is The Cut some kind of special magazine for people whose income to IQ ratio hits infinity? I have only ever heard of this shit in regards to the most extravagantly wasteful horseshit imaginable.
Counterpoint: Her credentials as a financial advice columnist are that she's so good at finance that she can afford to combust $100K and still come out ahead.
that's the inevitable result of the columnist class's selection pressure for finding the most slurry-brained incompetents who'd never find employment anywhere else
On the one hand he has no shame about being a complete dupe, on the other hand he's very proud of his ability to afford falling for multiple six-figure scams.
"More than $50,000" stolen from him "5-7 times"? I mean, you'd *know* if it were 5, 6 or 7 wouldn't you?
"I can't believe it - another sum of more than $50,000 stolen. Now, let me think - is that the 7th time? Oh no hang on, it's the 5th time isn't it. Or maybe..."
Can I be one instead?
Just telling people "no, don't trust people asking for cash in a shoebox" and "the five year old doesn't need a 50 grand party they won't remember in a decade, plus you're setting all future parties up for failure."
See, it's almost hard to be mad when it's this level of absurdity, this woman just failgirled her way to the upper class and is now doing whatever the fuck with nary a thought for the results
All of the people who cannot be trusted with $50,000 have $50,000, and all the responsible people have holes in their teeth cause they can’t afford to fix them.
The way the US enshrines money as virtue is the problem. Wealthy people are all inherently better than poor people, you see. Because they have a lot of money that means they're smart and doing everything right, and poor people are just dumb and doing everything wrong. This is a world view that makes
Baffled by this collection of information, *I* googled it. Top result, this Daily Mail excerpt: "A New York financial advice columnist got scammed out of $50,000 after falling for a scheme that saw her hand the cash over to a stranger in a shoe box". So the scammer... was *in* the shoe box?!
Sorry for your sad experience
If you are looking for a legit way to help recover your lost funds or help track someone who scammed you, then I guess this should be the help you need because it happened to me too. but with this legit customers service care I recover everything
“I’m glad we’re speaking,” said Calvin. “Your personal information is linked to a case that we’ve been working on for a while now, and it’s quite serious.” If I were 'calvin' at that point I'd burst out laughing.
Fun fact: In an article about senior scams, I actually defended her, the logic being that fraud doesn’t prey on stupid so much as it does emotion and ignorance of specific information.
But god damn, now I feel like an idiot for defending her.
i just read the scam story and tbh it seems less of a financial literacy problem and more of a "when someone tells you you're involved in a federal criminal investigation, cease communicating and contact a lawyer immediately" issue. she panicked basically
Financial scams are varied and can hit anyone, no matter how otherwise smart or cautious they are. It's good for victims to talk about their experiences so that more people learn about scams and figure out the warning signs to catch them early.
I need to mute this thread now so I can use my phone again. If there are any other good replies rest assured I like them and if there are bad ones I disavow
Host: "Top 5 answers: Why should Charlotte Cowles give you $50,000?"
Contestant: "To vacation at my exclusive spa resort in Costa Rica that totally exists."
Family members: "Good answer! Good answer!"
Host: "Show me 'exclusive spa resort!'"
[Fake foreign trip: 35]
OK, I recently went to a 26th birthday party where they spent $4000 on a party planner whose job was to reserve a restaurant and she sent us all to the wrong restaurant on the other side of Houston.
I mean the coincidence is funny but the number of people in the replies who think she’s writing a confession column and not a standard report on UES freaks is like, Come On Guys
I love the Amazon scam story so much because you just know the whole time the scammers were going "holy shit holy shit holy shit. Is she really going along with this? Holy shit holy shit"
That this person makes enough money writing as a financial columnist to shrug off not one but two life altering sums of money through grotesque personal incompetence and has the verbal incontinence to write about it is proof that god is unjust but also has jokes
Step 1, Invest $49,700 into a safe/stable investment: gold, bonds, or one of those college fund deals. Step 2 Spend $100 on some guilty pleasure take out, drinks or lunch on the parents. Step 3: Spend no more than $200 on the actual party.
I'll send my consultant fee outside of this expenditure.
Also rich people: *Hands over more cash than the US median income in a shoebox to a stranger* "Feel bad for me! I've been scammed!"
Also rich people: *plans birthday party that costs more than a down payment on the US median home price*
"I, uh, planned a birthday party for our kid! Of course I have the receipts for it all......"
Does she gamble? Have a drug habit?
so what i'm getting from this thread is that i've been going about creating an income stream the wrong way.
"Oh I gave 50,000 to [politician, probably republican] and they turned out to be a liar!"
Of course he then turns around and gives another 50,000 to the biggest grifter of all.
"I can't believe it - another sum of more than $50,000 stolen. Now, let me think - is that the 7th time? Oh no hang on, it's the 5th time isn't it. Or maybe..."
"I completely forgot where I parked the car. Anyway, no matter I've got a few others somewhere.
Ahhh fuck where's my house gone?" (etc)
“Five? Maybe seven? I don’t know. What can I say, I’m an easy mark with a bad memory.”
Can I be one instead?
Just telling people "no, don't trust people asking for cash in a shoebox" and "the five year old doesn't need a 50 grand party they won't remember in a decade, plus you're setting all future parties up for failure."
because I don't have 50k laying around like some kind of rich dipshit bozo who has nothing to spend money on.
Have a five year old see how the trick works and run the same play again, shame on me.
If you are looking for a legit way to help recover your lost funds or help track someone who scammed you, then I guess this should be the help you need because it happened to me too. but with this legit customers service care I recover everything
Just thinking in fact, is the piece a movie treatment? It actually has three acts.
Like, financial advice - do opposite of what she tells you.
But god damn, now I feel like an idiot for defending her.
Not sure why that amused me so much but it did.
Contestant: "To vacation at my exclusive spa resort in Costa Rica that totally exists."
Family members: "Good answer! Good answer!"
Host: "Show me 'exclusive spa resort!'"
[Fake foreign trip: 35]
I want to be a party planner so bad
I'll send my consultant fee outside of this expenditure.
I am speaking of the original situation of course