Holy smokes. The highlighted part is an actual phrase that appears in the new book written by Heritage President that JD Vance blurbed. Just dripping with "Christian patriot" hatred for his fellow Americans.
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The guy who wrote this, Rich Lowry, famously wrote a column about how he had to change his shorts after Sarah Palin winked at the TV camera during her debate with Biden. Google "rich lowry starbursts" if you wish your life was a little bit worse
I believe it's a referenced to the batshit theory that eating too much soy turns men effeminate, making them take on a particular sort of "look" that particularly perspicacious people like Alex Jones are good at discerning. https://www.wnd.com/2006/12/39253/
I think it comes from the body builder forums where they misread a piece of science talking about phytoestrogens in Soy and confusing it with estrogen. It then spiraled a bit out of control.
"Wingnut jumble" sounds like either a) some secretly debilitating dietary supplement to make you more malleable for the radical right, or b) a novelty party mix recipe from the church social cookbook.
At a time when Republicans are so keen to promote the Ten Commandments and to legislate about women's bodies to fit their view of the Bible, remind me which states have criminalized, or intend to criminalize adultery?
It’s important to remember that we’re both the least impressive people and a terrible threat poised to destroy America and white families and god and the Bible
I think it was Umberto Eco who had something to say about people who insisted the opposition was simultaneously weak and strong.
I know there's a lot of things going on there, but what is with the right's obsession with perceived liberals dyeing their hair unusual colors? Why does that trigger them so much? Any thoughts?
They're picturing either a woman or a non-binary person who they wish would shut up and pretend to be a woman, and they hate it whenever such people do anything expressive or creative with their appearance instead of trying to look hot for men.
This exactly, but also there's a fixation on everyone being "normal" (even though they're all super weird) where normal is defined by a Happy Days style fictional 1950s Americana aesthetic.
I think they perceive it as a form of unnatural self-mutilation and narcissistic attention-seeking. These of course are the same people who love Trump’s carefully manicured and colored hair, and disproportionately own unnecessarily ginormous trucks that draw lots of attention to their owners.
That makes sense. Also conservatives probably don't notice how unnatural their own hair is because they don't have a sense of style (because GAY) and because they don't have any real friends to tell them the truth. (For example John Bolton's white mustache and dark hair)
My working theory is that it caught on during GamerGate, when a handful of the high-profile women they were targeting all happened to have blue hair. It was thrown around as a catch-all insult, and morphed into an umbrella insult for “SJWs”… That lineage is the only thing seems to make sense
They also demonstrate heavy use of blonde hair dye! I think part of it is also their hatred for anything that doesn't conform to stereotypical masculinity/feminity or strict gender roles.
Gender-confirming surgeries & hair dyes are only permissible if you’re using them to conform better to the mandatory aesthetic assigned to your AGAB. Any changes outside of those parameters are a sinful attempt to play God by exercising bodily autonomy and must be crushed.
A lot of these guys have garish tattoos or worship dudes who do, now, so that aspect of it is becoming vestigial. Although a big part of it is also disgust at women who appear insufficiently obedient and deferential to men, of course
It always struck me as an obsession with conformity. Difference is suspect. Conformity signals loyalty to the cause. I’m recalling when all those grown men showed up at court in NY dressed just like Trump.
it's amazing how much someone's physical appearance can apparently destroy the world, gonna go dye my hair purple to contribute to the downfall of america
Is it just me or do these kinds of reactionaries always have weirdly long and specific memories, wasn't pajama boy a think from the Obama administration?
Sort of weird to attack the uniparty when Trump has basically gained complete control over the GOP, not just in spirit, but like he also has his people in control of the RNC.
People who have a significant lack of self-awareness coupled with an inability to see past their own nose and a disrespect/hatred of the natural and amazing diversity of humanity make for very bad/destructive leaders.
