Eh. It’s okay. It’s really prose with a backing track but it’s fine. If you want a good song about impossible body parts, I recommend You’re On Fire by They Might Be
I played this song on my campus radio show back in the 90s and the women who had the lesbian show after my time slot complained to station management. They said the song was “sexist”.
This is so surprising because both I feel like the lyrics are some of the... least sex oriented music lyrics ever, and also lesbians seem in general ambivalent or pro detachable penises...The 90s were a funny time.
I was there for the genesis. King Missile was playing a prochoice benefit at the Trocadero in Philly, and John pulled a piece of note paper out of his pocket and said, "I just wrote this." Imagine my surprise when it later became a cultural moment.
The one by King Missile? Yeah, you'd likely have to have been born around the right time for that one. Offhand, I think most of my younger coworkers (avg of ten-plus years younger than me) would likely blanch at the name alone.
I read this to my partner and since I have no idea what this is I then ask if they know what this is and … they claim they have the album it is on. So uh. Okay.
The *worst* is when people try to say it was a Primus song. Which, nothing against Primus, but you're missing out on King Missile's other excellent avant-garde music like, Jesus was way cool and The Indians.
Ed was at the end of his rope, an expression he detested, "there is no rope", he would would scream at the laughing walls, "there is only the end. No hope, no rope."
This is totally true, and only a few of you will understand this, but I heard that song for the first time during my very first visit to NYC. I was visiting a friend at NYU who lived on 2nd Ave near St Mark's Place where all those people sell used books and other junk on the street.
We gotta be selective though! For every Dag Nasty, there's a Backstreet Boys, and for every Joan Jett, a *shudder* Debbie Gibson, so I'm still gonna be concerned
There's a time and a place for filk. Late nite during a con in a hotel basement ballroom with pocket doors.
Screamsinging at the top of your lungs while your best friends hang out the windows as you drive aimlessly requires different songs
We had to inform a 29 yr old of that song. We also introduced him to A Lapdance is So Much Better When the Stripper is Crying that same night. He'd never heard anything by Bloodhound Gang either!!!!!
A few years ago our one year old was looking around instead of eating and I sang, "distractable baby" to my wife in the tune of that song. My brother in law was walking by and overheard, did a knowing double-take, and then we all laughed.
I had never heard it before and the first time I did, my girlfriend and I had just gotten in the car, radio came on just before the line "People sometimes tell me I should get it permanently attached, but I don't know--even though sometimes it's a pain in the ass, I like having a detachable penis."
😂😂 Like 4 years ago I got really drunk one holiday trip with the in-laws who happen to be musicians. Turns out they had never heard of the song. So of course they wrote/ad-libbed their own version on the spot. It was amazing and hilarious. 😂
we used to have a cool radio station that played stuff like this late at night on fridays, still trying to find a lot of the songs from that, I remembered this one for sure.
I gave my kids a double bill of those two songs. Great intro to the concept that parents were chaos as some point before kids.
Next to the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate History
Another Irish Drinking Song
I've no More Fucks to Give
Thinkin' With your D
The Dumb Song
( Earworms for a 2y.o. were in in our house that year. )
And now it’s back.
"It's your duty as an oppressed worker to steal from your exploiters."
-signed, the Jews
- signed, a Jew you don't speak for, thanks
(Yeah, I don't have any problem with the song. I was riffing off the title)
Because it was so boring and stupid
(lol, this has been a fun journey into songs I have sadly neglected for a while)
(Warning, it did involve the 16yo eventually using the word "dildo" which made for perfect dinner conversation.... 😱😂)
“And a worm ate into his brain…”
*YMMV, not responsible for damages, etc etc
Screamsinging at the top of your lungs while your best friends hang out the windows as you drive aimlessly requires different songs
Long as I got my detachable penis
Uncle Joe
I love making people listen to it and watching their reaction
I'm making this comment at work, they are basically paying me to be on BlueSky saying this.
It’s actually comical what I do and don’t know about
Can't imagine why.