This kind of makes me think, what animals have concepts of gender (not as in animals that can change sex, but animals that have a distinct concept of gender from sex)
I could be mistaken, but I am fairly certain that animals are not capable of the higher levels of thinking that are needed in order to form a social construct
I'm 100% sure you can't have reproductive sex without at least 2 genders. Agreed that mice likely don't care which gender they are or that there even are genders.
- Frankie Mouse: "Still, the best laid plans of mice."
- Arthur Dent: "And men."
- Frankie Mouse: "What?"
- Arthur Dent: "And men. The best laid plans of mice and men."
- Frankie Mouse: "What have men got to do with it?"
the human perspective is that there are boy mice and girl mice, in reality mice are unbothered critters that don't even know humans split them in two groups
You've Never Been 8yo Seeing Mr. Tails And "Mr." Dingleberry "Fighting" And A Few Weeks Later Learn About The Birds And The Bees Because Dingleberry Had Jelly Bean Poops
It makes me think that maybe social media algorithms should select contents based on how much of the population it actually impacts. We would only see stuff about tariffs, global warming, gun violence, drug abuse, and almost nothing else.
Sad that no one who read that speech beforehand caught it. This is what we're talking about when we speak on scientific illiteracy. And these same idiots control the purse strings for millions and millions and millions of dollars in grant funding for things like kids cancers and dementia research.
I mean, gender and genic are pretty close. Taxonomists are always talking about genera also (Genus kinda rhymes with penis 🙀). Wait till they learn that orchids can have intergeneric hybrids sometimes even causing polyploidy!
If the Democrats get back into power, the first thing they should do is finance research into spine loss in republicans and use JD Vance as a transgenic experiment by implanting genes from a normal human.
Incredibly, the role of the male is just being a “tool”.
Females mature in groups, the largest, changes to a male fertilizes their eggs and switches back to female if needed. Hardly any primary males are born if any and they do not fertilize if there is a male/female secondary present.
It wasn’t a comparison.
It’s a point, that nature has no bounds.
There are no rules and as thinking creatures we should not limit our potential and truth to those who came before us who had less useful information than we do today.
We are just as diverse and as interesting in our own way.
lol unless they are asexual (which they are not) they have genders. Maybe not the way society wants gender to be nowadays. But yes they have male and female mice. 🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️
So when you ask a Tran person what sex they are,
Do they get to say whatever they feel or do they have to give there biological sex? Then. Say my gender is this tho? Just curious
Why do you assume I speak for all trans people? But here's a thought. Since PEOPLE can "say whatever they feel", I would assume trans people are people. Does that work?
They can't wait until Sec McMahon eliminates the Dept of Education so nobody will challenge the bullshit definitions their new "tRump dickionary" provides
It happened in the UK too...I remember going to the supermarket when the mad buying panic was just starting and Corona lager, and Corona lemonade were still on the shelves whilst most of the rest had gone.
Yes, I've participated in studies where we used transgenic ( I have no idea what gender the mice identified as, but that didn't matter). We were trying to find treatment options for advanced lymphoma.
I saw a video of a Maga woman looking up the definition, reading it on camera, and still switching back to "transgender" for her argument... she read the definition for transgenic aloud, and didn't comprehend a single word of it.
We'd have to talk to them to really know, I guess. I'd much rather see my tax dollars go to that kind of research instead of Raytheon and corporate welfare.
You ever talk to any of these cultist freaks? They can't distinguish between simple concepts such as social constructs and actual biological differences. They're stuck in 6th grade bio. Every single Trash supporter has below room temp IQ. They can't even get their own "OnLy TwO gEnDeRs" bs right.
The potential number of gender in mice is evolutionary unlimited. The more mice there are, the more the interaction between mice in specialty may lead to potentially unlimited mice genders.
No. Gender is a scientific classification. Gender fluidity is a quirk of genetics. To put it all down as a social construct leaves it open to societal interpretation. And that's where idiots open their mouths and opine. I do get what you mean tho. 😁
Gender roles are social constructs, gender is a very real neurological thing directly related to sex. If gender is just a social construct then gender dysphoria is based on something that is not biologically real and trans people are all just vibes based social contagions (were not).
Stop, you're both right! Gender is both an internal sense of self and also a social construct! Our sense of self is unavoidably influenced by the society in which we are raised, but it is also a product of genetics and neurology!
Mice have a complex societal structure dependent on the mice in their colony. When mice die it usually disrupts their day to day activities. This has been observed in studies where mice are removed from the colony. This suggests that mice are social creatures that could establish identity.'s what JK said on his show last night...The government spent money on transgenic mice, which are genetically modified mice they use in lab tests to study disease,“ Kimmel explained. ”It has nothing to do with being transgender.
Well mice are male and female but gender is a human construct related to socital norms. Agent orange on the other hand was refering to funding for transgenic mice. Specifically genetically modified mice being used in Cancer research! The Orange Putin puppet saw Trans and 2 + 2 = 12 obviously!
What he was really saying is that he is an idiot! Along with all Republicans who support him by believing everything that everything that comes from his mouth is good!
Also, science makes the mice transgenic, NOT transgender.
Transgenic means that we can experiment with human problems on mice instead of doing it to the Magats.
Magats cannot be fixed.
They are stupid and choose to remain that way.
That depends on whether or not you make a distinction between sex and gender and many people do not find such a distinction to be worth consideration since a distinction between the two only gained traction in the 1970s.
Either way, spending $80M on switching them among mice seems ridiculous.
