what are the best names for cats you've ever heard?
my favs are June's cat, CC (short for Cat Cat), and my friend Tess's cat, Max (short for Maximum Cat)
my favs are June's cat, CC (short for Cat Cat), and my friend Tess's cat, Max (short for Maximum Cat)
*Cookie Dough (other coworker’s cat)
*Tax Evasion (same owner as Cement)
*Mashed Potato (a rescue I had for awhile, she’s with a new family)
Count Fosco
No one ever came and jerkface lived to be like 17. They called him jf.
Puss in Boots 😋
chai/pekoe (a pair)
Tika-Poo Athena Masala [the Matriarch]
Tig-Elliot Juggernaut Jones [the Middle Child]
& [the bonded pair]
Finn Tulip of the Muscle Butt [the Warrior Princess]
Cassady Jake Chompers of the Warm Shoulders
[Finn's Chosen One]
He left her when he moved out and while I thought that was shitty, I was secretly glad because I loved her.
My cat is named Iggy Pop
There was a period of time where all the cats of the neighbourhood seemed to hang out in my garden, so I started naming them all after Wild West figures. My favourite was Wyatt, who turned out to be female
and I knew a pair of cats named pixel and voxel!
One day Jolly brought home a pregnant girlfriend we called Jolene who begat Jezebel and Jeohoshaphat, who are still with us today.
From C.C. since she was the Clinic Cat, where she was abandoned as a tiny kitten. She's now 9.
- Todd Bonzalez
- Mr. Business
- Dr. Willy WildBurger
- Bejeezums
- Uncle Jason
- Apple Toothsy
Sorry sorry, trying to delete.