If I wanted to see a disinterested liberal lob softballs at an decrepit fascist collaborator, I'd...well I don't want to see that. No one wants to see that, Chris.
Tbf Chris pushed back on his logic. Softball was more like the morning joe interview. When republican host tell you that you did the right thing a democrat should rethink thier position
Holy shit I can’t even finish watching this interview. Chuck Schumer is so out of touch.Wow. Take your money and go home, Chuck. You are not the right man for this time.
Face meet leopard.
If Schumer thinks we’ll make it to November 2026 he’s not reading the room. If the 🤡 poll numbers drop to 30 he’ll keep doing what he’s doing so that the next generation of magats will be able to take over.
He's failed. We have the most lawless, vile president in history, whose own approval is nothing to write home about, and Schumer is...somehow doing worse than him. Not only NOT making headway, but going in the wrong direction.
In a parliamentary system, he's out. Control the ego! Look in the mirror
Keep it up Chris…there’s lots of viewing options. Put Schumer on again and you’ll be like Morning Joe. Just saying. We don’t need to hear from traitors.
Same. I just cannot watch him right now. There is nothing that man who should not have been elected Minority Leader can say to convince me he made the right decision. Nothing. I'm done watching him. I'm done listening to him and if he remains the Leader....
I don't think he's lost, I think he's being purposely obtuse. I think Donald Trump has something on Schumer, and Schumer flipped in the 24 hours preceding the vote.
You give Chuck Schumer way too much credit by saying he doesn't understand. He goddamn well understands.
Chris trying like hell to buy the man a desperately needed vowel, like "Chuck, snap out of it, you are about to be swallowed up by a torch-bearing mob of your own enraged constituents, save yourself, man!" and he just wants no part of it.
'The people will have to rise up' ... 'and we'll have join them' WTF That's not leading.
The house is on fire now, ffs!
I feel insulted by that, whatever the hell it was. We are so fucked.
He’s not wrong. It’s going to take all of us doing a general strike and grinding the gears to a halt. There’s not much the democrats in congress can do.
Absolutely, sista. 💯 We are fighting as hard as we can, every single day, because we HAVE to. It would be nice to have their help. It's tough, always being the backbone...
This is what I was struck by. A leader is in front not behind. Even in a democracy, the leader is in front. If he suddenly finds no one behind him, sure change tact. But this is f*ing cravenly.
/snort/ Since it’s obvious that he won’t fight for us, I guess he’s looking for convenient martyrs to pontificate about on the Senate floor, after the fact. Douchebag.
The people will rise. And when they do, Schumer will be seen as a Collaborator and villain.
The voters told him what they wanted him to do with the budget vote, the house did what they could, and the Senate f*cked everyone over because they “knew better”. Well the chickens are on their way home now chuckles
After the Address to Congress Democratic response, this is what I said: THEY will not do it, they are way too comfortable in their safe little spaces. Because her "response" was the same, pushing it on to us.
So we need to read between the lines: WE are on our own.
If we're at the point where people are rising up like that Chuck is going to be at the front of the line for the chippity choppity, a smart man would not actually want that scenario.
Denial is a powerful delusion. He needs to move aside (by force) to salvage our democracy before it’s too late. He is not equipped. This interview is clear about that! Ty CH.
His argument that we aren’t in a constitutional crisis until Trump disobey’s SCOTUS is beyond insane. SCOTUS sees like 1% of all national lawsuits. So Schumer is ok with Trump ignoring any other court that rules against him? What an absurd thing to say.
Exactly...no need to even get to the supreme court if you just decide to ignore all the lower courts. Can a plaintiff appeal up when they win but the defense refuses to comply?
Someone please inform Senator Schumer that what we expect is for the president to adhere to court orders from lower courts unless and until they are reversed by a higher court.
If the president doesn't do that then we are in a constitutional crisis.
It's a win-win for the republicans either way. Elon would have loved to keep everything closed except what he, and he alone, deemed necessary to reopen for 6 months. A starving electorate cannot fight back. Medicare, Social Security, etc., would be closed indefinitely & most people have no savings.
