i would be curious to know the period in american history where no one faced opprobrium for sincere beliefs
Reposted from
Arno Rosenfeld
People generally want to be treated with respect and dignity so long as they play by society's basic rules (follow the law, don't engage in overtly anti-social behavior) and facing opprobrium for sincere beliefs that are core to their identity is very painful
Although with that much empathy Elmo would probably despise him…
2a: public disgrace or ill fame that follows from conduct considered grossly wrong or vicious
2b: contempt, reproach
Antisocial fascist douche nozzles can fuck right off and take their "sincere beliefs" with them. I'm sick & tired of their persecution complex and double standards
(and am so beyond tired of others defending them)
In America you're allowed to have a hateful ideology, but *I'm* allowed to ostracize you for having it!
But if you let them keep inviting friends over, soon you have a white nationalist church and the people who decide to stay are letting everyone else know what they believe.
In the 60s, the Berkeley radicals would yell at the San Francisco hippies, "You aren't taking revolution seriously."
They wouldn't last a day under real persecution.
To be fair, I was 10, but I can't imagine that behavior helped them much.
Is paradox of tolerance. Can't tolerate anti-tolerance.
TL:DR perhaps they need to read the teachings of Christ once in a while.
Purity culture is fucking weird. (For example)
FTR none of those are fundamental Christian beliefs lol
It's part of the foundational doctrine of the white christian church, both protestant and catholic, going back to pre-reformation: because christ was persecuted, it is christ-like to be persecuted. That's why they want it so badly.
There are few things more serious than losing sponsorship of a film festival!
I can't think of anyone I despise more than White conservative Christians. They are the inbred enemies of the United States.
"Then I will create an entire parallel culture of Pureflix movies and mid tier rock music with billions in tax free funds so my worldview is never challenged."
"I am being oppressed."
look how "fake news" went from facebook posts by websites that imitated the look of major news sites, pushing fake stories into a nonsense Trump deflection-word.
Pretty much any belief system that challenged existing power structures, really.
Sorry if that makes you feel bad. Have less shitty beliefs.
But it wasn't named America yet, so there's that.
‘The sudden persecution of Archie Bunker, by David Brooks Dad’ or some similar bullshit.
Seems correct level of response.
This victim-speak is just nauseating coming from these people. I have no sympathy for them.
1 something that brings disgrace
2 a public disgrace or ill fame that follows from conduct considered grossly wrong or vicious
Collaborators with the enemy did not escape the opprobrium of the townspeople.
The bombing of the church was met with widespread opprobrium.
Be happy about it! Be very glad! For a great reward awaits you in heaven. And remember, the ancient prophets were persecuted in the same way.”
Everything in American politics is always just about the One Thing. You know the one
Sometimes your sincere beliefs about yourself are garbage.
harsh criticism or censure.
Author says as long as you're covertly anti-social in your sincere, core beliefs, you should be made comfortable by others, including those you harm.
That's a fucking insane stance.