You really can’t script this. The same week the Trump admin invokes the state secrets privilege to deny Boasberg info, he is assigned the lawsuit over the Trump administration’s apparent carelessness with state secrets.
His term as presiding judge and judge of the FISC (United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court) ended on May 19, 2021. Started in 2014.
It’s probably random. Each district has its own rules for random assignment/related cases and I don’t know DC, but I don’t think these would count as related.
People who practice regularly in fed ct (AUSAs, AFPDs...) understd this. It's a finite pool of judges in a given district. Comport yourself as if you may appear before that judge again soon; you may.
Right? The same judge is going to hear how every piece of info regarding the hundreds of people kidnapped to El Salvador is central to national security, but not the immediate flight plans for bombers about to embark over enemy territory.
Unger says he is 'absolutely certain' that the U.S. president is a Russian asset whose current actions are benefiting Russian President Vladimir Putin, and destroying relationships with long-time allies.
and we learned in testimony toDAY that Gabbard had no information that we are at war with, what is the reason we could deport those people to El Salvador?
Who’s Running the DOGE Wrecking Machine:
Amy Gleason is in charge on paper, while Musk’s top lieutenants really run DOGE. One person who knows Gleason described her as having “little to no actual decision making” responsibilities. RUSSIA is running DOGE.
It will. Election laws vary by state and not one state has to comply with EO. My state right now is already drafting legislation to protect it from federal funding blackmail. with says, "The order will be challenged in court by voting rights groups.", though I'm not sure whether anything has been filed yet.
Is there adequate bandwidth in the legal profession to keep up with these lawsuits? I’m beginning to think Steve Bannon’s “flooding the zone” comment wasn’t about aggressive actions, it was about creating gobs of ridiculous lawsuits to jam the courts and wear down the attorneys.
NEW Judge Boasberg — already assessing the Trump administration's handling of national security under the Alien Enemies Act — is now handling a case stemming from the metastasizing scandal of Signalgate
His office confirms the case was randomly assigned. I humbly suggest we start calling this "The Oopsec scandal", I feel tagging gate onto every scandfal nowadays lessens it's impact.
Hey Kyle, while all this is being reported on for the last few days, what is going on in the other areas of this government?
I think we are missing some big stuff?
Of course we are, instead of calling out his bs election and fighting to remove the whole godamn regime, we're busy sucking the bs they're letting us see🙄😒
I just saw that in an article in The Hill. It certainly looks like those in the chat, especially Waltz who had his messages set to disappear, are in violation of the Federal Records Act.
So...on one hand "we have to protect this data in order to not injure the relationship with another nation"; and on the other hand "ya know, yer honor, those mission times, means, and other operational data...they're not REALLY secret.
You know they’ve had dozens of text chains containing classified info since January 20, right? This isn’t the first. I’m sure they are carrying out one right now trying to get their stories straight.
I *could* agree more, but I'll refrain because this really isn't a competition.
Seriously though, I'm hoping like hell someone finds a way to make consequences not only happen,but stick to these guys like an octopus to the face.
An angry octopus, with a voracious appetite.
I don’t want to rely solely on Judge Boasberg. I want every judge on the bench to stand up for the rule of law. Every fucking one of them. That’s their one and only job.
yes, this should be reassigned it's NOT a good thing. This will allow the admin to character assasinate only one person that they are already have a head start on.
In the election interference case, he attacked judge Tanya Chutkin.
Too many to list. Either every judge (other than Eileen “Loose” Cannon) who ever had a Trump trial was a “COMMUNIST VERY BIASED TRAITOR VERY BAD JUDGE”, or turmp is a mentally deranged moron.
Trump's calumny and threats are invitations to stochastic assassinations and terror -- central to the "climate of fear" he's imposing on America's civic life.
MAGA *wants* judges like this to step aside or be intimidated. They would love this case to be reassigned so they have a chance to get a cowardly judge.
Examples of who need/needed protection, Ghislaine Maxwell, Jack Smith, Epstein, Michael Cohen, Hillary, Joe, Kamala, Stormy, Trudeau, Amy Barrett, (if she crosses trump again).
