If you can't beat them, destroy them. The only point of being a part of the system is to help dismantle it from the inside while others dismantle it from the outside. 20% of us are 32 million. Not everyone can do a general strike but everyone can do there bit.
They’re going to deport him regardless and none of you will do anything about it except complain on social media. Americans don’t seem to understand or believe what’s happening to their country. Hint: it’s an authoritarian takeover. Good luck.
Fascism is what this is. Today it's acceptable to say "denaturalize," tomorrow it's "imprison," and sooner than you think it becomes normalized to say "execute "
And if we can't compare them Hitler even when they think like Hitler, when the heck can we? Denaturalization & Deportation were the backbone policies of the Holocaust.
If you denature Mehdi, he'll only come back as a SUPERnatural force greater than anything that you can either resist or comprehend. He is the Ben Kenobi of journalism.
"This is not the fight you're looking for" (*waves hand at would-be storm troopers*)
you know what the best thing about this regime in Washington is? All the evil fucks that are outing themselves on the internet because apparently they think this fucking dictatorship shit is going to last forever. but keep revealing yourselves.we'll keep track.
Trumpian lawyers never cease to be hilarious.
Their obsequiousness.
Their spinelessness.
Their complete ignorance and disregard for the law.
It's the party of "law and order" and "the Constitution."
I once listened to the attorney for texas governor tell a full audience of so-called conservatives (tea party taliban) that he "had no problem with random home searches since he had nothing to hide". Thunderous applause.
So much for the Constitution meaning what it says...
Agreed although if we start disbarring people for what they tweet, the entities likeliest to exercise that power won’t do so on a good-faith basis; it will just be another way they weaponize rules or exploit procedures to target and punish.
Sad to say the other place hasn't been a public forum for quite some time. It's a place where hate speech, misogyny and racism thrives without repercussions.
Resist! ✊ As Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) has said DOGE is a federal agency. Make them report on the information they are retaining on you, and flood their agency with FOIA requests. Please repost!
These nazis should not have a law license.
If you can't beat them, destroy them. The only point of being a part of the system is to help dismantle it from the inside while others dismantle it from the outside. 20% of us are 32 million. Not everyone can do a general strike but everyone can do there bit.
Better yet, destroy all fascists.
How it became a vortex core of racist fascism
"This is not the fight you're looking for" (*waves hand at would-be storm troopers*)
But just saying that puts me on his lil list.
Meh. Dumb fucks never execute effectively
The licence of this criminal should be suspended
Gotta follow your own logic, right?
Gotta follow your own logic, right?
Their obsequiousness.
Their spinelessness.
Their complete ignorance and disregard for the law.
It's the party of "law and order" and "the Constitution."
It means *any* citizen can be stripped of their right of citizenship.
So much for the Constitution meaning what it says...
The point of having that licensing group is to ensure integrity.
Without it their authority should be questioned as well.
Make a complaint to the Barr Association.