Really key stuff here. DOGE flipped the Institute's security contractors - Inter-Con - against them by threatening to cancel all their security contracts across the federal government.
This is where DOGE's money meets up with guns and the lawyers are kicked to the side.
This is where DOGE's money meets up with guns and the lawyers are kicked to the side.
Reposted from
Josh Marshall
BREAKING: DOGE Strong-Armed USIP Security Contractors to Switch Sides
And, you know, the people are still entitled to due process.
(and even *that* is out of date now)
- we're distracted from the fact that this administration willfully ignored a Federal court's legal order...
- because of news about how this administration pressured a private security contractor to assist in the illegal break-in of an agency...
This is pure dystopian thuggery - the kind in which Musk and his traitor tots could literally break into YOUR home and the police would help them.
If USIP wins its court case against the DOGEheads, depending on the contract terms and norms within the industry, you'd think it would have a case for one gazillion dollars in actual and punitive damages.
I don't like that and I know there's been strong pushback on the point on BlueSky. Frankly, I'd love to hear alternatives.
And they're not good people.
Holy SHIT is this corrupt and just to shut down USIP?
What should be done is online and TV commercials that reflect the polls. 81% distrust Putin, 76% believe the country is on the wrong track economically.
21st Century political combat takes place on social media. 86% of adults get news online.
What do you think?
and other trump-supporting business
are nervous about
Your thoughts?
...Actually, here is an idea: Blue governors and other leaders should ask the EU to supply personal guards that are loyal to democracy. They have intelligence agencies to verify their guards.
The dictatorship is here.
At what point does John Roberts or the military step up?
Because we know the Republicans won't step up to stop him. They have sold their souls to the orange Devil.
On another note, We must all learn how to file Bar Association complaints on the rogue attys operating outside ethics & the law, bc this shit will keep happening.
Like the mob, pay protection money or we burn your business down.
Give us the key or we will burn your business down and cancel all your govt contracts.
seeking damages: $209M
If only America had a libertarian leaning conservative political party that opposed government tyranny!
Lawful orders etc.
Once detained, then what?
Paddy wagon on standby?
Illegal detention/arrest - high stakes for career FBI. Obvious it'd come out in court.
What's it say about agents selected for this?
By whom?
We need more pushback on the right wing propagandists!
Get the word out everywhere to everyone…even TikTok!!
Attend town hall meetings
If the Govt. shut down except essential services, then the Exective branch (whoever the hell that is) could totally shutter what it choose. The would also decide when to open the rest of govt., including judiciary.
Hosting a
Private town hall 3-18-25 Republicans only checking party affiliations at the door i thought he represented all of us?
What is left of rule of law?
I’m sure they won’t be subject to judicial challenge, just like the other (checks notes) … I’m not actually sure how many cases we’re up to now? Have we reached triple digits yet?
"Inter-con, USIP security contractor, had contract terminated by USIP but still had one physical key to building. DOGE went to contractor VP's house and said "you either let us in or we're gonna cancel all your other government business."
We are already full of them!
Dem states and cities need to clean out their own security forces and make sure they have commanders and lieutenants ready to stand off with MAGA thugs.
and they have a bsky account too
They assisted DOGE in carrying out crimes.
I am Adham from Gaza, a father of four children 🌹
Any help, no matter how small, can make a big difference. Please, support us and share my plea 🙏
This is what corruption looks like. Inter-Con is screwed regardless what decision they make.
That they made an unprincipled, unethical one is why I'd never award them another contract if I was involved in the decision.
All it would take is a call from Elon Musk to demand they let them into the GM headquarters so his staff can see what Electric Cars they're developing.
They better hope Trump's Dictator bid is successful.
Because Inter-Con is no longer gonna be entrusted by ANYONE.
With GM, the danger is the security contractor facilitating corporate espionage.
I'd cancel that contract immediately if I were GM.
Executive funding is controlled by Congress, not the White House, and certainly not a random advisor w/no senate confirmation.
NOTHING about anything DOGE has done is legal or efficient.
Whether the courts can rectify this in part is unfortunately an open question.
1. comply
2. neither resist nor comply
3. fight back with force
for a company with millions to gain or lose ignoring the possible death of employees, the choice is easy. And that ignores the type of people who run security outfits.
Maybe I’m just built different than a typical security guard though, idk
Trump will not be here forever, but the memory of them betraying an agency certainly will.
But yeah, its possible if not likely Trump might have been able to carry out a yet again "illegal" threat to them.
Coercion in that way is illegal.
We know they have the sheer *audacity*, but... the authority?
What I’m missing: a sense of ownership and care for public institutions. Even these employees have an interest in protecting them, simply by ... being citizens. As every citizen has, knowingly or unknowingly.
Is it just not bad enough yet?
What’s the word for that?