Ironic as hell this vile, childish orange pig cuts security clearances to "enemies" like Joe, Hillary and military who served him etc but then sends war plans straight to a reporter. Before his 1st term he was too lazy to read essential security briefings which every incoming potus does..can't read?
I hear you loud and clear. I took a few hours off tonight, did yoga and spent time catching up with my cousin. And remembering the life my uncle gave to keep this from happening in WWII. (his photo is profile pic)
Good for you, taking care of yourself and connecting with others. *fistbump* Me, yoga + Zumba because, well, it's Wednesday. :)
Good reminder that we need to remember ourselves & refresh on the reason(s) we care so much about things. Keep asking myself, "What would my dad do?" & try to do that.
This has to stop!! I’m so disgusted with this bunch of thugs getting away with their bully tactics. This country has turned into a circus run by criminals and clowns who only know how to use and manipulate control by employing hatred greed and crime.
Great but they're still kidnapping innocent people off the streets and disappearing them! When is that going to stop or someone going to be held accountable?
The fact that they used Signal to avoid any official record retention of their fuckery, which is expressly forbidden, should be enough to have them all removed, charged and imprisoned.
That there was classified info in the chat, which falls under the espionage act: priceless.
Tump would pardon them, so no chance of imprisonment. The constitution is broken. The president is above the law and , by pardoning them, can make "his people" above the law.
Like, seriously, what use is a comment like yours? You're complying in advance by imagining and preparing for a future in which you've already lost. That's loser mentality.
Just an observation from across the water. Your constitution is broken. The Supreme Court broke it. I hope I'm wrong, but that's how it looks from here.
yeah gosh, maybe they’ll pull the old fake porn trick , or means there’s some ridiculous cream they can exaggerate and turn into a “thing”. buys lotto tickets , “gambling problem judge, who’s are you goons believe?” that kind of crap. well that parts guaranteed really, what else can they conjure.
I believe Trump likes the death penalty for people who commit crimes against the state and especially his beloved armed service who lives were endangered
They are going to try and spin all of this towards citizens who criticize Donald Trump have been influenced by terrorist organization propaganda even though there is no evident connection.
Even while they let a Nazi rob the American people.
All maga has is its adversarial arrogance of power. Either our country can withstand this assault on our core principles we have touted for so long in our Constitution and laws. With maga being just another failed fascist movement. Or it will be our downfall as a nation led by We, The People.
Excellent meme.
Thank you!
The current Republican Party is of one mind.
The end (what they want)
always justifies the means (including unrestrained gaslighting and LIES).
Not new, this is the same judge in the El Salvador case who ruled the captured couldn’t be sent and if the planes were in the air they had to turn around
Anyone fighting 🍊felons nasty EO or his Administration action toward being a totalitarian regime is not being fair to them for doing what’s right , Aldo not vending the knee and kissing his nasty ass are his enemies. FACTS
You must be lying. Multiple Administration spokewhores were on Fox, yesterday, saying that "Everyone" in the administration uses Signal for classified discussions.
That is what I worry about. The Project 2025 planning and training group told incoming personnel to use Signal to avoid accountability. And for once, I believe what they're saying on Fox. 😀
Clearly. A ton of people can testify/ present evidence. Problem is they will just LIE, collude, and attempt to control the narrative with their bought “news” (& intimidated) media outlets. They’ve really done their best to rig the system & then steamroll void of truth & conscience.
Seriously I can’t look away since the day he won.. we only have CNN here for American news on TV but it’s always on CNN because of this clown . I go “oh my god” multiple times a day.
Her family and friends are saying she had a medical condition that they knew about, and while tragic it wasn't a surprise. Washington Post confirmed. Plus she resigned at the end of Biden administration, so was no longer investigating.
Yes. We have to check ourselves. I fed into the conspiracy theory myself until called out and in shame I deleted my post. I was really embarrassed that I did that.
It's going to look super good for Nazis if they kill a judge right after they irrefutably prove the administration blatantly lied and endangered our military. Our kids aren't dumb.
