they do not believe that anyone who isn't them has a mind or agency part ∞
Reposted from
Mike Rothschild
"All elections are rigged and Democrats don't exist" is the kind of paranoid delusion that once got you shunned from society and maybe committed. Now it gets you retweeted by the defacto president and the adoration of thousands of other cultists.
Things are going to pop off before long...and they'll just sit back and watch it unfold.
Their time will come.
I feel insane saying these things but… 😫
Tweet from Oct 2024
"Periodic reminder that Creed and Nickelback are great bands and always have been. If you think otherwise you've failed an important litmus test and fallen for a psyop perpetrated by people who hate you and want to destroy your culture."
So I guess that means I'm left with
(honestly they both have ear worms but)
It’s hard to fathom how proudly stupid these people are.
#fuckpresidentmusk #fuckorangetraitor
#thanksasshole #FDT
This is exactly what Musk / Trump is doing in the USA!
We had the same thing in Germany in 1933!
Ignoring problems doesn't solve them!
His mind lives in alternate universe on Ketamine.
Tesla would be a fraction of the size without the $7,500 rebate per car which totaled in $Billions from US Gov.
The US Gov added $15 Billion in Federal Debt paying Elon and he should give us that money back since he's so wealthy.
Listen to no Republican lies!
The past two Trump catastrophes were predicted Democratic wins...just saying..
Greed will kill us all.
People in the MAGA cult are trapped in their conspiracy bubbles and just don’t actually interact with anyone outside of it, they fall into this type of madness.
Only one way to find out.
[The challenge is keeping them away from the buttons. From the levers. From controlling entire populations.]
There are really no other options.
Also, if it's only Dems being paid by USAID, then who's paying their Republican counterparts?
I didn’t say that, YOU did.
That remains true.