What I wish someone would ask him- you’re saying you’re absolutely not willing to risk a shut down, and they don’t care and maybe even want a shut down. So what happens next time they bring a CR and they put in it something like, idk, a national abortion ban? Where do you draw the line?
Dude is literally the guy on the road course that hasn't seen the lead car in so long he's forgotten what position he is in, and the lead car is coming right up behind him to punt him off the track.
Schumer wasn’t even listening - he was just waiting to talk. There is so much wrong with everything he said. He is clueless but thinks he is the smartest person in the room. His arrogance, ignorance and ineptitude borders on complicity at this point.
Thanks @schumer.senate.gov for preventing a government shutdown. The Courts are winning against Trump.
"Federal courts could operate for several weeks without congressional funding, relying on fees and other funds, but eventually would have to scale back activity."
If you’re serious about replacing Chuck Schumer as Minority Leader, make your voice heard. Contact the DNC every single day and tell them: Not a dime in donations until real leadership takes the reins. We are going to have to force accountability!
You’re right that the Senate Democratic Caucus elects the Minority Leader, but the DNC still plays a major role in shaping the party’s direction and funding candidates. Pressuring them sends a clear message that grassroots donors demand better leadership.
Schumer states definitively: he doesn't think Trump has damaged democracy enough yet to do anything to stop him. Elon, the unelected, ignorant immigrant with unlimited powers bestowed by Trump's dementia is OK to continue his rampage. Meanwhile, Chuck meets with the Judiciary Committee.
Schumer has been TOTALLY exposed. Never cared about New York, the Democratic Party, or the Good Old USA. His only allegiance is to AIPAC and Wall Street $$$$$$$$$$$$. Somebody tell him to take that American Flag off his lapel. This Military Vet finds it insulting.
Ok so the Republicans shut down the government
, you go on every show and tell them you want a clean CR. Then Republicans cut snap, Medicaid. Then you go on tv and talk about it. Politics isn't hard it just takes guts
Well at least his back is up against the wall and he's forced to at length to talk about what his is thinking. That gives us the clearest picture that he's failing to lead and message. He was alway back up to pelosi running the show (not that she shouldn't go now too)
“Will be at stake”? Come on now….The house is on fire. I am not an alarmist but really? They are outright defying court orders. Time to change tactics here. We are about to lose our country.
my god, the mask has come off for shumer...
basically what hes saying is, pfff i dont care what happens! not my problem! if people protest, ill take advantage of that and oppose republicans.
but right now republicans offer me a lot, the people give me nothing, what do you think who ill vote for?
Seriously, @schumer.senate.gov. You are failing miserably to live up to this moment and you're hemorrhaging support from voters like me. We desperately need to see you lead. And don't seem capable of it. I beg of you: step down as minority leader so someone who can will lead us. Time is running out.
Honestly I hope that he keeps doing interviews so that more people wake up and see that he's genuinely not going to help us here and hopefully be pushed out of leadership
What stuns me most about Schumer is that he’s a Jewish man who seems oblivious to the obvious parallels to Nazi Germany happening right in front of him and he STILL gave Trump and Musk more power.
Chuck Schumer is a Zionist. He is oblivious to the parallels between what is happening in Ghaza and the ethnic cleansing of the Nazis, so why should he be able to detect the parallels the USA? This man is not a liberal. He is a useful idiot for a regime already stuffed with idiots.
I can’t decide if he’s old, compromised, out of touch, deluded, or actually believes this shit about when Trump destroys the country and ends democracy people will be pissed enough to finally vote for us in the election that takes place in my head (pick me!!!!). Either way, resign.
So he’s waiting for (checks notes) ‘the people to rise up’ … and then he/they will follow? …. because the spending bill is different from the ongoing daily assault on our democracy?!? 😳🔫
I’m not a constitutional lawyer. I read widely in those who are. They agree that it is not constitutional to ignore court orders at any level. Even Roberts has said publicly that the only constitutional response to disagreeing with a court order is a judicial appeal.
Thanks for responding.
