You're allowed to have bags of pre-cut French fries in your freezer. BAGS, Jeremy. Can you believe it? I was this many years old before I realized I could have French fries whenever the fuck I wanted.
there was a bluebird stalking me on my walk yesterday - I've never seen a bluebird here after 21 years of living in this area. it was plump and curious, and it followed me up the trail a bit
I know we’ve hit this topic before, but when we talk about the universe expanding people imagine the edges expanding outward into…something/nothing? But really it’s all of the space everywhere between all of the matter that is expanding. So we are getting stretched apart as the universe expands?!
AHA! We’re not getting bigger, we’re expanding along with the rest of the universe. Try whatever anti-obesity meds or surgery you want, we can’t fight physics.
No, any object that is bound by electromagnetic or gravitational (or other) forces does not participate in the cosmic expansion (*). “Brooklyn is not expanding!”
(*) Exception for “phantom energy” Dark Energy models: If Dark Energy gets strong enough, it can overwhelm the other forces.
Brassica oleracea has been cultivated into cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, Savoy cabbage, and kohlrabi. Same freaking species, but all those different shapes, colors, textures, and flavors! Sort of the Canis familiaris of the plant kingdom for variety.
My reactive little doggie who is kinda big and sorta scary has learned how to follow along (in a safe venue!) off leash. She comes when called and checks in appropriately. Here's the Thing. She was cooperative with me today even when she was interested in chasing a squirrel off leash. Best girl!
Research has shown that crows can recognize and remember individual human faces. They can distinguish between friendly and threatening faces, holding grudges against those they perceive as threats.
I gained 1,000 new friends today.
I really, really needed it. I need an army of good, kind, humans to help me get through these next 4 years. Today was a good day.
If you have a fishing license in CA you can go to the beach and harvest up to 10 pounds of mussels. My husband and I did it last night and made mussels with white wine, butter, shallots and garlic. What a treat!
An old friend decided at 75 yrs old (wounded badly WW2) to take hunger into his own hands. He went to our local Food Lion and got day old bread, meats, Anything he could get. He delivered it to seniors that were in need (called it his bread route). I miss him dearly, and he was a magnificent man.
Lifeforms can create new lifeforms. Humans create other humans, from their own bodies. Happens every single day, since countless years ago when life formed on this world. And will continue to happen for a few more years at this rate, if we're lucky...
One of our security cameras is most often tripped by an otter coming up from the cove. It makes its way from the water, around the side of the house, up the steps, and over to a creek.
I love that.
All my old students are grown now, some of them have become much better acrobats than I ever was while others have gone on to do completely different things but it’s been great watching grow up.
I am buying cat food tomorrow. It is very ordinary. But 1 hour ago, I didn't have the funds, then a kind stranger donated. So it is now magnificent!! 🥹😃😁😄
Making my teen children laugh and/or cringe (they would definitely cringe if they knew that I used the word cringe publicly on bluesky - and that would be MAGNIFICENT) 😂
M's ancient dog she takes everywhere with her in a basket on her walker, except the past few weeks while he was terribly ill, is much better now. I got to say hello and stroke his little snoot.
Snow is my most favorite thing ever but I live in an area that never gets snow but last week we got almost a foot of snow. I’m old-ish and my kids are grown and I spent the entire day playing in the snow with or without them. I was so happy I cried at how beautiful it was. Best day ever ❄️
The book— pages bound together inside of a cover, also called a “codex”— is a an elegant and versatile information technology that has endured for at least two millennia.
The sun & moon are the same size in the sky (at this time) because the sun is 400 times bigger but also 400 times further away. This makes for perfect eclipses. There is no scientific reason for this.
Libraries still exist (for now) and there's no possible way a person could absorb 1% of their knowledge in a lifetime. That essentially makes them infinite information repositories.
And walking into one is guaranteed to result in finding something no online algorithm deems worthy of serving you.
Your last sentence is so true.
I get a lot of recs for reading online, but have found some absolute gems & games chargers just from browsing my local library.
We live our lives about 0.2 s behind the world around us, as you can prove by looking at the second hand of a watch (not sweep style - stutter style) or an app or webpage countdown. Look away and then look back: the first number will show for just over a second…
…as your brain uses the later image to overwrite the initial unfocused version of the countdown / second hand image that your brain won’t show you. It’s the brain’s delay loop, and it wouldn’t exist if we didn’t live our lives just slightly out of sync with the world.
My character died halfway through my dnd session tonight. The DM roleplayed a scene as my previous character talking to me in the afterlife via text while also still running combat for the rest of the party (he's a fuckin legend). It was really cool.
Also on the last turn in combat the druid managed to fight back to my body and get off a revivify with like 2 seconds left before it was too late. Wicked tense encounter all around
if you use a silver paint pen, you can write on all your weird power cords so you know what they're for. it makes you feel like the smartest person alive.
