Secession. What they're describing is secession.
Reminiscent of old Soviet communism: Political-governmental elite & cultural and scientific intelligentsia; white-collar workers; blue-collar workers; & peasants and other laboring workers will be assigned when meeting certain criteria.
I’d really like to know what that low is. I mean, what the hell is it? What’s the fucking line in the sand?
Third, they'd all die from unsanitized telephones.
All this carnage they’re creating is for them. The tech billionaires lol
We must fight but that means we must risk losing our lives and being financially destroyed and tortured in custody. Fun stuff. Not everyone’s up for it. Like, who’s going to care for my kids if I’m dead or in jail. Will
I mean the ultra ultra rich.
They would not be closed entirely, these folks need service personnel and outsiders would be welcome to shop... but you couldn't afford a house there.
Still a dog shit idea to advance the cause of bringing back de facto slavery, but not secession.
Probably both
THE YARD ARM and this I hadn't posted yet:
I hit slavery,that slavery they never capitalize,cursive writing,never starts a sentence,so,from my words:
Discrimination of religion,or diplomat, that you the individual has done wrong by the act, is was a crime, but
Not reason for wealth or make money own slaves, and so corruption, bc they did not know, whether owning slaves would make a difference, in how those countries treated christians.
Was just brushed each other off, and if they meet on land, whatever they could, (wtf) whatever they could.
Because here cities are held against countries: Abomination in Europe, from religious studies. 🙃20
Not love thy enemy, because if remembered as enemy, though now friends, then how can it be shared?
They want to be surrounded by their “chosen anyway”
It’s Yarvanism.
It’s big business running localities without regulation, while citizens become slaves to the big business “CEO”.
It’s modern day slavery on a massive scale.
Mencius Moldbug and the rest of these anti-democratic aholes are shooting their shot.
He sonehow ‘bought’ his NZ citizenship after spending a total of 12 days in the country.
They're causing poverty for us (firing government employees that serve the public, getting rid DOEducation, privatizing everything, etc...), while wanting to establish safe cities for themselves to live in.
No sick time. No health care consideration. No cleanliness. No vaccinations. No safety.
They're going to all die there from this or produce enough sickness we're going to have to crush them all.
Company towns were never created to challenge / ignore national & state law, whether in the UK or US. Companies created housing and stores for employees and relied on local law enforcement.
i expect them to be chock full of rampant unchecked capitalism with human rights violations galore
Split the money.
Deregulate all cities or none.
Don't create gaps, create equality & prosperity.
(BTW, not for nothing, but you'd think that "Próspera" would sound a bit, well, *foreign* for the 14-word set)
BTW, shout-out to a fellow Boards of Canada fan
I mean, they’ll be SO BROKE without the help of CA & NY alone. The entire NE having a positive relationship w/ Canada may just give them leeway into becoming the southern Canadian states. At this point, let them try and they’ll see what happens when there’s zero $ and corrupt politicians
of moving forward as a party that represents a diverse group they need to put in the work in red states. That being said, it is a huge lift to combat the gerrymandering, voter suppression and outright lies, but it wouldn’t be such a big hole if they’d tended to it earlier
Wait weren't there towns like that? Maybe idk Sundown towns?
MAGA really wants rallies of the White hoods to come back don't they?
Breakups hurt, they are hard to do, as the song says.
But sometimes, breaking up is the right thing to do.
I hope the idea doesn't have a sudden unscheduled rapid disassembly
Time to go.
But it's definitely time to start planning for it and I would hope (but doubt) that some sort of discussions are taking place in secret.
A rebellion is only illegal in the third person.
Permitting an insurrectionist to hold public office is unconstitutional, yet here we are.
I just re-read "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine. The parallels to today's mess are uncanny.
Obviously the federal govt. is unlikely to just let it happen, people would have to be prepared for war, and it would not be remotely easy. That said, it's legality is beyond irrelevant.
Freedumb cities where the richest exploit and control everyone and everything there and can legalize crimes like trafficking, cyber theft and racial discrimination.
It's a nightmare.
One might call them…. SECDEES NUTS
This video is excellent if you haven't seen it.
Points of ingress.
Merci, Monsieur Guillotine.
It spells out how crypto will be used to replace governments with these Tech Tyrant Towns. Read the whole thing:
Please keep it up! I will repost any and all.
It’s also worth noting that Peter Thiel and JD Vance go way back
Go to Settings, then Accessibility, and make sure "Require alt text before posting" is toggled on - this will prompt you each time you add an image to your post! #CalExit
We are only stronger if the enemy is outside the US.
"I am an EXTREME Democrat that believes in doing what right for the people at all costs, but only if "well regulated" and authorized to do so." Until then, Mexico can take care of Texas and Canada can back up Democratic states to the northern border. #
We are actually going to be a lot weaker if we stay together.
We need to break the country up into four countries.
We will save ourselves and we will be much stronger.
The Yes California movement was the movement of the teacher who went to Russia and came back in 2021...
coming Special Economic Zones has been warning about. Freedom from state rules but using state instruments to set up and until they need a bailout...
As for secession, I call on California, Oregon and Washington to secede and seek to be the new province in Canada.
Utility’s like electric, trash, sewage, roads.
Not to forget the upstart costs. Cities don’t just pop out of the ground and I’m not sure workers want to move to a place with zero federal protections.
It's like we could be using tech for educational purpose, but we just farm money and make toys and games and more ways to gamble. I hate the tech companies tbh.
education was a collective effort of society, and they systematically gave it over to the company.. and now it is all company as everyone can see.
instead, they started training workers the way they wanted to, removing the original agreed upon intention of "educational devices".
Yea. Some good people to talk about building a functioning city with lol.
I just get sick seeing castles built while bridges collapse.
Then you have public safety. As bad as government run police are. Imagine privatized law enforcement.
Or private fire fighters. Hope you paid your fire subscription!
I feel you are pretty on point about it all.
my predecessors literally fist fought all through their lives to build this stuff.
as soon as we stopped violence, they took away the laws