You know? I still find it remarkably easy to remain patriotic throughout this administration.
Trump and the MAGA crowd are a repudiation of every single civic ideal that the United States is meant to represent—and I see no reason to stop believing in those ideals because of them.
Trump and the MAGA crowd are a repudiation of every single civic ideal that the United States is meant to represent—and I see no reason to stop believing in those ideals because of them.
“I love America more than any other country in the world and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.”
James Baldwin
Your founding fathers think you're a pussy.
Some might argue that this is exactly what the USA was built to be. I wish we had the values we profess, but IDK man.
Shit's pretty bleak & kinda always has been for most people who live here.
Freedom knows no nation or boarders, America will be free so long as we fight for it to be free.
The project has never been perfect, but it is perfectible.
You don’t see Québécois waving the Canadian flag that often America, keep it coming.
And don’t like authoritarian rule?
Them: there is no way to make a wheel square
You: oh so you like squares??
If you’re reacting to how you don’t like a claim about a truth, instead of disproving it, there’s usually no reason for you to speak.
How are you posting from inside a Disney movie?
that's like saying when monarchism supports liberalism, it's good. but that's simply not how it works.
because i can choose to be a republican AND a liberal. and i can choose to be cosmopolitan as well as the other two.
Imagine better.
You live in a bubble where you arent a global villain, but you have been one from outside longer than Ive been alive
Nations only get better if their people believe in them. If you think your nation is fundamentally bad, then it will be controlled by cynical people who agree and prefer it that way.
If you want the world to be a better place, stop lowering your expectations for it.
Confirming a fascist’s appointments of toadies to every major federal agency isn’t standing up, it’s bending over and spreading.
Words aren’t enough. Words have never stopped fascism.
You have to change HOW you think, not just WHAT you think.
Your country's story in the last 80 years is basically bombing, doing/financing military coups and assassinations to destroy governments in other countries. All to put puppets in place.
This happens/happened all around America, Africa and Asia.
Go read some story book James.
Fuck you. Fucking read a book. The ideals the USA claim to have are a scam, you never upheld them, and in their name you destroyed billions of lives and the planet.
Shove your patriotism up your Yankee ass
Original vocal rendition is better
Full version. Many have never heard the part about treason or the additional part that was added after the civil war.
Online nerds: welllll ackshully
U Must feel proud of yourself for having read Peoples History of the US and becoming a misanthrope.
As your country is now represented by the Musk/Trump administration, I think your views clash with being patriotic.
I do admire your commitment to your ideals, but I don't think patriotic is the word. #NeoIdealism?
America is the ideals, not the implementation
America's not some hypothetical construct; it's not just the words written down by wealthy slaveowners 250 years ago or the actions of their progeny
there are human beings living here
(and miss me with any "well this country voted for Trump so fuck them all" takes)
But I'll never pretend otherwise.
Congress is chock full of grifters and quislings
If they ever cared to grow a spine it might actually work out better for them.
I have to square with a lot of my professional colleagues being perfectly okay with everything Trump/musk are doing…
Some at least have the dignity to look down and shuffle their feet when you bring up how we’re about to fuck Ukraine…
--from MLK's Letter from a Birmingham Jail
Let it be that great strong land of love
Where never kings connive nor tyrants scheme
That any man be crushed by one above."
#LangstonHughes #poetry #NoKings #NoMasters #NoSovereigns #CollectiveLiberation
I think people in Western democracies look east and see corruption, people without a voice, and are thankful that they live in a country with less corruption,where everyone has an equal vote, but do we?
They decide what happens in govt. We don't have a say.
We need to take the power back
Why hack voting machines? Hack voter brains.
GOP keeps making different enemies to take the focus off the billionaires are continually stealing from us
Dem's let us know that billionaires are the issue but never really fix the system. We lose each way
wake up, lib
youre either with their mission to preserve the nation-state, or youre ready to embrace the future