"I have always found that #Courage is more common in those who care for others, than the bastards who care for naught but themselves." -
I grew up thinking my father was as big a Dr Who fan as me. When the show was rebooted I excitedly called him and asked if he wanted to watch it together, he said "Oh no, I never liked the show. I used to like watching your excited face". Those memories are even more special now.
Yay! It might need a smidge less water if you aren’t going to nudge it into roundness with a big round cookie cutter like I do (this is 12 grams, maybe 10?)
The number of ways you can order a pack of 52 cards is so unimaginably large that for any well shuffled pack, that particular combination of cards is unlikely to have ever existed before, and will likely not exist again.
After four weeks of snow on the ground, I was finally able to poop-scoop the back yard. After half-filling three Trader Joe's paper bags (wet poo breaks bags) the yard was clean. Our one year old Goodle is a prolific pooper.
Solar energy made this possible.
Ok… a few years back, I was running and I tripped. With ZERO prior training, I managed to go into an almost perfect roll, which saved both my palms and my knees, and all I got out of it was an adrenaline rush and a mild stinging from the initial pre-roll landing.
I learned today that my piano lesson wasn’t about learning to play the piano. It was learning to unlock me. It was just a piano lesson. But afterward I felt I knew myself a little more.
I corrected my supervisor today about something important he was going to tell others and I didn't even skip a beat AND for once I am not sorry or regretful about that, even though I think I was a little harsh about it.
My submission for ordinary but magnificent is that most people can hear the difference between hot water or cold water when it is being poured into a glass.
Every part of the common #dandelion is edible and good for you. #Flowers are #diuretic
Leaves are salad greens rich in iron and #vitaminc
#Roots can be roasted for caffeine free coffee
So many of the artists I followed on Instagram are showing up on Bluesky now. It’s nice to add their beauty to my timeline (especially now) and know I’ll be able to keep up with and support them without supporting Meta.
A large horsefly was trapped in my house but it flew outside without any coaxing when I opened the door for it. (I wasn’t in the mood to kill anything today.)
The severe weather is ordinary in many places in the US... BUT at times the extraordinary happens in unexpected places...
Near my home in Wyoming in 2017...
Looking out from my garage...
Not magnificent to anyone but me, but this was an amazing find today. The one two punch of Helene and the election had me dazed, but this brought me back to happier times. We all need little things to keep some wind in our sails.
Bo Jackson was such a good athlete that he did the decathlon in HS just for fun, didn’t train, and his school had no equipment, and he won state his junior and senior year WITHOUT EVEN BOTHERING TO RUN THE 1500.
Pouring myself a cup of coffee on a Sunday morning and realizing it’s so quiet, all I can hear is the clink of the teaspoon and the hot liquid swirling in the mug. Aaaaah.
When the Beatles were just getting together, not even the Beatles yet, Paul and George got on a bus to go several miles across town, cuz they heard some guy knew how to play a
B-7th chord, which they didn't.
An Acacia species has a symbiotic relationship with another species of ant where it offers sugar in return for protection. After the ants are hooked the plant the plant changes a protein in its sugar so the ant can't digest any other type of sugar, effectively making them indentured slaves!
Went for post-surgical physical therapy and found that the therapist is a former student. So happy to see the progression from middle-schooler to successful grownup. ❤️
When Andre the Giant was a schoolboy he was too big to ride the bus so a neighbor drove him. The neighbor was Waiting For Godot playwright Samuel Beckett
My second experience, first at such close quarters. Set up camp at Two Lakes BLM Campground in far northern Wisconsin, north of Cable, east of Drummond. Sitting there and THREE come flying in, chattering away. Amazing. Magnificent. Thrilling.
If you enlarged an orange to the size of the earth, the atoms in it would be the size of cherries. if you enlarged one of those atoms t the size of Manhattan the nucleus would be the size of a grain of sand in Time's square and the particles circling it would be 3 miles away.
Andrea being a bitch on Philip Bittners pod was embarrasing... attacking me after I apolagized and a couple of others in the show... she's power tripping
The view from my upstairs window into my back yard (a good half acre) in the early mornings with the light filtering through all of the black walnut trees while the birds sing good morning to each other.
It was a short appointment, and I was mostly chatting with my doctor. I was out of the clinic in less than minutes, and that is including check-in time.
Zebras are often seen grazing along Highway 1 near San Simeon, California, especially in warm weather. The zebras are descendants of animals that were once in William Randolph Hearst's private zoo at Hearst Castle.
All the angler fish you see are female. The males are tiny and fuse with the much larger female's body. Each female can have multiple males fused to her.
These fish live so deep in the ocean, it's almost impossible for them to find a mate. When a male finds a female, he fuses to her, essentially becoming a parasite, and deriving all his nourishment from her. In return, she gets a permanent supply of sperm from the male.
There are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on all the beaches on Earth... And every single atom of our bodies was forged in the hearts of ancient stars that died long before we ever existed.