I too have been an avid consumer of things legal/constitutional for years. Looking forward to hearing more from the pros on whether the bar (pun intended ;) on a constitutional crisis is set at ignoring/disobeying court orders at any level, or it's set at SCOTUS level.
We aren't there yet. Imo when his supporters are ready to join Dems we will have a better chance together. Till then we resist and trust the courts don't let him screw things up to bad. Don't forget his supporters never supported Joe and they had to live with it for 4 years.
pretty sure there are more reps in their offices looking out to us, the people, to do something, while we look to them, our elected representatives, to govern and fight. as if it’s entirely out of their hands now. they’re hiding, peeking out windows and hoping we do something so THEY WONT HAVE TO.
The American people ARE involved. Calls, blackouts, calls, boycotts, letter writing, postcards, protests, FIOS requests and did I mention calls?! Obviously the calls from the people to Chuck made no difference at all to him! He’s as useless as a screen door on a nuclear submarine!!
I am glad Schumer did this interview because it helped cement how out-of-touch he is with the crisis that has engulfed our nation. He actually is following Carville’s advice TO DO NOTHING. Please Dems, replace him before our goose is cooked!
@schumer.senate.gov : gop never stuck its head in sand to ‘wait & see’ if the end of democracy could be attained. they got out ahead of their preferred outcome @ made moves to kill it
… while dems ‘waited to see’ if there would be a ‘convenient’ time to mount a counteroffensive.
It might just be that he is deeply uninformed. Shocking to realize, but he probably has dozens of information buffers around him in the form of aids who write briefings. He's not reading the Bluesky discovery torrent of daily democratic indignities. He's likely weeks behind the rest of us.
Too generous. It is more like that Schumer has no problems with what is going on because it is all been building for decades. A coward wouldn’t be a leader, the most likely answer is he is complicit. The constituents he cares about wants him to stand down and he’s doing as they tell him.
it's clear he doesn't really believe he has any agency in the situation, "the people will rebel if he defies the court" is for normal folks, not the senate minority leader, even in the rest of this he's saying the courts etc etc, no, what are YOU going to do with your official and unofficial powers
When he expects people to rise up, wtf does he mean precisely???
If a court can’t compel him w jail/fine wtf are 100,000 protestors (presumably peaceful bc Dems wouldn’t suggest otherwise) going to force him to do?!? Grow a fucking conscience and resign??
Schumer is still thinking it’s the “old boys network” and that they will “come around.” After all, he says, they talk to him in the gym when he’s on the treadmill.
This is someone living in the past waiting for Godot.
When you’re panting and gasping, cheek by jowl with a sweaty, glistening Republican, only then can you truly know what’s there deep, so deep in his heart. Take it from me.
The Constitutional Crisis keeps moving - first it was if they circumvent Congress - they did. Then, if they ignore the courts - they did. Now it’s if they ignore the “supreme court”. A Nazi super fan, Harlan Crow, bought 2 justices and it’s very likely they will throw out the constitution.
Chuck didn’t want to stand up to the Nazis in the senate, he wants you and me to do it once the corrupt SCOTUS officially hands them our country and the military is involved. Coward! History will name you one of the biggest cowards of all time.
Ignoring the lower court means the matter never reaches the Supreme Court (nobody is going to appeal the ruling). Is Schumer too dumb to understand this?
The entire Senate is a bizarre bubble of insular patrician privilege with no sense of the zeitgeist, but this level of self-absorbed, calcified detachment from reality is gobsmacking. Remove Schumer, meet the moment of crisis, or just shut up and brick yourselves off in the chamber for good.
Schumer says a lot of nothing and makes no sense to basically say that he ain’t doing shit because nothing has happened yet. Ok, old man, time to step aside.
This is bad. Folks demanded PRESIDENT Biden step down from his candidacy for the good of the party, Schumer, though he’s had a history of being on the right side, is not up to this moment. Unreal.
We’re witnessing another coup attempt, it is the second by the sitting president — and now includes Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, (br)oligarchs and tech bros.
