again sheer naked ambition should be sending more Dems in the AOC / Crockett / Sanders / Frost etc direction
Reposted from
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Tucson, Arizona today.
Original projected attendance was 3,000 people.
23,000 showed up.
Original projected attendance was 3,000 people.
23,000 showed up.
All of the data points to the contrary, and the parties that embrace these ideas/values can't get more than 5%
Sheer ambition doesn't look like bernie/aoc, it looks like schumer/pelosi
💙 💙
Some of y'all have a very loose definition of "fight".
If they wanna survive to 2028, they’ll promote Jasmine, AOC, Bernie - but the DNC is fvkking stoopid so yay, failure.
There are 538 🐷s running 300 million+ lives. Maybe *thats* the problem.
Those who operate out of pure ambition are typically doing it for money and luxury, but with billionaires dropping money in their coffers for their complicit... They'll never follow Sanders and AOC's lead.
He is my son, Amir
Amir is loved by everyone and is always in demand
He is so cheerful
filling the room with laughter and joy
War has changed his features 😓
Every donation restores Amir to his most beautiful self 🇵🇸🍉
Even with a weatherman, corporate Dems can't tell which way the wind blows.
Over 13,000 showed up in deeply red Greeley, Co
I'm expecting trump will try to sue those cities for promoting Democracy.
Is this really how Americans want to treat people- ANY people???
I generally like Sanders a lot, but really could have gone w/out his recent "run as an independent" advice.
i'd like to hear from you what should be a direct ask. one thought of mine is that local abortion funds, immigrant defense, and independent media desperately need money and support. can that be part of an ask
Also mediocrity is the norm among politicians & their staff despite their incessant bleating about leadership & excellence
Why make a bet on something big when you can get a near guaranteed outcome with low-effort slop? Especially if powerful people will fight you the whole way
Loss of the hospital, those jobs and health services will kill many small towns.
#EndFascists #EndOligarchs #EndNeoliberals
in trying to raise everyone together, much less to level the field.
Same goes for Ossoff, though he has an election coming up. But still he's getting out there nice and early.
not sure the cause except maybe we got too comfortable and stopped being members of parties (thanks neoliberalism! *came in via our left party in the 80s/90s!)
They reject DNC/Schumer/Jeffries billionaire-pandering and go right to the heart of FDR democracy:
USA was founded to support the common good, not aristocracy.
"Tax the Rich & Universal free Healthcare" win big, but offend millionaire DNC donors.
“Why do poor ppl have shorter lives?”
“Wearing out, lack of health care, stress!”
And a boss!
And as a woman you should support her more and respect her more because she is the future.
I couldn’t disagree with you more.
But I haven't forgotten that she's just been sharing a stage with Sanders who's been saying - on stage - that US shouldn't give Netanyahu another nickel for his genocide. She's ok by me.
They have been this way for a long time.
Article from 2015
Also, it is extremely hard for some people to accept that you don't have to be special to be rich. There lies existential doom: "if any old (white, male) jackass can be rich and hard work and skill basically have nothing to do with it, why the fuck am I poor and why should I keep trying?"
at least she's got a brain and can think and can speak and make sense and not sit with her thumb up her arse like some other dems. I mean Bernie is INDEPENDENT and running with AOC. Does that not tell you anything ?
That word is “Nazi”.
Don’t you dare use Obama’s name along with her! Obama actually accomplished stuff and never used a “tour” to fundraise
President of the United States of always a "learn on the job position"
brother what do you think he wrote those books for
You are not serious.
Rs talk about their (reprehensible, but strongly held) values.
Dems talk about policies & programs. (Boring!)
Talk about your values, don't repeat opponents, don't get lost in details!
If FDR had lived longer, it would have become an Economic Bill of Rights
Every other block has a dismal voting record.
Is this really how Americans want to treat people- ANY people???
regret my vote for Schumer
hope AOC primaries him
I will vote for her in fucking heartbeat
If that means This independent is now a Democrat then oh well
he is the past she is the future.
So there is no line they will not cross, no low they won't stoop to
They don't believe in anything, and EVERYONE can smell that stink. They won't do things to make everything better, because sometimes there's unknowns. They're so afraid of making a misstep that they never make ANY steps.
So we stagnate or get worse.
The Republicans are not leaders either, but they aren't cowards--they're consumed with belief, so they will HAPPILY walk them AND their people off a cliff, dragging everyone else with them.
