The dumbest shit. He is the emperor w no clothing, surrounded by dipshits who drone on about how wonderful he is. When techies idolize him, I know that they total rookies.
The most absurd thing is they know cisgender is an actual word. The "it's a slur" argument is total bad faith meant to end the discussion because it's making them uncomfortable.
The idea behind "cis is a slur" was to erase our language wholesale. If there is no "cis" there can be no "trans," only "normal" and "abnormal." The same shit happened back with gay rights, literally, "I'm not heterosexual, I'm normal!" "I'm not straight, I'm normal!"
Not sure if your serious or it’s too early and I’m missing something but if not just copy and paste it and send anyway you want. All of mine were sent through text
Yeah, a lot of my closest friends on Twitter are folks that, if I don't just know them IRL and thus can easily pull over with a text or e-mail, are folks I also know on Discord, Instagram or other social networks. Being kicked off Twitter wouldn't keep me from using invites, thankfully.
I actually wonder how long it'd take for him to just have a big mad and force one of his remaining developers to create an automod rule that nukes users using the term, only to have it fuck up and ban folks for saying stuff like "San Francisco" or "Cisco."
Finally, I, a not-trans, het white man, have a slur to call my own. I suggest we immediately reclaim this slur, start calling each other that a bunch. "What's up, my cisgender?"
Make sure we call all the right wingers that, I'm sure they'd love the chance to reclaim the word too!
hope this helps
Well I do declare!
They lost then too.
So I guess we should refer to Elmo as a non-BIPOC, non-trans, non-gay man.
Or just call him AMAB, maybe? 🤔
Free speech maximalist!
This is hilarious wth 😹
What, and have you repeatedly call us trans? I think I could survive.
My genders went away on a week’s vacation and…
Very nicely done. 10/10 use of tactical bigotry.
why has James Shits censored his own name?
june, if stats come out during bankrupcy, you'll be credited with like 20% of twitters death.
I mean, hooray!!!
*cries in a corner*
ban the word : homosapiens
I actually wonder how long it'd take for him to just have a big mad and force one of his remaining developers to create an automod rule that nukes users using the term, only to have it fuck up and ban folks for saying stuff like "San Francisco" or "Cisco."
👍 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Make sure we call all the right wingers that, I'm sure they'd love the chance to reclaim the word too!
they already have groups organized to mass report and railroad us out