let me recommend this paper on "class abstractionism," which argues that the structural primacy of class does not imply the political primacy of class and, in point of historical fact, non-class identities have been powerful catalysts for working-class mobilization.
As with so many phrases, the "white" is silent in "working class" division concerns.
intersectionality is framed as explicitly or inherentlx non-Marxist, when it’s a form of CRT, an offshoot of Western Marxist Critical Theory whose creators were a group of Communist women.
A. this is some kind of mistake (if only the czar knew!)
B. they’ve been framed by the wokes
C. this is the greatest 5d chess move yet
I can't wait until whites are a minority in this country.
Lilla Watson
Mammon, the demon of greed & money.
The rest is just for show.
But in the US race has always been more important than class
[And >no,< this is not the same as “all lives matter”…]
not a coincidence that he's a major target of the right.
This statement is one of those. Jamelle has more than his share.
The greatest weapon wielded has been ensuring everyone is stuck in their own pain about it.
What year was it when it suddenly went viral to tell all your friends not to bother you with their lives anymore?
“By 2013, the median newly arrived Harvard kid was like: “…We’re burning the system down. You are all evil. White people are evil. All men are evil. Capitalism is evil. Tech is evil.”
(And also, much of Latin America has a similar history with slavery as the US, but I don't know what the unions' relationship with immigration, feminism, etc. is there.)
that's these guys
there's no way to be like "maybe there's something to this transparent campaign of misdirection after all" other than to fall for it
But he was white and male and waltzed into the Steamfitters.
His sister, despite scoring higher on the welding tests, never got a call back.
Until oligarchy is addressed, combating racism is extremely difficult because the oligarchs use racial conflict as a power pointer light for the public to chase.
non-class identities have been powerful catalysts for working-class mobilization.