The GOP House and Senate have surrendered.
Conflict of interest, corruption, censorship, unconstitutional lawlessness are all out in the open.
NO donations from me, to ANY Democrat, until you make changes from the top down.
Who’s brave enough to have a talk with Chuck & Hakeem about the Burning Inferno that is our Democracy?
Anyone, anyone?
You know, like last summer, when Chuck went to Delaware to twist the arm of the man who beat tRUmp?
Are we supposed to hope the Republicans will stop Trump? The same people who have NEVER said no to Trump, even after he sent a mob to attack them and hang our Republican vice president?
He wants to use 2017 tactics?
They are playing the hunger games and he thinks it’s pickle ball!
This, right here. He has worked in the system too long, and is overly trusting of its power. It is literally unimaginable to him that it will fail. I scoffed at his "we've had the rule of law since the Magna Carta" as if we've had it continually and universally since then.
Hey now - he remembers seeing the first rough draft so I think he knows what he's talking about.
OK hyperbolic joke about age has been done to death by now. For real, the fact that these old men are trying to define a world that has changed drastically in the last 40 years is what is terrifying
Frankly, I believe that high office should not be given to someone over the pension age.
Before anyone says that is ageist, well in the US, you can't be president until 35. If there is such a think as "too young" for a job, then "too old" must be on the table.
I'm not saying that at 70, or whatever the pension the is. these people should retire, I just believe that at a certain point, the majority of people, elected politicians included, lose touch with a general consensus. Sure there are always people who break that rule, but comparatively speaking
thats a very tiny minority - and there are many areas better suited to their base. Plenty of advisory roles for people with decades of experience, which also opens up younger generations to look, with fresh(er) eyes and find ways to utilise that information but through a more contemporary viewpoint.
We elected our representatives to lead and to fight for their constituents. Waiting for the people to fight, and following them, is not leading. It's not what we elected them to do. Have some backbone, Chuck, and fight.
Schumer is for his $ & comforts. The way he planned a monetized book tour after the vote, after his “I’m a hero” speech, “for not shutting down the government”. Ignored constituents. He’s a Trump operative. He’s met w/ silicone valley. If it quacks like a 🦆, walks like a 🦆, then it probably is a 🦆
Schumer HAS to be a Trump operative. He is BSing to the max, & really oblivious to the current constitutional crisis, where Americans of all backgrounds are rising up & attending these protests and town halls. We are DONE with how this administration is crippling & breaking the nation. Sick & don
"OH lawd, if the dam breaks, our town will be washed away! It would be a travesty! Endless death and destruction. But we're not there yet, so nothing to be done."
Suchhhh a weak-ass statement. He’s basically proposing we kick the can down the road even more until things reach the inevitable breaking point. And once they do, let Chuck know where the protest is so he can drop by.
Our democracy is ALREADY severely at stake and having Schumer refuse to step down as "leader" makes things even worse. We need someone who is actually a leader and will stand up to fight for us/our country to replace him as soon as possible or we are totally screwed.
By the time it reaches SCOTUS, our democracy would DEAD! Vote @schumer.senate.gov OUT! He is definitely NOT the leader for such a grave time in our democracy. He’s so inept, INCAPABLE OF READING THE TIMES (and I’m not talking about The NY Times here)! We need a leader who FIGHTS!
Those Susan Collins forehead wrinkes are menacing as hell coming from a guy with readers sitting half-way down his nose. Will somebody please snatch them away from him and stomp them? Would love to see him whimper and whine.
Dumb as hell. They can just ignore district and appellate court orders pending appeal to SCOTUS, then his court will side with him, and Schumer will continue to stand by and say it’s not bad enough yet. SCOTUS isn’t going to give him anything to disobey, you fucking idiot.
To all those like @schumer.senate.gov saying the Felon hasn't crossed the line yet, he started this term with an EO to remove an Amendment to the Constitution and by pardoning 1500 rioters who attacked the US Capital hunting for the VP and members of Congress who were certifying election results
Was Schumer just on Hayes’ show last Friday? So is this part of a help-me-rehabilitate-my-reputation tour in place of his cancelled can’t-stand-the-heat book tour? Whatever it is, it’s not working. He wants to be a leader but doesn’t realize he can’t be a leader if he can’t or won’t lead.
