If you think Chris Rufo, Steve Bannon and Donald Trump give a quantum shit about *the integrity of women's sports,* you should be legally prohibited from commenting on US politics.
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(Apparently there are some updates he's written as well, but I haven't gotten to those yet)
Like, she's kind of notorious for this sort of thing.
Cant imagine the notion you're going to have to prove you are female enough will attract many to play either.
This is as much about protecting women as it is about frying chicken.
So we elected Trump.
"She didn't actually say anything about it."
She should’ve addressed issues that:
- affect the masses (Eg. go back in time to put her name on checks 🙄).
- are not widespread but bigoted MAGA say they are.
Right wing stronghold on the media / control of the narrative needs addressing.
Getting a college scholarship is rare. If you are good enough to get one, and you are seen by a coach, you will get one. It doesn't matter who you compete against.
I spent hours trying to persuade US voters to choose Harris not Trump. I know why she lost | Oliver Hall https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/nov/09/us-voters-kamala-harris-donald-trump-republican?CMP=share_btn_url
what is the throughline here Helen
These people typically spend their time making fun of women’s sports, & I am supposed to believe they are up in arms about the competitive integrity Ivy League women’s swimming?
R’s say this all the time (surprise!), a lot of news coverage simply repeats it, & then (some) Dems just accept it as true b/c they want a reason for why they lost.
But it does mean we can cut through the bullshit to stop pretending that the majority of these people love women’s volleyball or that giving in to be “reasonable” will satisfy their concerns.
Trans people have already died since the election
Trans people need material support to survive what's coming. Start donating. Offer real support
Focus on saving lives
Scoring rhetorical points against bigots helps no one.
Provide actual material support or shut the fuck up about us.
Trans allies have to figure out how to address women’s sports and women’s spaces in a way that makes sense to more people.
The hypocrisy cuts both ways too. People who don’t care about women are using this, while people who do care about women are dismissing some women’s actual concerns…
Good news about trans men, they're aiming for the same testosterone numbers as cis men!
As you say, if they're chasing clicks to pay the bills, the quality suffers. But leave it to folks with no ethics or editors and we end up with mis and disinformation.
There has to be another way.
In the name of, you know, free speech.
In much the same way as Musk gets to ban you from twitter if you don't play by his rules, with any luck, Europe will tell him his account has been suspended and to get the fuck out of here.
The fact the media gives the Rufo/Lindsay crowd any good faith is at this point a signal they actually prefer that.
Bonus points for the racism and anti semitic conspiracy theories - what would they be without those.
Since 2004 trans people have been allowed to compete in the Olympics.
ONE has qualified. ONE.
(and she got her ass kicked too)
The other issues are a LOT more pressing, it's almost as if this trans panic is just a distraction from the real issues in women's sport
You know how you solve this 'problem' in a single generation? Allow youth access to puberty blockers and HRT so AMAB individuals DONT GO THROUGH MALE PUBERTY.
Should be a win-win, right>
If the issue is a puberty that they don't want to experience, then don't force them to experience it and there'll be no issue, right?
Where's the outrage at the lack of investment? Lack of encouragement? Because all I see is a great way to STOP girls going into sport.
British print journalists not be transphobic 100% failure rate. Don't bring that dogshit over here, fucking limey.
However, a significant % of parents do care about the limited, but lucrative, opportunity women’s sports now provide, particularly from HS to college. It’s a pathway to get into Ivys & top-tier public. They see trans girls as “unfairly” taking those away.
I'm just a referee (when I'm not a parent). The majority of these people are not even acquaintances. I overhear things.
That's just my experience in my area (suburb in MI).
This article got basically no play, but it shows how big the “issue” is.
But hundreds of millions in ads can stoke fear.
They spent the money, time, and effort to get access to limited spots. Their kid “deserves” it ; they are hyper vigilant about “rule breakers”
This is the environment many Dem candidates are existing in. Sports drives people nuts.
But as a parent who has largely kept his kids out of “elite” travel teams (and instead in rec ball) bc of the expense, irrationality and hypercompetitiveness that exists, I’m telling you what these other parents say.
And the fact Rs spent $100 mil+ on these hateful ads (I live in MI — we were swamped by them; it was awful) and Repubs unexpectedly swept the swing states is a bad sign. At a min, it didn’t hurt Rs.
Trans girls a danger? Vaccines cause autism? Whites are more intelligent? Covid's a hoax? The only valid response is to call BS.
Otherwise, just helps spread the GOP/fascist message.
If she never published another article in any publication ever again it would be too soon. Alex Garland really wasn’t kidding when he thanked her for her contributions to Civil War
I'm not sure I want to know what a "quantum shit" is. 🤔
None of them could do it. They don't give a shit about volleyball or women in general. Just something to hate
And that speaks volumes about their ideology underpinning the argument.
That’s it. That’s the argument. Sexism.
How many trans athletes are there globally. This is a total non issue.
FtM trans people absolutely can have similar advantages.
We are prevented from doing so.
They'll start by attacking transgender athletes.
Next they'll accuse anyone looking athletic of being trans and demand "tests"
Then they'll point to decrease in athletes to cut programs.
Game. Set. Match.
Fuck off with this nonexistent trans athlete problem.
It is also true that whether or not a person can change their sex remains an open question for the majority of the population, including doctors, sports scientists, etc.
Can we at least allow questions?
Math checks out.