Ooh, hi cutie! Their colouring looks Sheltie, but size looks Collie? Is it just the angle?
Missa was my Sheltie growing up - I picked her out at three and a half and she promptly bonded very firmly with my Mum. 😆 She used to herd us around the garden for laughs, very clever and sweet. 💕
My 2 from about 4 years ago as they tried to find clues for the paper towel Bandit that came through the house. Obviously they too cute to ever do any wrong.
This is them updated to Feb of this year. Lyra is the annoyed the momma let water fall from the sky. Del is the one laying down in sadness she could not run in the storm and become a dirty wet mess.
Frank likes to keep just one paw on me while he is sleeping. Just to make sure I don't get up and get anything for myself without paying the appropriate tithe of a snacky treat
And this is Lili, our fifteen-year-old lady who was so little when I found her in an alley that I had to use a cotton ball to help her go to the bathroom.
Our daughter named them! We got Blue Cheeze first and one day she came in and said we needed Buffalo Wingz to go with the Blue Cheeze. They are both rescues.
She's a trip. She actively watches television. She follows the characters on the screen. If she sees an animal run off screen, she either runs out the door or up the stairs chasing it.
If you're faithful to your daily practicing
You will find your progress is encouraging
Do me so me do me so me fa la so it goes
When you do your scales and your arpeggios
This is Frankie. He has one trick--coiling up strings so he can pick them up in his mouth and triumphantly deliver them to us. Never gets old for him. Never gets old for us, either--we always laugh our heads off and tell him he's good.
They are starting to become besties, we've had the white one (Guru) for almost 2 years now and adopted our brindle boi (Ridao) just 6 weeks ago. Guru has much more energy and Rifao has more trauma to deal with but the play well together and are slowly getting closer on the couch. No cuddling (yet)
Missa was my Sheltie growing up - I picked her out at three and a half and she promptly bonded very firmly with my Mum. 😆 She used to herd us around the garden for laughs, very clever and sweet. 💕
So cute! What a little angel!
Booker really likes his cow bed. The inside is his exact shade of black, which makes him invisible and has caused many panics over his whereabouts.
SamSam is a connoisseur of weird shapes.
We lost Nica a bit ago now, but she is forever in our hearts. 💔
You will find your progress is encouraging
Do me so me do me so me fa la so it goes
When you do your scales and your arpeggios