Americans (myself included) tend to laugh off the Trump noises about annexing Canada as obvious nonsense, but the rest of the world is taking the threat seriously.
Our media should reflect that reality and hold him accountable for the serious damage he’s causing.
Our media should reflect that reality and hold him accountable for the serious damage he’s causing.
Reposted from
Terri (a petulant and spiteful Canadian)
You can watch Christiane Amanpour realize in real time on CNN just how seriously Canadians are taking the annexation threats.
That was the entire point of the post.
Great work, thank you. You're helping.
time to write my angry response based on what i imagine the rest of the post says
I've already sent Kevin three increasingly-angry DMs demanding to know why he just posted the letter "A".
PS: as you know, the rest of the world is not laughing
We’ve just moved from disappointed & sad to angry & getting prepared
The more that folks like you and the media can show that this isn’t a joke, the better
Glad to see all the court cases down there and some demonstrations but yeah, Canadians are not debating about literally vs. "3-D chess" these days.
Honestly, most of us don’t know what to do. We don’t have leaders. Our elected Dems seem as lost as we feel.
I am writing letters, emailing, phoning, and I keep driving by my TESLA dealership looking for protests (I don't feel safe doing it by myself).
I am worried that if they pass this budget, we’re just done. We’ll be thrown into basic survival mode.
There is also foreign press, BBC and CBC have had some coverage.
I know there are people contacting politicians as they are starting to avoid public meetings and requesting no phone calls etc.
If we are unhinged over jokes about annexing us well, you would be too if you were in our shoes.
We did not ask for this. We just want to live in peace.
I will say the difference is that we did not vote for this - it was not our election. (I know many of you did not vote either)
I don't think any of us expected the US to start a trade war w us in order to annex us. We did not expect our best friend to become our enemy overnight.
I wish I had more and better advice as I want to see you fight him and win. I wish you all the best in your fight & know that many of us want you to succeed.
Always surprising what posts will generate a new set of accounts to block, but here we are.
Muting is fun though. You can mentally picture them writing an expletive loaded abusive response. And sit back knowing you will never read it.
INTERNET RANDO: hOw CaN yOu NoT sEe ThAt TrUmP iS sEriOuS?
Our media should reflect that reality and hold him accountable for the serious damage he’s causing."
On this subject, American should
we are taking that fat orange fuck EXTREMELY SERIOUSLY because he said what he fucking said & we're not stupid, mmm'kay?
me: oh
They have no value to you or your feed. I'm not even sure they're real people if they're going this far.
you clowns have let that fuck run amok & he IS destroying your fucking country, in case nobody's noticed. you're russia's ally, now. HELLO!?
&, yeah... evidently a metric shitton of you americans STILL don't fucking get it. amazing.
For many, its been near non stop.
Yes, we occasionally need humor if only to keep ourselves sane and still fighting
And in advance I am sorry this is not an acrostic or acronym.
Chief case in point:
Us Canadians are watching the destruction and we are scared and angry AF.
Ignored the Mueller Report.
Ignored the J6 report.
I can't list them all, but here they are, blissfully unaware of the autocratic oligarchy that's in charge. He's probably laughing at that sometimes, too. 🙄
We want you to win back your country.
Keep screaming, because it’s the truth!
He wants to be a big man, like Putin. He wants to Putin out on our neighbor and closest friend.
A year ago I could chortle over some "good natured ribbing," but NOW posting or quoting it would be rude AS FUCK.
I was watching the stream and it came up and I was like "oh oh"
No PM has ever given it serious credence before in a public speech.
This "joke" is disgusting, causing fear & anxiety. It's not funny & shouldn't be just shrugged off. We're enraged. Shut him up.
Therefore, the threat is entirely credible.
It's like everyone is not talking about that since there is NO solution at all. Milley has been spectacularly purged.
As for the press, failing to raise alarm about this is one of their two greatest studied failures—the other being their refusal to examine Musk’s overt Nazism and Vance’s Nazi ties.
I find it abhorrent that the media/politicians/folks who should know better treat justification of war against an ally as a joke.
One founder who has a Delaware C-Corp but most of team in Europe told me a European investor said wouldn’t invest now given volatility in U.S. and Trump’s attacking longtime allies. One told me trying to get $$ out of U.S.
Why, exactly, SHOULDN'T we take this seriously?
It's a stupid threat, but it's a legitimate threat.
I don't know what the fuck is wrong with them.
I live in farm country and the farmers, who 90% voted for him, are SCREWED!
Too bad. So sad.
