i’m reading john dickerson’s book on the presidency, which is quite good, and it has me thinking about what jobs would make good training for being president. there are obvious ones like being governor, but i think a less obvious one is director on a big hollywood blockbuster
At the time he was talking about Romney. Not sure how Trump effected his analysis.
Tho would not look forward to the State of the Union, then having to wait two months for the release of the SotU Snyder Cut with an additional two and a half hours of what he "really envisioned."
Get ready for the Christopher Nolan “birther” conspiracy
There was a year in like 2015 where I was obsessed with cowboy bebop and whistle stop podcast
But wouldn't your example of a movie director contradict that example? Seems like a movie is the deliverable.
"Is the country doing well?" is as vague, layered and subjective as, "Does this movie work?" which is the directors job, ultimately.
It's too late now, but President Roger Corman would have brought the country in on time and under budget.
Basically the opposite of a CEO.
I've been thinking about this a bit because of the obvious lack of empathy, or grasp of represening anyone outside of his current orbit, that Chris Luxon is showing.
But there is another...
(Um, that was intentional, right?)
That’s a pretty sparse overlap.
I would think high school principal is good too.
We need a prez/party that can resist that pressure.