There's actually a name for this. Google "The Full Ginsburg".
He was on Chris Hayes, CBS, The View, etc... the premise being you primarily had to talk about his BOOK. It's about antisemitism. He's AGAINST it!🤮Jen Psaki had pointed out Schumer's m.o. for years was big p.r. events over tiny issues.
So he thinks "we're not there yet." Okay, fine, he seems to have a pretty clear line of what "there" means. The follow up question should be "are you preparing for that situation NOW?" Because we're about to be there, and the Dems can't be caught flatfooted again.
Chuck said he's meeting with the Judiciary Committee. I guess to maybe at some future date perhaps form a subcommittee to potentially study the issue of Trump's possible treason and what might conceivably be done to stop it, should it ever come to that.
If the Democrats want to fundraise on these people they are SOL. I’m not supporting these old entrenched rich Democrat fucks anymore. Primary them & I will support younger, savvy, brave, uncivil Democrats.
hey chris go fuck yourself for letting this little Kapo fuck defend rounding up random people to send to foreign work camps because he only violated a lower court to do so.
I knew he was pathetic, but at this point he isn’t showing up on stage to the barricades while “Do You Hear The People Sing?” is playing, he’s saying he’ll show up when Les Mis is done and the janitors finished cleaning.
Federal workers depended upon food banks back then. Trump Admin. recently cut funding to food banks in NC. Food banks may not be able to serve their communities anymore.
2019: “Federal workers line up for free meals, visit food banks as shutdown hits Day 28”
He is visibly straining every mental sinew to avoid reality. The loop de loop logic is astonishing. Would you wait and passively watch until your house burns down with your kids inside before you call the fire department?!
So what he's actually saying is, "It's the job of the people, not their elected officials, to fight for democracy." Got it. I'm sure he's super busy sitting on his ass while we lose our rights.
The definition of "unable to meet the moment". He is way out of his depth and completely out of touch as to what is actually happening. This little damage control tour of his is having the opposite effect. This is legitimately alarming.
@schumer.senate.gov really has no fight in him at all. He needs the court of public opinion to turn AND republicans to join in before he’ll try and defend democracy? Is he fucking tone deaf or stupid. Please @kaine.senate.gov @markwarner.bsky.social I’m a constituent, call for a new senate leader.
"And then we'll be there with them" was telling, I thought. Wait, what? You'll sit back and do nothing until Trump disregards the SC, and the people rise up, and THEN you'll join in? What are you paid to do now, smirk at Republicans as you share the Congressional gym?
Wait. You don’t understand. Schumer is beholden to his his sweaty GOP gym bros. These are his people. They’ve have worked it all out on stationary bikes.
@schumer.senate.gov is on a book tour
With regards to the CR, he basically said that he had to pass it or people would be protesting in the streets- then basically said that we need to protest in the streets!
That was the only tip he had since we will have the same situation in September
After all that has transpired in the last few weeks, I was shocked at Schumer's excuse for not fighting back. The Luftwaffe are over London, but let's not use the antiaircraft until they actually release the bombs?!
If??? What is Schumer doing all day? Sitting in a closet watching reruns of Gilligan's Island? There is no if! Our democracy is cracking right now & we are rising up, and we need strong, loud leaders to back us up!
He swore an oath. All enemies. Foreign. And. Domestic.
He is a pathetic excuse for a “leader” and, if this is how the majority of Senate Ds view their role in the current constitutional crisis, is it any wonder why we are here?
He doesn’t see the Republicans as his enemies. They’re long time colleagues, they work out together at the gym and chat. He’s more likely to see constituents who are annoying him by asking him to lift a finger as more of enemies.
Chris, this is your second interview I have watched with Schumer. You did not disappoint. Pushing back is essential and you have brought it. You are the right reporter for the moment we are finding ourselves in. Thank you!