His entire "career" is founded on people doing the "just Trump bring Trump" shuffle--as Amanpour does here...
...which implies that smart people don't believe him.
Trump is a clear and present danger.
Like, on a deeper level, why is this not immediately taken as deathly horrifying predatory talk?
I’m truly curious as to what is going on in the American psyche that such stuff can be blown off so easily
Most Americans still think because of them ‘we don’t speak German’ 🤡
Most likely think that no country is as good.
When that's the baseline, why should anyone fight it?
This is functionally the same.
Canada will go to war like Finland - we will crush you.
Make sure you fill out your DND 2587 form and drop it in the Adj's office.
We don't give ground, we hold our objectives, and we never lose.
1774 - 1778
1812 - 1815
1837 - 1838
1903 (annexed a part of BC)
1920-ww2 (planned invasion)
At first it was felt it was just one of his many many many distractions.
It is NOT.
He is serious.
The party said all Latino immigrants are drug dealers and Black people should not be hired for senior jobs. White people voted and now they are acting on those beliefs.
When the same people say they will make Canada the 51st, you all shrug.
Can you even imagine what it feels like to be a Canadian right now?
It ain't nice.
We've known he was serious the second time he joked about it and Fox discussed it as a possibility. They only discussed the American impact, ignoring us.
I give PMJT so much credit for having the balls to say it to you so directly.
We also know that a subset of Americans haven't been able to see this until recently, even though they've been warned again and again. 🤷♀️
But here’s the more important thing. That rat bastard in the White House is fucking nuts for alienating a longtime friend and ally. And for what, he wants minerals? Fuck that guy.
The fact that Americans are laughing it off has me even more terrified he’s going to do it, because no one capable of stopping him is taking his threats seriously 😩
Legitimately of course, background checks etc.
I have spoken to my son who lives near Ottawa, he has already figured out bug out routes in between panic attacks.
I have never been so fucking angry.
I would have to put down my little terrier because she barks and could
Forewarned is forearmed though.
I am glad military enlistment has increased since the orange antichrist started flapping his gums about the 51st.state.
Dogs can also alert to people sneaking up nearby, too 🤷♂️
And yeah, panic attacks are happening over here as well 😔 I hope you and your family remain safe ❤️
Never in all my 67 years have we ever had to think like this.
It's horrible.
I have always believed in the USA, I have always defended the USA's foreign policy and interventions, as a bastion for freedom and democracy
But it's almost impossible, these days: and it's sad, very sad, trust me
Six months ago I wouldn't have even considered the threat as anything more than fantasy. 2/2
We would use paratroopers to take over the capitol.
It would be done in minutes.
Then, we do the finding out part as the rest of country unleashes holy hell on the USA.
Why do I even have to waste my thoughts on this BS?!?
But it's naïve to dismiss the thought that it couldn't happen.
He is an existential threat to the safety and security of the world no matter where you live. Except maybe Moscow.
If we salvage back the government and actually deal with these goons, maybe we can start rebuilding trust.
Will it be the same? No. But it is worth getting better.
No trust can be possible until that is no longer true.
The chaotic jekyll and Hyde nature of the last 25 years of American Foreign Policy makes it hard to believe that this can be fixed easily.
This isn't a Trump creation.. he is just making it worse, faster.
'trust is gained in drops, but lost in buckets'.
The Biden 4yrs didn't prevent the guy who did so much damage the first time from returning to office.
Can't trust any deals previously made to be kept or info shared to be secure.
We are all just as special.
The United States has elected Donald twice, so we have to assume they're going to elect someone this bad every four to eight years. The United States can no longer be trusted.
Yes. We think of the USA as a hostile regime.
American media is closing their eyes and pretending it’s not happening.
#resist #StandUnited #IsolateUSA #USAPariah
I understand the point of your post. But, do YOU truly understand the we are the Galactic Empire in this movie and Trump is Orange Palpatine?
The rest of the world is the resistance or the separatists.
This is the guy who dropped a goddamn MOAB for shits and giggles.
There are total 4 screenshots.
Worry may be too strong a word, but I’m concerned about unintended consequences
Trump is essentially threatening war, and that shit is never funny.
Trump is pro-Putin and against Canada, Europe, and all of our allies.
But Trump is so obviously the guy who Does Not Get The Joke And Thinks It's Real.
The 1890s called. They want their spheres of influence back.
The last time Americans said this, there was a military invasion and the town I lived in was burned down.
But we in the States *should* stop him first.
How can you Americans not understand ?