They do this solely to increase their wealth and power and consider the "plebs" to be stupid.
that capitulating to rightwing backfires in the end. So the academia they accept must be extremely limited
I think people really need to grasp how strong that impulse is amongst the dem old guard (double entendre don’t even ask me how).
It’s also why there’s no Pelosi Jr.
And most people don't understand ANY of the dynamics of governance, government, funding, projects, etc.--they glom onto whomever sounds like they believe strong enough.
Think about the reason why con artists work so well. They SOUND LIKE they REALLY BELIEVE in the con they're running. They sound LEGITIMATELY UPSET when something "goes wrong" and they skip town with the money.
And it fucking works!!!
Shame shame shame on the consultants and strategists that muzzled him shortly after
If they organize it it will want things their donors will not tolerate. And the consultants are the ones that make that sweet dollar off those donors.
For every anarchist you see 1,000 rwnjs running around with AR15s.
No bc there were still explicit calls to shut down "weird" as a counterpart to common sense, and analysts found populist/anti-elite rhetoric declined over the duration of the campaign
TL,DR: What she's displaying is leadership, which is what people want.
the overton window is real, gang.
Which is why we need to see more concrete coalition building like this.
A couple of differences: it's much palatable to oppose Schumer than Hillary Clinton.
AOC is more about common sense than ideology
I think instead she's compassionate and empathetic.
Cause I believe that, if we survive this madness, the next democratic administration will have a progressive mandate like none since FDR. But they have to listen to folks who are new to this way
It's ok to say, "Maybe granddad got some sh*t wrong and we shouldn't do / think / believe that anymore."
Too much veneration even on the Democrat side for the Founding Fathers who, despite their achievements, were absolutely terrible human beings.
People are not decision machines; they don't make choices solely from a rational analysis of all available data.
Their emotions and biases play a big, probably majority, part of the process.
This is why AOC resonates. She has the facts on her side, but they are just supporting pieces. She appeals to humanity, not data.
And this isn't downplaying her competence. She's extraordinary intelligent and knows her shit cold. She puts in the work. But she also understands the best way to use that.
People are people, whether they live. Emotion is a large part of how we function. We can't just turn it off. And we shouldn't; it's generally a strength.
I’d vote AOC/Pete/Jasmine in a second. Just thinking about it makes me proud to be an American
I don’t even care which one is President. I want them all to decide what to do together.
It’s a shame how many like minded people resent Bernie for his presidential bid. I voted for him because I wanted money out of politics. I felt it was critical to the future of this country. And I was right.
I know he’s missed that window, but his utility is as high now as it’s ever been.
Not an easy coalition, but needs must
A lot of them will try and push AOC out later too for some corporate approved candidate
The voters that put Trump over Clinton are precisely the ones that Bernie would have crushed Trump on.
We'd still have a radical right wing, but it would have been held off.
The "change" of winning a filibuster proof Senate majority and wasting the entire session passing Mitt Romney's healthcare plan?
He was a great orator, a charismatic fellow and a shit leader.
AOC: Our government should pay for public goods and services when it issues our currency in our name. Thus reducing poverty & household reliance on banks
But AOC is freaking awesome!!👏
Maybe the reason young men are struggling in the US is because they have wants, but can't articulate values. What would you look like a fool to achieve? When would you disagree with your friends or family? What is your "hill to die on"?
Also, your account name is funny, it literally made me laugh.
Not easy, anymore.
Most of her criticism is from those who judge her on appearance & haven't listened to what she's saying yet.
our politics is stunted beyond belief because it’s 100% in service of toxic, endstage capitalism.
especially when we see various other societies running various preferable alternative systems. like free healthcare or eliminating homelessness
She was protecting her current constituents as opposed to creating a gentrification nightmare for them.
To the right, a woman speaking up at all is anathema. To the Democrat establishment, she's "out of order".
They have less to lose and as such don’t care about pissing the establishment off. They want change.
Not to say there isn’t any opportunism at play but this movement at least feels like what’s needed now.
Like it or not we the younger people want her and believe in her.
She gives us hope.
For example, AOC held this huge rally in Arizona. At the same time of the rally, Arizona's own senator was a holding a PAC retreat with Matt Yglesias and Marc Andreesen (ick).
Don't know why people refuse to accept this simple reality. They are not on your team. You are not their constituency. They serve the donor class, the rich and wealthy. They are controlled opposition, paid to be losers.
Hey, wait a second...