I enjoyed the interview but have one question. Who dictated the length? The A block interview could have lasted the entire hour and not been long enough.
He'd rather push it on to "the voters" to "stand up" rather than use the standard legal tools of his office.
He doesn't even know what time it is.
If Schumer thinks we’ll make it to November 2026 he’s not reading the room. If the 🤡 poll numbers drop to 30 he’ll keep doing what he’s doing so that the next generation of magats will be able to take over.
In a parliamentary system, he's out. Control the ego! Look in the mirror
That alone makes him completely unfit for this role.
#ResignNow you fucking fool.
You absolutely held his feet to the fire by asking tough questions, including, “Really?”
Please consider conducting a seminar for all those in the media conducting interviews. We need more of them asking tough questions.
You give Chuck Schumer way too much credit by saying he doesn't understand. He goddamn well understands.
The house is on fire now, ffs!
I feel insulted by that, whatever the hell it was. We are so fucked.
If he truly believed what he's saying he would be rallying people across the country, certainly not going on a book tour!!!
He won't do anything until we get way out in front of him.
It's unfair to ask him, as a titular "leader," to lead without us showing him it's safe to do so first.
The people will rise. And when they do, Schumer will be seen as a Collaborator and villain.
So we need to read between the lines: WE are on our own.
If the president doesn't do that then we are in a constitutional crisis.
“noone wants to fight more than me, and noone fights more than me”, he insisted… “so i wanna fight, and we are fighting…”
and i’m thinking: he sounds just like a character in one of those mickey rooney movies from back in the olden days…
It’s #PunchNazis and #ResistFascism time!
MARCH 22, 2024
"FACT SHEET: House Republicans Endorse a National Abortion Ban with Zero Exceptions in Latest Budget"
Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled...
For the times they are a-changin.
Codifying what Schumer himself says he fears would happen is hardly a way to prevent the horrible thing from happening.
It's time to chuck Chuck.
You've already lost Schumer you just don't know it
"Federal courts could operate for several weeks without congressional funding, relying on fees and other funds, but eventually would have to scale back activity."
We are a Nation/democracy at Risk 🚨
, you go on every show and tell them you want a clean CR. Then Republicans cut snap, Medicaid. Then you go on tv and talk about it. Politics isn't hard it just takes guts
Thread: https://bsky.app/profile/idiokratie.bsky.social/post/3lhyacyz3du2b
basically what hes saying is, pfff i dont care what happens! not my problem! if people protest, ill take advantage of that and oppose republicans.
but right now republicans offer me a lot, the people give me nothing, what do you think who ill vote for?
There are any number of individuals infinitely more capable of leading because they already are.
The 4 you listed are excellent examples of speaking up.
Stop interviewing Schumer. He is either complicit or useless.
@padilla.senate.gov @schiff.senate.gov
This is unacceptable. He is not a leader. @schumer.senate.gov is barely a representative.
That's the thing.
Had any training in Constitutional law?
I'm always looking to learn.
I too have been an avid consumer of things legal/constitutional for years. Looking forward to hearing more from the pros on whether the bar (pun intended ;) on a constitutional crisis is set at ignoring/disobeying court orders at any level, or it's set at SCOTUS level.
He’s ignoring the courts, Congress, and the Constitution to do horrific things, but we just can’t act until he does one very specific thing.
Now, more importantly, about my new book coming out…”
Can we PLEASE be done with this chucklefuck of a "leader". Enough is enough.
… while dems ‘waited to see’ if there would be a ‘convenient’ time to mount a counteroffensive.
see the conundrum?
read the room chuck.
were there.
His office gets calls and he had to cancel his speaking tour because he knew people were going to show up.
They know.
They get calls.
They see reports.
If a court can’t compel him w jail/fine wtf are 100,000 protestors (presumably peaceful bc Dems wouldn’t suggest otherwise) going to force him to do?!? Grow a fucking conscience and resign??
Game this out for us, Chuck. Moron.
This is someone living in the past waiting for Godot.
