Speaking at a gathering of religious conservatives, Donald Trump said if he's reelected, Christian-related concerns will be "fixed" so much so that they would no longer need to be politically engaged.
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Trump just said the quiet part out loud--> elect me, and in 4 years, you won't have to vote because we'll fix it.
That seems like a clear message that there won't be a need to vote because elections will be 'fixed'... his claim of 'rigged elections' was a confession.
Spare me that cowardly bullshit, NPR. You’re never getting off that tinpot tyrant’s list of the to-be-disappeared. Report like your survival depends (because it does).
"You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what? It’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians”
This is what he actually said. It is a clear threat to democracy, and—at minimum—to the integrity of the vote.
This is not what he said, nor what he implied. His message was that they would not have to vote anymore. What he would fix was not their “Christian-related concerns” but the possibility for alternate voting outcomes to exist after four years.
No, NPR, you're cleaning up and supplying an explanation for what he said that he didn't give. You're doing straight-up comms work for the trvmp campaign. You're inventing the explanation, which has the effect of normalizing his radical fascistic assertion. Dammit, do better.
The media determination to translate the insane authoritarian gibberish Trump says into something normal should not have lasted past 2015, yet here we are.
He has shown us he wants to subvert democracy.
He’s told us (multiple times) he intends to act as a dictator.
Now he has said (at least twice that I’ve seen) he intends to obviate the need for voting.
Call it what it is: he wants to be dictator and end democracy.
Why are you interpreting his words to make them sound better? You could just as easily have said "Trump tells Christians there won't be any more elections" and it would have been much more accurate
Never thought I’d be on the side of the Republicans to cut your funding. But if you’re going to be this bad there’s no reason to support your existence.
He wasn’t addressing “Christian-related concerns,” he was addressing a group of far-right white Christian nationalists who represent a small fraction of Christianity.
This is a lie. He said they would never need to vote again. This isn’t journalism, and it doesn’t even rise to the level of stenography since you didn’t quote him (attachment is from the NYTimes, 1922)
This is an extremely generous interpretation of what he said, which was:
“In four more years, you know what? It’ll be fixed. It’ll be fine. You won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians, we'll have it fixed so good. You're not going to have to vote.”
This tier of bullshit covering his ass is more likely to get me to block your entire outlet and never read a single one of your stories again than it is to appeal to whatever imaginary "middle" you've hallucinated between fascism and normal. Fix this shit.
Could you not fucking carry water for him? He's bragging he'll end democracy not whatever bullshit spin you're trying to put on this for some fucking reason
Uh, that's not entirely accurate, NPR, and you know it. You should absolutely be taking Trump at his actual word given his contextual infatuation with Putin and Putin's style of despotism. https://bsky.app/profile/jenka.bsky.social/post/3kyadrnuizh2p
Why do you clean up what trump or any conservative says? They're going to claim liberal bias, you've trained them over 50 years - they say liberal bias, you'll be more accommodating. It won't help. If Trump is elected, he and the Supreme Court will find a way to shut you down.
This is called “complying in advance.” Doing PR work for Trump now isn’t going to save you if he gets back in office. Grow a spine and stop toadying for him
This is the most fucking misleading headline you guys have done.
Say what he actually said - that there would be no more voting and no more elections. Stop couching it behind academic and political language and SAY WHAT HE FUCKING SAID.
he didn’t mean it like that.
He meant it in a benevolent
‘everythings gonna be so sweet people won’t ever want to vote anymore ever in their lives or at least as long as I’m alive’
sort of way.
Dearest NPR,
You really are too kind & that kindness is misplaced.
The "Christian concerns" you mention refer to the establishment of a national religion; the "political (dis)engagement," an end to voting.
You don't need to whitewash Christian Nationalism. It's already as white as it's gonna get.
I think that statement has to be viewed in the context of coming from someone who has expressed a desire to “Be a dictator on Day One,” if he makes it back into the White House. NPR fails Journalism 101 again.
Why don't you quote him directly, cowards? Modern day journalism is embarrassing. When he's in charge, journalists whine about how mean he is to them & how they feel unsafe. Why do they go out of their way to soften his words?
Why so charitable? Are you hoping you won't need to vote in four years? You know the GOP hates public media, right? Why are you covering for people who want to put you out of work?
@npr.org To paraphrase Cormac McCarthy, if the [journalistic ethics] you followed brought you to [torturing benefit of the doubt for a man who fomented an attempted coup just three years ago], of what use were [the journalistic ethics]?
“You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what? It’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians.”
That doesn’t sound like “no longer need[ing] to be politically engaged.”
“No longer need to be politically engaged?” The quote was that they WOULDN’T NEED TO VOTE ANYMORE. That’s much different and scarier than “no longer need to be politically engaged.” Do better, NPR.
Also the "Christians" he's appealing to think queer people should be imprisoned, women made subservient and all people forced to convert to their faith. Even NPR's attempt at a neutral™️ spin here actually makes what Trump said worse.
Trump: I want to be a dictator.