They were able to specifically choose her by filing in a location where it was almost certain she would be the judge. They didn't bring this case though so they can't forum shop, otherwise it would have been filed in Texas.
Can Boasberg use the Signalgate case to secure Signal chat archive surrounding the deportation case? It would support accusations of broader attempts at avoiding record-keeping. Also, can he instruct Trump Admin to recover deportees and return them for due process?
And that needs to stop apparently.
At least some names need to be removed from a list - like judges under attack from the administration - or judges who were appointed by the defendant.
We’re ending our own democracy because we don’t acknowledge that bias exists.
Easiest way to remove Trump team from office is:
1. Put a big White House sign on the shuttered USAID building. 2. Decorate it like a cheap brothel.
3. Fill the comms room with Fisher Price phones.
4. Divert motorcades there.
5. Deliver Happy Meals there at hourly intervals.
6. Job's a good 'un.
No doubt. Personal experience with what protocols are when working for the government in any capacity. No commercial communication apps are ever allowed. Immediate dismissal is the outcome if information is ever breached in this manner.
Military Reddit is full of posts asking why junior personnel are held to a higher standard than SecDef. It's embarrassing and hypocritical to the highest degree. They all very clearly know they shouldn't have done that. Military gets a lot of training how to handle class and what info is classified.
HA! Obviously, you have been keeping up on events, and Mike Johnsons statements about “We do have authority over the federal courts” “We can eliminate an entire district court. We do have power over funding over the courts and all these other things.
But desperate times call for desperate measures, and Congress is going to act.” He clarified that he was not calling to eliminate courts, but rather meant to illustrate Congress’s broad scope of authority. In a nutshell. "I'm taking my ball and going home after I move the goalposts"
Any one of them who has violated their oath of office (and the Orange Asshole, VP, and entire cabinet have at this point) have committed treason in the legal sense. In order to get something done about that, we need millions in the streets daily.
Please take the time to add ALT text on images you post so ALL of your followers will have full context. Describe it as you would when speaking with a blind person.
To help you remember, in Settings, Accessibility, you can turn on "Require alt text before posting."
Thanks for asking for alt-text. If I have bandwidth, I sometimes try to provide it as part of a request to show how easy it is...
also: there's a Bluesky account which if you put in a reply, is supposed to generate alt-text automatically. Not certain how often it works tho :(
Oh, thanks! I suppose that would work for simple text images. Not sure how well it will do for some of the political cartoons and nuanced imagery, but we'll see.
Well… let’s see… he did give lenient punishments to 1/6 rioters and also he ordered the release of Hillary Clinton’s emails…. During the final weeks of the 2016 campaign…..
Maybe that’s why??
The Onion is at a loss for words.
Words fail.
His term as presiding judge and judge of the FISC (United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court) ended on May 19, 2021. Started in 2014.
(If I don't laugh, I'll cry 😢)
Unger says he is 'absolutely certain' that the U.S. president is a Russian asset whose current actions are benefiting Russian President Vladimir Putin, and destroying relationships with long-time allies.
Did Ex-KGB Spy Say Russia Cultivated Trump as an 'Asset' for 40 Years? | '
Judicial assignments are rigged!
The Deep State assigned Boasberg!
Amy Gleason is in charge on paper, while Musk’s top lieutenants really run DOGE. One person who knows Gleason described her as having “little to no actual decision making” responsibilities. RUSSIA is running DOGE.
Must be doing shots of whiskey to cope with this level of incompetence, ignorance and blatant law breaking.
It’d be hilarious if it wasn’t so… infuriating? Horrifying? Dreadfully incompetent? All of the above.
His office confirms the case was randomly assigned.
I think we are missing some big stuff?
Same lie, different application
"He who acts to save his country from tyranny, domestic terrorism, Project 2025, and radical right wing criminals, violates no laws.”
I still wonder whether the group will get standing to sue.
No one can pay you to fold! 😊
Okay ❤️
Let's bring those walls down!!!
Thanks, prayer warriors!
Best job ever!
It's our greatest pleasure!!!
