you if you were on fire.
You can keep your preaching to yourself. Rationalize it all day long if it makes you feel better.
But you don't get to lecture me about morals.
We made them rounded up NOT only for DRAFT (which is totally ignored in this model), But to make sure people that do get hit, slide over the car! and the force of impact is reduced dramatically.
This car should never ever be on ANY streets what so ever!!!!
He never changed. It's just that a lot of favorable coverage of him was pushed out to make him the "real life Tony Stark" because we must always revere the wealthy in order to maintain the myth of meritocracy.
If you still bought anything from this guy after the diving child rescue incident where he called someone a pedophile for successfully rescuing the children when he was unable to, you knew what you were getting
Yeah that may not have necessarily been the most widely spread news story. But that’s why it’s so important to stay on top of what’s happening. Things you wouldn’t think are important can turn out to be indicative of fascism
VW programmed their cars to specifically run cleaner when plugged into the machines to test them. You can't get more egregious but America rewarded them by making them the number 1 sold cars, then the govt fined them an amount equal to what would have been set for marketing. Good deal for VW!
VW has some issues it should reckon with, definitely, and ultimately we should abolish private property and turn all companies over to the workers. Tesla is currently being run by a Nazi who's killing people through consolidation of power and kleptocracy, plus some incompetence. Different situations
I don't believe socialism is the answer but we definitely need to correct from the right leaning pro-business/anti-worker path we've taken since the 80s. But when you drift right, you don't jerk left but rather simply course correct.
We've jerked so far right that they're pretty nakedly planning a genocide if you have any idea what the prelude to genocide looks like. "Course correcting" is going to be similarly dramatic even if it's just to get to the same place, let alone correct for the fact that "drifting to the right" seems-
He was already doing weird Nazi shit when the pre-orders opened, just less openly. It wasn't that he wasn't a reactionary fascist back then, it's that you weren't paying attention to him back then. Those of us who were kind of noticed he was a far right, poor-hating weirdo who -
It wasn't prominent. 2018 was the peak of progressive craziness. I remember. Normal people were being called Nazis for thinking the economy was good. Progressives en masse were unhinged. And Democrats, per usual, were too afraid to call them out. People weren't focused on Elon, in other words. So...
Toy doesn't know either, but liberals (Democrats and Republicans alike) have a remarkable ability to substitute actual events with whatever makes their current beliefs justified. It's weird.
You expect people who are not terminally online to focus on Musk when people are shrieking at them for... I dunno, not understanding the nuances in gender constructs? Most people, even though social media is prominent in their lives, were on Facebook getting banned for using the word, "bitch" 😂😂😂
My point is... In 2018 Musk wasn't seen as a Nazi by anybody except the people who overused the term for everybody they disagreed with. Republicans weren't fully MAGA yet. Conspiracy theorists were still fringe but growing on the right. 2020 was covid. So, 2022 to 2023 were more prominent w/Musk BS
My coworker got her Tesla sedan back when the school district gave discounts on them. She didn't know until last week that people are protesting at the dealerships. She's not on social media and takes care of children and aging parents, and the news wasn't reporting much yet- she found out from me.
Okay, but that's just, like Toy said, not paying attention to Musk and having more important things in the immediate that keep you from doing so. This dude is making up imaginary stories about evil leftists labeling people Nazis for thinking the economy was good 7 years ago.
Actually I think a lot of people pre-ordered sight unseen a few years ago ... 2019 maybe? Correct me if I am wrong. Don't worry: still hate Musk and this butt ugly truck
Ketamine is a dissociative anesthesia that detaches oneself from the ability to feel pain or environment. Not surprising that Empathy is not a trait in his emotional toolbox
None of my friends have the guts to tell me I've bought a really ugly car. They're hoping if I'm stupid enough to buy this some of my money might also rub off on them.
Also I feel like the term wanker is much more popular in Europe. Over here I would guess most people have heard it but it doesn’t have the same connotations.
I loved my neighbor and found out it was me is not a hard concept to grasp. Yet for Elon, no matter how much success and wealth has been bestowed upon him, he chooses hate as if that’s the one missing element from his life. And for him, it’s a deep hole in their heart that can never be filled.
The motherfucker called the guy who saved those trapped kids in Thailand "a pedo" in 2018. 7 years ago! We have known who he is for 7 years! The model 3 had only been out for a year. Which means practically everyone who has one bought it after they should have known better.
The moment for me was actually a year earlier when he posted some fanart of a character from the game Nier: Automata, having cropped the artist's logo out of the image first
And then getting *really* pissy when people called him out on it
Didn't mean he was crazy, but it did mean he was an asshole
When likes were public Elon would literally like a meme tweet then repost the image (not retweet, repost the image) with the watermark cropped out. Instead of you know, retweeting directly
And he got called out for it of course. Guess when likes became private?
Don’t forget when the richest man in the world promised to source more ventilators during the early days of Covid and sent cpap machines. Always a con and cheap ass bitch.
We bought ours in 2012 (thx to incentives for elcars making them 1/2 price here). The first ones came with free supercharging so essentially we keep draining him of revenue every time we go on a trip 😈
But will be our last Tesla for sure. Most CEOs are complete assholes but he is pure evil.
Yeah, that's back when basically nobody had any idea who he was. Just a rich guy who bought a bunch of shares in an electric car startup. The deniability is, at least, plausible. Not so much after 2018.
Oh, yeah, if you're paying close attention, you'd have known he was a real piece of shit long before that. But it was that incident that really put media focus on what a garbage person he is for the general public.