Fixed it.
chuck needs to go to a nice farm upstate
You should have asked Chuck if he has talked to Trump at all in the last 4 weeks.
Call Kirsten and tell her he must step down. I have never forgiven her for forcing Al Franken out of his seat.
He is going just sit on multi-millionaire ass and just wait.
Just wait until it's a full-on dictatorship then he might do something.
This idiot has got to be removed.
The GOP House and Senate have surrendered.
Conflict of interest, corruption, censorship, unconstitutional lawlessness are all out in the open.
We are in upside down world
Old ideas about voters and media and parties and rule of law have entirely failed
Time for new ideas that can compete in a new world
Your democracy is not at stake. It's steak, on Putin's plate.
A paid Russian asset would have to portray a plausible opposition figure. This doesn't meet that standard.
Who’s brave enough to have a talk with Chuck & Hakeem about the Burning Inferno that is our Democracy?
Anyone, anyone?
You know, like last summer, when Chuck went to Delaware to twist the arm of the man who beat tRUmp?
He wants to use 2017 tactics?
They are playing the hunger games and he thinks it’s pickle ball!
The orange fascist fuck is threatening judges and ignoring orders. After pardoning cop killers and traitors.
Get this pussy out of there.
It's like me, I'll be late for work if I don't get off Bluesky to get dressed soon - but I'm not late *yet*
(Spoiler warning: I probably am, and if I'm not it's a 100% guarantee I will be by the time I hit a trigger that does get me to shift action patterns)
OK hyperbolic joke about age has been done to death by now. For real, the fact that these old men are trying to define a world that has changed drastically in the last 40 years is what is terrifying
Frankly, I believe that high office should not be given to someone over the pension age.
Before anyone says that is ageist, well in the US, you can't be president until 35. If there is such a think as "too young" for a job, then "too old" must be on the table.
in 2017, they didnt have a well divised plan like 2025. In 2017 guardrails were found in Congress, the Senate & even his own cabinet.
This is not the same Admin. They are moving swiftly because they learn. Something you are uncapable of.
boy howdy, that’ll show ‘em…
or possibly sometime later, depending on polling and book tour dates.
We already know the answer.
Time for leadership who will actually stand up to fascism, not socialize with the enemies of our Constitution.
I’m sorry but what the hell Chuck, why didn’t you fight when you had the chance? You through leverage out the window.
He's not going to the streets.
Yes, this is war, and anyone bitching about that framing can STFU. They are waging war on the rest of us and you don't get to choose whether they are.
Until he steps down from leadership, everyone should be making very clear that we're not listening to ANY of the Senate Dems.
They can all fuck themselves right off the edge of the universe.
I mean, he always follows the boss' orders; he doesn't want to lose his high-paying TV job! MSNBC is just another fascist propaganda outlet.
However, the pearl clutching will be epic.
Del Boca Vista! ... PHASE 2 !! ...you waste product!
Book 📖 tour first please. 🙏🏼
He was on Chris Hayes, CBS, The View, etc... the premise being you primarily had to talk about his BOOK. It's about antisemitism. He's AGAINST it!🤮Jen Psaki had pointed out Schumer's m.o. for years was big p.r. events over tiny issues.
WTF, Chuck?
By us all standing in the streets with lighters and singing, while we’re tear gassed in the face?
Talk to the governors, sir, about mobilizing the National Guard
"The weekly compensation costs for workers at agencies that were without an appropriation totaled roughly $1.8 billion…”
2019: “Federal workers line up for free meals, visit food banks as shutdown hits Day 28”
Hope this clears things up
Get this fucking clown out of here.
Weak ass fighting words. We are cooked with this leadership.
With regards to the CR, he basically said that he had to pass it or people would be protesting in the streets- then basically said that we need to protest in the streets!
That was the only tip he had since we will have the same situation in September
What does he mean? Is something going to tell us when this happens? And we're supposed to do what - go outside & scream?
It was nice that he threw in the pols would come too...awesome
He is a pathetic excuse for a “leader” and, if this is how the majority of Senate Ds view their role in the current constitutional crisis, is it any wonder why we are here?