One believing in the impossible can send 1,000, but two joined together in that same belief can send 10,000 to flight! Amen
Let's imagine the most beautiful outcome possible for us all!
We deserve better!
Just use your powerful creator given; imagination ✨️
Let's create together!
What do you see for this country and the entire world in your imagination?
Let's bring it to pass!
Put it in the universe and let it soar beyond the horizon ✨️
Watch it come together ❤️
Let Us All Be Amazed and Witness such a miracle like we have never seen in generations!
That all is well with All of Us!!!
Peace Be Still Upon All The World💕
Seriously though, I'm hoping like hell someone finds a way to make consequences not only happen,but stick to these guys like an octopus to the face.
An angry octopus, with a voracious appetite.
Don’t k reload the system. This isn’t Signal!
In his NY civil fraud case he attacked judge Arthur Engoron, AND HIS FAMILY MEMBERS, targeting them for attack by MAGA.
Too many to list. Either every judge (other than Eileen “Loose” Cannon) who ever had a Trump trial was a “COMMUNIST VERY BIASED TRAITOR VERY BAD JUDGE”, or turmp is a mentally deranged moron.
I think it’s clear.
She did!
I find myself reciting their names to myself when I need a reminder that I'm not crazy: "Boasberg, Reyes, Alsup, Hollander..."
Good reminder that we need to remember ourselves & refresh on the reason(s) we care so much about things. Keep asking myself, "What would my dad do?" & try to do that.
Which they are actively doing
I feel bad about the collateral damage along the way though
But MAGA are most definitely imploding
More so daily
Be concerned about Leon going to #FORTKNOX
VERY concerned
"Former Air National Guardsman Jack Teixeira has been sentenced to 15 years in prison after pleading guilty to leaking classified documents containing national security secrets online."
The biblical Moses, while a very imperfect human, was a good person who cared about ALL his people.
Someone in another thread suggested Mike Johnson is Squealer from Orwell's book _Animal Farm_.
Someone get the ketchup remover for the Oval Office walls ...
Kick ass, Boasberg!
It's your chance to make things right!
That there was classified info in the chat, which falls under the espionage act: priceless.
Like, seriously, what use is a comment like yours? You're complying in advance by imagining and preparing for a future in which you've already lost. That's loser mentality.
Even while they let a Nazi rob the American people.
Thank you!
The current Republican Party is of one mind.
The end (what they want)
always justifies the means (including unrestrained gaslighting and LIES).
trump: this is the nastiest judge on the bench #socmedia
This was well known before now.
(*) bought and sold by MAGA money.
She was investigating Russia mob $ laundering and CIA leaks.
Did Trump/Putin regime poison her, or smothered her while she slept?
At least she didn’t (conveniently) fall down the stairs like Trump’s ex-wife.
As if the Putin/Trump regime couldn’t threaten the current coroner.
Website claims they were founded in 2017 during the last, lesser shitshow to "fight for transparent, ethical government"....
So just in case anyone wants to support these efforts:
Though, considering he's the most experienced nat-sec judge on the court, probably not a surprise.
At least some names need to be removed from a list - like judges under attack from the administration - or judges who were appointed by the defendant.
We’re ending our own democracy because we don’t acknowledge that bias exists.
But this is what they want. They want dissent and resistance to cower before their terror.
Because it’s time for people to get fired they’re never gonna resign. They have no self-respect.
Fire them all.
Any normal human would’ve lost their job already & probably would’ve had charges pressed because there’s no way that this is the protocol
1. Put a big White House sign on the shuttered USAID building. 2. Decorate it like a cheap brothel.
3. Fill the comms room with Fisher Price phones.
4. Divert motorcades there.
5. Deliver Happy Meals there at hourly intervals.
6. Job's a good 'un.
Whoops, I did scream it.
impeaches them.
it was 77 million Americans
that voted this insane
“reality show”
into office.
To help you remember, in Settings, Accessibility, you can turn on "Require alt text before posting."
Thank you!
also: there's a Bluesky account which if you put in a reply, is supposed to generate alt-text automatically. Not certain how often it works tho :(
Maybe that’s why??
Oh, bad break!