Musk hasn't suddenly gone "crazy". This guy has been a predator for 20 years, advocating a society where big capital can plunder resources and exploit without limit (in 2020, he declared that 🇺🇸 should organise coups d'état wherever necessary to obtain resources).
Most people started noticing Muskrat’s insanity after the Cyber Truck went on sale. A few of us were paying attention and sounding the alarm years prior.
Cyber trucks don't count. I make it a policy now to stop and sieg heil every cyber truck that drives by, but I give the other models the benefit of the doubt.
And still that rolling pile of feces
That is a dangerous prototype
Conceived by a moron...
Would still be an idiotmobile.
They knew who they were handing their money to.
Enough with the we go high bullshit.
Those folks are not the ones driving the tanks.
Got it.
The far right has taken full advantage of our desire to be better people to distract and redirect us out of their way so that we wouldn't resist them
He is a literal defense contractor.
Or is it rocket rides?
First Warning Cyber Truck Was Shit —When Elon Presented Cyber Truck To Public—Elon Demonstrating Cyber Truck Windows Were Unbreakable -Broke The Window!
He just had the tact not to openly display his craziness before acquiring Twitter. I remember back when people thought he was the “quirky billionaire inventor” and compared him to Tony Stark/Ironman.
Boy were we wrong. 😅
And quite a few of cybertrucks were "early access" preorder.
If you wanna call this "tact"...
Legit most people did not know or care until the election, let alone when he bought twitter
You do have a point though. People still don’t wanna believe how far our “elite” have jumped the rails straight into Nazi-town despite all the evidence staring them in the face.
Why else would Bezos, weeks before the election, suddenly gut WaPo reporting? Why else would Zuckerberg gut community standards weeks before the election?
Answer: naught.
But I’m definitely more aware of it than I was in the past and I’m getting better and spotting bullshit when I see it.
So please don't take ignorance as an insult – take it as a challenge to be better. Even the most informed are ignorant of some things.
Shows that a good PR can make _anyone_ seem like a cool guy.
His Space Rockets blow up an crash frequently when NASA had a record of 2 incidents, both with the space shuttle, of 179 manned flights and 100s more non-manned flights over 65 years.
SpaceX: 2 in the last year, and 11 or 12 in 11 years.
Actually, I don't need them. I can't leave the house because I have to take care of mom 24/7. But there should be stickers that say that.
He's a nazi,
Always have been,
You should have seen."
(Not a native speaker, i hope it's more or less correct. :p)
Red Menace: Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism (Upstream)
Episode webpage:
Media file:
So it should 😡
~signed some wealthy person who drives around smugly telling people who drive gas cars they're bad people
He's clearly been a fraud since the model 3
If anyone disagrees with this assessment, note that I could've been harsher and picked July 15, 2018, when he called that rescue worker "pedo guy".
The people who can afford that rolling shitbox could have afforded to write that $100 off just to not be associated with Elon, if they were decent people.
I won't trust them with the sharp scissors if you know what I mean, but I still welcome them aboard
The Rockefellers were evil but. Like. They weren't completely self-destructive.
The problem is that anyone can buy the bumper sticker, even if they gave Elon money.
People be clownin fr fr
Still: FUuuuuuuCK Tesla
ZERO sympathy for cybertruck owners LOL
In fact, most did. They boasted about having 2M preorders, yet struggled to sell 50k trucks to date.
But then there were the allegations from every woman who’s had one of his children.
Then the attempted erasing of his trans kid
Sounds like you DO wanna be that guy, and probably own a Cyber “truck”
but I certainly didn’t know he was THIS bad
Buying a Cybertruck?! = turbo cringe and you shouldn't be allowed to vote
You're giving the American people wayyy too much credit.
The sheer cognitive dissonance in the population of the people is phenomenally outrageous, and most folks buy cars based on looks and specs without any regard to the company they were made from or the politics.
When it comes to a broad spectrum of cognitively dissonant people, I am pretty sure difficulty isn't in question though lmao 😂
I suppose everything would be difficult if I never applied myself.
I reacted in the moment thinking it was giving people a pass. Sorry ‘bout that!
He's a Nazi.
Muskolini's got a shit ton of pro Elon propaganda going out there.
Funny how such a supposed bro man is so insecure he has to stroke his own ego by doing that. Thin skinned babyman, just like his fluffer Krasnov.'re giving them your money huh? 🥲
There is help available for people in cults.
Nazis don't get my ear, or my hard-earned money.
Look, you can stay in denial all you want, but YOU ARE DEFENDING A NAZI WHO IS INFILTRATING OUR GOVERNMENT.
Wake up buttercup
I hope you are also cool with losing Social Security.
Yeah, we are done here
Please get help
You are supporting a Nazi who is infiltrating our government.
Don't you dare lecture me.
And guess what, he wouldn't piss on any of you if you were on fire.
You can keep your preaching to yourself. Rationalize it all day long if it makes you feel better.
But you don't get to lecture me about morals.
As news reels show Hitler being driven around in one constantly
This car should never ever be on ANY streets what so ever!!!!
he was a nazi then
he was being very clear about it
Once it's paid for you don't hurt Musk's bottom line. VOTE!!!
Though in fairness, these things lack the necessary durability to qualify for the term "panzer".
And then getting *really* pissy when people called him out on it
Didn't mean he was crazy, but it did mean he was an asshole
And he got called out for it of course. Guess when likes became private?
While he was truly always an asshole and transphobic, THIS was when views of him started to shift heavily.
But will be our last Tesla for sure. Most CEOs are complete assholes but he is pure evil.