CNN reported it - namely, that USAID funded a study to the tune of $80M to study transgenderism in mice. Trump mentioned it and they initially marked it a lie but had to backtrack and stealth edit it on their website, namely, to remove it from their list of "lies" because it was true.
Guaranteed they read transgenic and they assumed it was supposed to be transgender.
It's going to be extremely disappointing if all the sacrifices mice have made for us humans is squandered because people can't read. Not surprising, just sad.
(Don't tell them about fruit flies and zebrafish!)
Dude. A reviewer used gender instead of sex once in referring to the mice in our manuscript, and my PI had a rebuttal document that included "well mice don't have genders so .. that's invalid"
You’ve never gotten improperly sexed mice at the pet store for your kids then! It’s a quick learning curve. Hamsters, gerbils, and guinea pigs, too. Ask me how I know…😎
I worry about that. I think I'm choosing to believe he's moderately mentally capable and a pathological narcissist, because if he really is THAT stupid...well, fuck.
I think he knows.
I hate to be the one to burst your bubble. He's really that stupid. Read all the first-hand accounts from people within his first administration. It's ugly
Pathological narcissists can seem stupid, because they're not able to conceive of being wrong, so they don't take the time to educate themselves or question their own thought processes. They may also "play dumb" as a manipulative tactic. The end effect is almost indistinguishable from stupidity.
As an aside, while search for research on transgender mice I do stumble across European research conducted on mice related to gender affirming care and hormones. Fascinating stuff
Um, they’re mammals just like us and reproduce just like we do. But transgenic (what research dollars paid for in mice) and transgender are NOT the same…
I'm 99% sure some dipshit doge developer ran a document text search and %trans% was one of the search terms and they just presented all the results without checking context.
The hermaphroditic snails in my fish tank that change sex when they need to procreate is all that has been stuck in my brain since that quote, almost like sex changes are something that regularly happens in nature or something
This is why I live for social media:
Hank doesn't ruin it, Hank tells it like it is.
And I trust him cause i'm in the same age gap he is XD
;_; Hank don't feel old.
Not your fault we're elder millenials.
You win BlueSky for the day 👍👍👍
I don't think mice have much awareness of their sex. 99% sure of that myself
Boy, howdy, do they have sex... 😳
They have a plan. It is happening. We should be afraid!!
- Arthur Dent: "And men."
- Frankie Mouse: "What?"
- Arthur Dent: "And men. The best laid plans of mice and men."
- Frankie Mouse: "What have men got to do with it?"
Our mouse; Herbert, insists we call them Himbert
biker (from mars)
Then, explain THIS!🤣🤣😎😎🍸🍸🤣🤣
Checkmate, atheists
Nevertheless I think we can all agree that he is not a mouse.
It would be cool if the f$cker could read. 🙄
They do what ever they want, these fish!👇
“However the sex change is also reversible and those secondary males may later turn back into females”
Females mature in groups, the largest, changes to a male fertilizes their eggs and switches back to female if needed. Hardly any primary males are born if any and they do not fertilize if there is a male/female secondary present.
And funerals.
Along with funeral dancers in Taiwan and China.
It wasn’t a comparison.
It’s a point, that nature has no bounds.
There are no rules and as thinking creatures we should not limit our potential and truth to those who came before us who had less useful information than we do today.
We are just as diverse and as interesting in our own way.
1. Transamerica Corporation : Corporation that promotes trans people
Electric Transmission: Every Trans person's objective to manipulate Electricity to control your mind.
Please add below..
He's an idiot who read transgenic as transgerder..
Do they get to say whatever they feel or do they have to give there biological sex? Then. Say my gender is this tho? Just curious
People should really keep pushing the gender narrative. It been serving them so well.
Perhaps we should study their social structure and interactions to confirm
Plus, you're probably thinking of a gerbil.. 😊
One of the best ways to combat dictatorships is through ridiculing their stupidity. We don't need a lot of help for this.
That said, I am not sure we have the ability to understand how a mouse views its internal sense of self.
The definitions/boundaries of any given gender, like the definition of “couch” or “sport” or “tall”, are socially constructed.
A person can then compare their internal sense of self (very biologically/genetically driven) to those definitions, and say “i am ____.”
they locked me in a room with rubber mice
They make "Big Balls" jealous.
Transgenic means that we can experiment with human problems on mice instead of doing it to the Magats.
Magats cannot be fixed.
They are stupid and choose to remain that way.
Either way, spending $80M on switching them among mice seems ridiculous.
It's going to be extremely disappointing if all the sacrifices mice have made for us humans is squandered because people can't read. Not surprising, just sad.
(Don't tell them about fruit flies and zebrafish!)
Mice: Bro we are literally just vibing
im pretty sure rats are smart enough to have social constructs
I could get behind that, cheese and bang sounds like a good time
Now they're all "optical" and emasculated
Goddamn liberals castrating our computer equipment!
could have been:
their conclusion would have been the same.
their reading comprehension is dead in the water.
Then, maybe, you'll have a good mousetrap 🪤
Same goes for the UK
His base doesn't. Or doesn't care, it's a line.
I think he knows.
Worst timeline, I really wish I hadn't stopped on that butterfly back in 2013
It then had to be rescued and put in the garden.
Still fair play, I didn't know they grew up on Tom and Jerry as well.
I think you got what happened, I think that was probably it.
Hank doesn't ruin it, Hank tells it like it is.
And I trust him cause i'm in the same age gap he is XD
;_; Hank don't feel old.
Not your fault we're elder millenials.