Reading this I find myself wondering what powers will induce Quaren dog-mamas to give up their furbabies and The Proud Boys and other armed manifestations of the incel movement to give up video games (not that perfectly normal adults are not also gamers).
I mean, I know they've always been like this but it just strikes me as particularly stark and funny here. It's just a list of professions and things people like to do!
Wear pajamas!
Dye your hair for fun!
HAVE A DOG!! 🙀 Oh the horror!!
That's the phrasing used by someone who has no experience socially interacting with people who aren't just like him, so he has to lean on caricatures to make up people to hate in his head.
I believe it’s in reference to an incel belief that soy products make men more feminine in attitudes, behavior, and appearance, causing vegetarian men to be particularly emasculated. By soybeans.
I know.
Women with power have always been feared by weak men. The GOP's recent 'cat lady' disparaging of women is the 21st century version of "Witches with their familiars." We've seen this before - it ended with the Salem Witch Trials. #WeWillNotGoBack
America when will you send your eggs to India? I'm sick of your insane demands. When can I go into the supermarket and buy what I need with my good looks?
That highlighted laundry list of shibboleths sounds a lot like my peer group and my client pool. Except described in a more contemptuous way than I would describe them.
One caveat: our district attorney here in Multnomah County is actually in pretty good shape for a man his age. I wouldn't call him my "friend," although we've met and had brief, friendly conversations a few times.
You can just see all the pre-readers, heritage staff and mouth breathing hangers on high-fiving and forced laughing over this “hilariously written, brilliant take down.” There are no mirrors down the rabbit hole.
They used to make up a new guy every week, but lately new guys to get mad at have been appearing every other day, and most recently every eight hours. By next week we could be looking at a double new guy event.
Wow, that blue highlighted section of debasing descriptors really is their policy paper for childless cat ladies and a huge swath of Americans. Zero shame in their hate, the nazis are always proud of their "thought experiments"
It’s just a derogatory terms for public servants left over from the Cold War. It’s the Russian term for people who worked for the government when it was communist.
I know what it is bc the word was borrowed from my native language. It means basically... guys like the one that wrote this book? So I'm really confused.
I love how sections from the head of Heritage's book are indecipherable from the kind of writing that'd get you flagged as a potential school-shooter had he written it when he was 14
The head of the Ford in-house agency sent an email with an unfortunate chain attached in which he went off on coffee drink imbibing, African orphan adopting, npr…
I had already resigned. My replacement, the mother of such a child, rightfully let them have it.
David Spade's character in PCU! "You and all the knee-jerk, bleeding-heart liberals, sipping tea and playing patty-cake. And those useless hippie pot-heads, those commie-pinko leftists. The bunny huggers, the pillow biters..."
I listened to the episode you shared recently here https://bsky.app/profile/sethcotlar.bsky.social/post/3kzg2634u7l2g and it was good. This highlighted text reminds me of the obnoxious “overplayed” em dash cruelty that KYE called out with Vance. I see it often across the political spectrum and it’s not clever to me as when I was in college.
He can't deal with the icky s he feels about EVERYTHING.
go take a Xanax and STFU
I think it was Umberto Eco who had something to say about people who insisted the opposition was simultaneously weak and strong.
I don’t even get paid man.
Does this guy know any humans?
Wear pajamas!
Dye your hair for fun!
HAVE A DOG!! 🙀 Oh the horror!!
Work in HR!
Be a lawyer!
Why, who could imagine!?!
Uh huh.
I'm going to be pondering that turn of phrase for a while.
This is probably why my forearms are 4x normal size.
I know.
Girls in pants…🎶
Indeed, girls and post-pubescent females have worn pants regularly for a good few years now.
but yes.
It's hard not to get angry when confronted with contempt like that from someone like him.
I'm not sure what an apparatchik is but I'm probably that too.
Implication is “brainwashed follower.”
p.s. I love your dog.
I had already resigned. My replacement, the mother of such a child, rightfully let them have it.
When hope was high and life worth living
Is he planning for an Indian attack?