Due to a steady stream of Downton Abbey, Call the Midwife and Bluey at my house while I care for her 5 days a week, my 3 yr old granddaughter has an eclectic vocabulary & unique Kentucky /Brit/Aussie accent.
No one is mad about it.
Ordinary but magnificent for me is having a job, where many people express gratitude and relief that I’ve provided DME and incontinent supplies to care for their family members.
Any day now, Rosie the osprey will return from migration to find her mate Richmond has successfully overwintered along San Francisco bay. They will build another nest and attempt to create a new batch of chicks through wind and rain. Richmond has been fending off ravens + gulls from the nest site.
Some species of cacti grow an inner hollow wooden structure. Looks quite interesting
Octopi can fit their entire body through any opening in which they can fit their beaks.
You've existed at every single infinitesimally precise measure of weight (or, if you prefer, mass) along the spectrum between microscopic* and what you are now. One sand-grain-sized bit by bit, up to however many grains you weigh at this very moment. (*or wherever you want to start measuring from.)
We have access to spices that any person more than 100years ago would be astonished by. I currently have more nutmegs in my kitchen than a medieval king - 6! Nutmegs!
Red grapefruit is the result of NUCLEAR MAD SCIENCE! Atomic gardens during the Cold War irradiated a bunch of different plants in hopes of mutating new super-cultivars, and it actually paid off in a couple of cases!
Here's the kit. I make sure to fill the water cups less than half full, so when I'm done I can pour all the water into the one with a lid and bring it home for disposal.
The whole thing fits in a bag just a little bigger than that notebook. The notebook can be opened or to protect whatever surface you're working on. It works shockingly well and needs almost no extra space in the massive purse I drag everywhere.
A group left behind 100+ empty fancy cushioned velveteen boxes from their awards event today. As I was trucking them out, irritated about the recycling bulk and waste, I ran into a jewelry artist, and she said they would be great presentation boxes for her work. Victory!
I bought a crochet goth axolotl and spontaneously bonded with a stranger over crochet oddities, Barbie, and Coraline; the conversation was just so natural, and turns out we’re both autistic.
My dog has one blue and one brown eye. The Native Americans believe a dog with eyes like this can see both the living world AND the spirit world. This thought brings me peace, because my dog is so gentle, kind, and calm.
The paycheck from my new job will make it for the only time in my life that I can pay all my bills on time and in full. Ever. In. My. Life. I am 48 and left teaching after 34 years.
They're said to have extraordinary vision. But apparently, they get distracted, too.
(Sorry, I love Over the Garden Wall to much. That sounds wonderful.)
(*) Exception for “phantom energy” Dark Energy models: If Dark Energy gets strong enough, it can overwhelm the other forces.
I really, really needed it. I need an army of good, kind, humans to help me get through these next 4 years. Today was a good day.
breathing together
they lay eggs 🥚 & sweat milk 🥛 thru their skin.
adorable 🥰 lil wild ones! 💞
All my old students are grown now, some of them have become much better acrobats than I ever was while others have gone on to do completely different things but it’s been great watching grow up.
(Note the lack of a steering wheel in this 1903 Oldsmobile)
If they're giggling because they're up to no good, they're using their brain.
Caught my middle and youngest stacking chairs to scale the counter together that way lol
Well… maybe not instantly, but still…
Honestly. Sone days. ❤️
And walking into one is guaranteed to result in finding something no online algorithm deems worthy of serving you.
I get a lot of recs for reading online, but have found some absolute gems & games chargers just from browsing my local library.
We opened the door & took him in.
Finn & Cass pair bonded in minutes & are inseparable. They clean each other, wrassle, & snuggle.
She picked out her own kitten, whom she adores & uses as a pillow.
Might add miso but it doesn’t really need it.
I'm so serious, this solves two quests I've been on. More tahini recipes and a gluten free cookie that doesn't need eggs. I can't wait to try these 💖
Solar energy made this possible.
Ok… a few years back, I was running and I tripped. With ZERO prior training, I managed to go into an almost perfect roll, which saved both my palms and my knees, and all I got out of it was an adrenaline rush and a mild stinging from the initial pre-roll landing.
But I'd say that a classic, properly made, traditional Mexican bean and cheese burrito is pretty awesome.
Leaves are salad greens rich in iron and #vitaminc
#Roots can be roasted for caffeine free coffee
Holding a well loved paperback and feeling the softness of it's pages.
Near my home in Wyoming in 2017...
Looking out from my garage...
🔥 🍂💛😁
B-7th chord, which they didn't.
My cousin watched for it every day for 10 years and never saw, but when I visited we saw it together the first night.
( I was wracking my brain trying for better!)
(I have seen these and it is disconcerting)
No one is mad about it.
Octopi can fit their entire body through any opening in which they can fit their beaks.
(Apparently carrying painting supplies everywhere is a brilliant move.