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The terrible CR Budget bill — written by right-wing House Republicans with no input from anybody but themselves — was passed tonight with the support of 10 Democrats.   An absolute failure of Democratic leadership. NOBODY in the Senate should have voted for this dangerous bill.
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this guy’s distinguishing quality is his boundless contempt for anyone who voices the slightest disagreement with him. you can see in his voice and mannerisms that he thinks he’s better than everyone around him. (which to my mind is just compensation for his palpable self-loathing)
Donald Trump is a weak coward, who has never done anything difficult in his life, thinks all caps tweeting is tough, and threatens Allies because hes too scared of Iran/Russia/China And he wears MAKEUP CONSTANTLY. LOL
Wait. Schumer is starting a BOOK TOUR THIS WEEK?!? Is that why he rolled over so fast?!? I’m done.
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I think what is making everyone so angry isn’t just the cowardice of Senate Democrats, it’s their cowardice in comparison to the random normal person who runs for school board to oust a Moms for Liberty freak
BREAKING: Senate just UNANIMOUSLY restored $1.1 billion for DC local govt that was eliminated Why? Because Senators of BOTH parties work in DC - and most have homes there - and none of them want to be in a hellhole Now - try applying that same logic to THE REST OF THE COUNTRY
If you are a Southern California person upset about ‘s craven betrayal of our country, the theatre his book tour will be at on 3/23 is the Moss Theatre. Their phone number is 310-828-5582
Among the material devastation to everyday people, Senate Dems have now blown a hole in their ability to work with the House. We had an agreed upon plan, House took immense risk, then Senate turned around midway and destroyed it w/ a fear-based, inexplicable abdication. They own what happens next.