Everyone: Holy shit he wants to be a dictator.
NPR: Um ackhually he just wants to destroy the constitution so he can enforce an oppressive theocracy that likely wouldn't be overthrown in our lifetime.
Olive Oil distributor compliments restaurant, wishes owner continued success: Distributor recommends insurance policy popular with local small businesses
Yeah, they must have missed that one. They're all in a race to the bottom, they're so desperate to have him back for the eyeballs / ratings, it's just embarrassing.
I don't know which possibility is more disturbing: that, or the possibility that they did read it and are "obeying in advance" in the hopes of mollifying the un-mollifiable.
I stopped listening to NPR when he was first running and they seemed to go out of their way to minimize the threat he represented. Now understand that it wasn’t ignorance on their part, it was a calculation.
NO, IT DOES NOT. Glenn Kirschner reads the entire statement. And hyou can watch it over on Meidas Touch, from the video of the 'speech.' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzCgfQLiIfE
Why are you giving the soft, best interpretation, benefit of the doubt couching to this when you know by his actions that isn't what he meant or intends to do? Stop normalizing a wannabe dictator
I feel like I'm living in an episode of Bojack Horseman where Trump is Vincent Adultman, the media is everyone impressed by his "charm" and "business acumen," and the rest of us are Bojack yelling about how he's actually three fascists in a trench coat stacked on top of one another
Why are you cleaning up and rewriting his comments? This is flatly not in the text of what he said and requires a very favorable benefit of the doubt to interpret it this way. Don’t make up stuff and call it news.
Don’t miss the forest for the trees everyone .. this man’s arrogance is so strong he isn’t even trying to hide his desire for unquestionable power. He will destroy the country as we know it
You could as easily and accurately have said, "Donald Trump promised ultra-conservative Christians that if elected, he would enforce their agenda to such an extent that the nation's laws would be permanently altered, effectively doing away with the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment."
Because even if you want to soft-pedal the idea that he was proposing that there would be no more elections, you're still left with that as the unavoidable conclusion.
After 9 years of listening to what this guy says and then watching what he does, we should all agree that we can take his words literally and not try to ascribe some other motive to it.
We saw exactly what he did when an election didn’t go his way. People died.
"vote just this time - you won't have to do it any more. Four more years you know what? It'll be fixed. It'll be fine. You won't have to vote any more."
That's not "you don't have to engage." That's 🔥"we plan to kill democracy in the United States."🔥
That seems like a clear message that there won't be a need to vote because elections will be 'fixed'... his claim of 'rigged elections' was a confession.
This is what he actually said. It is a clear threat to democracy, and—at minimum—to the integrity of the vote.
If you think the fascists are going to participate in your membership drives, maybe get a breath of fresh air and consider just a few more things.
The media determination to translate the insane authoritarian gibberish Trump says into something normal should not have lasted past 2015, yet here we are.
I just did better journalism than you and it took me like 2 minutes
He has shown us he wants to subvert democracy.
He’s told us (multiple times) he intends to act as a dictator.
Now he has said (at least twice that I’ve seen) he intends to obviate the need for voting.
Call it what it is: he wants to be dictator and end democracy.
How can anyone who understands the founding of our nation find this okay? 🤦♀️
Maybe try being a news organization next time.
I haven't given money to public radio for years. Thanks for affirming that I made the right decision.
“In four more years, you know what? It’ll be fixed. It’ll be fine. You won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians, we'll have it fixed so good. You're not going to have to vote.”
Yep, nothing ominous there just "political engagement"
NPR: "Trump promises more relaxation time."
That is not what he said. He said once people vote him in this time, there would be no need to vote again.
Say what he actually said - that there would be no more voting and no more elections. Stop couching it behind academic and political language and SAY WHAT HE FUCKING SAID.
He meant it in a benevolent
‘everythings gonna be so sweet people won’t ever want to vote anymore ever in their lives or at least as long as I’m alive’
sort of way.
You really are too kind & that kindness is misplaced.
The "Christian concerns" you mention refer to the establishment of a national religion; the "political (dis)engagement," an end to voting.
You don't need to whitewash Christian Nationalism. It's already as white as it's gonna get.
He said they'd "never have to vote again".
That doesn’t sound like “no longer need[ing] to be politically engaged.”
Everyone: Holy shit he wants to be a dictator.
NPR: Um ackhually he just wants to destroy the constitution so he can enforce an oppressive theocracy that likely wouldn't be overthrown in our lifetime.
Why are you boot licking? Do you not understand that he is your enemy?
They will no longer need to vote because there won't be any meaningful elections anymore.
Not what you said.
What the hell are you doing, NPR?
We saw exactly what he did when an election didn’t go his way. People died.
"vote just this time - you won't have to do it any more. Four more years you know what? It'll be fixed. It'll be fine. You won't have to vote any more."
That's not "you don't have to engage." That's 🔥"we plan to kill democracy in the United States."🔥
Let him backpedal. Don’t backpedal for him in advance.