If your man wont get the shot to help keep himself, you, and your family safe, then I am going to guess there's a lot of other important things he also wont do.
The context makes it so much funnier. Dude not only wants to get a job that lets him be a willing disease vector but wants to remove women from the work force entirely.
People like this legitimately believe that the women in these jobs arent doing a very good job but cant be fired because of diversity laws or something
If you press them on it, a lot of times they'll also admit that they think every problem with the economy is due to the Lost efficiency/productivity that would be gained by having men more competently perform these jobs across all industries
This might be one of the few examples where something good came out of COVID. Imagine how insufferable this jackass is. Hopefully she’s in a good place now.
"I put my family into financial distress because I refused to get a vaccination after already having had Covid and personally knowing how bad it is" seems to be a violation of the marriage vows.
I'm pretty sure I saw this lifestyle piece a bunch in the first year. Spoiler: the dude sitting at home does not contribute to domestic labour, is then shocked when wife dumps the ballast.
Well my wife, she left me,
For a vaccinated man.
Well my wife, she left me,
For a vaccinated man.
And I'd try to get her back, see,
But I'm so sick I can hardly stand
*blues riff*
my favorite part is how he lost his job because he got covid, then lost his next job because he refused to get vaccination and prevent another scenario number one
Right? That's like his wife leaving because he won't wipe his own ass. There's a really fucking simple solution, everybody in the fucking world is doing it - at least everybody with a goddamn brain is - but here he is, refusing to play ball for some toddler-logic line of reasoning, and mad about it.
It's like hmmm... how could he have taken ten minutes to be permanently more attractive... by helping protect the health of his wife and kids... Surely doesn't involve a needle...
This is such a fascinating turn of events, but if I'm reading this correctly, then the vaccine would've saved this guy's first job and ALSO his marriage? I mean, DAMN, that's the kind of side-effect that should get slapped on the side of the box! Top THAT, polio vaccine!
You just know he tells this story in every bar he goes into. Somewhere out there some guy is making him terrible drinks and saying, "Yep, Brendan, I know, it was the Vaxx that fucked you. We all know."
This is why dildos were invented.
sound like she found better wagatwe 😹
He could have chosen to do better, but instead he chose worse.
But somehow I don't believe that thinking is this guy's strong suit
by this logic men are only good for one thing now
???? Have to say I'm a little confused about that logic, pal
that and white supremacy
No sir, you're the problem.
Should read "Wife left me for a grown up person living in the 21st century."
"Women working in highly-paid (he meant 'men's') jobs is the reason house prices are so high" is a particular favourite.
doesn't that like automatically prove he's an idiot i don't understand people
Maybe not believing in science should have consequences.
For a vaccinated man.
Well my wife, she left me,
For a vaccinated man.
And I'd try to get her back, see,
But I'm so sick I can hardly stand
*blues riff*
This is him in his best light.
I bet she has a ton she could say that would be excessively interesting.
He had it coming.
Traded for vaxxed is such a low bar.
Ladies, dudes. Got my monkeypox and shingles , double Novavax.
Any Tetanus shot hussies in da house?