hit me with your worst pitch for ruining a beloved story by casting jared leto
mine is him as aragorn in the hunt for gollum
mine is him as aragorn in the hunt for gollum
Jared Leto as Elwood
Blues Brothers reboot, focusing on, like, stadium rock
Really any character.
it was beloved by some people
it would be worse than jared leto just playing dracula
The line of boats carrying people to terminate the colonels’s command with extreme prejudice would stretch back all the way to the mouth of the Mekong.
howl's moving castle
Dogma? Dogshit.
Good Will Hunting? Bad Will Hunting.
Talented Mr. Ripley? Untalented Mr. Ripley, you get the idea
Barney Rubble
Truly the worst timeline is him as Basher, no contest
Jared Leto: But you have heard of me
As Peter Pan. How hard would he lean in to the “Peter, a centuries old boy-man, and his obsessive love of Wendy Darling” angle.
Then roll for save with Adam West and Burt Ward.
But LETO really starts blasting people;🩸, 🔫, 🍰. The rest of the cast stays.
One more before i go go.
"Saaaay, hello too my little...friend." 💥
I'll see myself out.
The Princess Bride
any other gary oldman role tho for sure, like jared leto zorg? uggghghggg
Actually you know what, he sings in a band, make it High Society
Movie never woulda worked
Umbrella Academy: Slimy cult leader
Misfits: The horror that cannot die
etc etc.
but also
han solo
Jared Leto voices Gaston from Beauty and the Beast, including the songs.
Miss Congeniality
Legally Blonde
Pitch Perfect but replacing the Treblemakers with 30stM and playing covers in their style.
buckaroo banzai
It's also a musical.
Director: CUT! You're holding the sword backwards again.
Bond. James Bond.
Hannibal Lektor
Mad Max
Oh wait, that’s happening 🫤
Barbie, but Leto is Ken.
Crash Davis in Bull Durham
My precious
I haven't even seen The Godfather (I know, I'm a problem too) and I can't even imagine the kind of disaster Leto would be in that role.
Emphatically acting Fredo's quiet envy and frustration with all the subtly and awareness Leto is known for.
Goonies Reboot.
and he still plays his character but also replaces Harrison and Gosling, he plays all three now
….ive clearly failed for worst pitch
He's not **that** bad, is he?
its his behavior offscreen that makes him vastly more offputting, and that has escalated for some years now
Fred Rogers in
A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood
Live action: Ford Presents Jared Leto playing Oscar Schindler without commercial interruption.
Jared Leto as Peter Sellers’ three roles from Dr. Strangelove
Jared Leto as HAL 9000
Jared Leto as Leslie Nielsen’s role from Airplane
He'd just play the character horribly. And for his "method acting" he'd be doing that "for the part".