This is fuckin serious, things will never be ok again. is right to highlight this (obvs, otherwise he wouldn’t have posted his insight)…Only yesterday I chatted to an old 🇺🇸 buddy who tried to brush it all off as “hot air”…He was also surprised at how well informed us non-americans are on the “gop-crazy”
it’s the suck-up-to-the-liar media wanks that want to gain favor.
they also get it, but want more stale doggie treats tossed at them, hoping for a pat on the head - from the thing that hates dogs.
“Finally, someone understands the rage Canadians have”
It's the same thing.
He's sitting at your goddamn Resolute Desk in the "sacred" Oval Office, saying he wants to invade/annex/take over sovereign nations and territories.
Why do YOU (US) not take him seriously?
Only trial balloons and throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.
He is so depraved he'd do anything if enough people cheer.
40% of the US population couldn't be bothered to vote.
The rest of the world is moving on without the US.
2024 proved that wrong.
Damn right we're taking it seriously, what choice do we have?
I hear no laughter on domestic musing of Trump.
I truly think he wants a war-something to appease Putin AND distract and allow him an illegal 3rd term. How will MAGA feel sending their children off to a trump war?
Someone should show the following to the Chump Regime and ask them "Do y'all really want this smoke?":
Those that have the money control it.
So very sorry for embarrassing, harassing & causing such irreparable harm between us.
Emotions are raw here in a way Americans cannot comprehend.
That is... REALLY f'n weird, tbh.
Even with Iraq-2, they spent lots of time & money manufacturing the consent.
Now? "Consent" isn't even recognized as an issue anymore.
Among other pegs in the economy Trump is taking out is the tourism industry.
Come and see the beauty of our country, witness the strength of our resolve first hand, and then take the message home that there’s no chance in hell the US can win this war.
I am just tired of being nice...
Clearly, they’re smarter than the media and most Americans.
You'll be saying that as Ottawa gets drone-striked,and your corporations buy up my country.
Your country supports this or you'd stop him.
Get off your pampered imperialist asses and risk something for once in your spoiled meaningless lives.
He is gutting us economically first. This *is* the plan. He has been plain spoken about this.
Not trying to be a jerk at all, just genuinely curious cause it sounds like you’re experiencing some dissonance around this (I imagine with more self-awareness than most)
Canadian here, thinking every day about whether to join the reserves…
Why is everything such shit in the US?
He’s going to incinerate our descendants for a real estate deal.
America might be a joke, but it’s not a funny one.
This is, AT BEST, a CATASTROPHIC failure of diplomacy and you're laughing through it.
Do better.
We — sane America — don’t know what to do, not just about Trump but about the officials who are supposed to work to stop him, and seem to be going along with him.
What has caused such chronic learned helplessness and passivity when your much-celebrated foundational narrative is one of going out to the streets to rid yourselves of tyranny? Mystifying.
As a Canadian was getting madder as I scrolled through his posts.
It should be treated as the declaration of war that it is, and Canada would be right to treat the US as an aggressor enemy.
Want some potted meat? We'll feed you.
How do you think your country would react if the this was happening to you?
That the US economy would collapse and they’d invade?
It’s not funny, it’s not a joke, and politicians and media need to call it out immediately.
- an unsolicited threat to use economic pressure to take over a sovereign nation (evil), or
- a joke from the most powerful office in the world that we have to guess is not serious (stupid)
So, fascist or moron are the only choices. Either way, it’s bad.
But there is also a "Super Visa" for stays of up to 5 years that you might qualify for:
Your "media should" a lot of things.
As should your politicians, citizens etc.
Don't be surprised if statements like the above get you these reactions now.
But "you"'ve managed to unlock all 9000 bonus levels of it in mere weeks and it won't be going away in 4 years (lol) even if this regime does...
which would in and of itself be considered a miracle based on the sad spectacle you're offering.
What T2.0 is doing is a disgrace and UnAmerican.
Amanpour was so stunned to be first ??educated by our FINANCE minister as to groundbreaking insult from your president against us your greatest, most loyal, most dedicated ally
Also, you were speaking with the FINANCE minister not the PRIME minister- those are two different people 🇨🇦💪🖕
They’ll claim they were “just joking” if they get pushback, but they never are.
At minimum, they are still doing it to strike fear & uncertainty in you.
Put yourself in our shoes, imagine how betrayed you would feel.
We will never be able to trust the USA again, like the rest of the world.
She said that CBSA would now be on the lookout for “obtuse MidWesterners.”
Canada is beyond pissed off.