I first realized that the food supply was dirty while I was in the act of physical love with an ottoman. I felt this intense drain that could only be caused by the week old Jersey Mike’s sub I had found in my parent’s garbage can and consumed over their sink prior to spotting that upholstered minx.
I don't remember ever before having seen that Tim & Eric "All the Food Is Poison" clip that everybody is responding with, but I want you to know that I am exerting great effort to restrain myself from responding with it
It worked for COVID! We can’t report or act on new cases, waves, or death if we don’t test (and if we dismantle the entire public health apparatus while we’re at it)
Well, the guy had his face skin stretched so tight that I am not surprised his perception has been skewed.
But it still seems odd that he cares about food safety. 🤔
Yes, of course. Because the invisible hand of the market, freed from the tyranny of regulation, will finally enable us to partake in our God-given right as Americans to be poisoned without our knowledge by the agriculture industry IF WE SO CHOOSE
Translation: "you can't eat the rich, do you know what's in that shit? Botox! Plastic! Cocaine! Brain worms! Horse tranquilizer! All kinds of toxic garbage!
There's a lot of overlap, almost horseshoe theory, between the COVID denialist types and the natural woo health people. Honestly, in a way it makes sense, and I guess this could grow the tent a little bit? They're trying to do anything at all to expand the base as they have a pretty solid ceiling.
Folks, we’re gonna make America smile again, no lead in the burger, no lead in the Diet Coke folks it’s very sad what they’re doing in this country, very sad *sucks teeth* have you ever heard of the late great Hannibal Lector?
I thought no restrictions on the toxic shit American companies can put in American food was a huge Republican plank? Strict ingredient regs is as OECD socialist as it gets.
If their followers would think about this, they could point out that Gaetz is already in a position to Do Something about what sounds like a very serious problem! No need to wait for the election! Get busy!
I have no idea what this is in reference to, but I got a very clear feeling that things really WILL get weird before this is over. Like they're gonna come up with some darksided shit to win over rubes. Just gotta hope it all lands with a thud like the REST of their campaign.
my guess is once again weird leftwing granola shit about food being full of preservatives has once again become conservatives convinced the food is tainted with soy and soy somehow makes you a woman
Matt Gaetz says there’s poison in the food supply; is he gonna notify the USDA and the FDA, or does he want to defund and dismantle those agencies, and allow corporations to regulate themselves
This is a new rightwing anti-vax podcaster thing. There was a video of Harris & Walz at Sheetz getting bags of Doritos.
Now the podcast bros (like Russell Brand) are all pontificating about how the American govt is making us all fat & complacent so they can put us in FEMA camps or whatever
Well, see, they only *bought* the Doritos- we never saw them actually ingest the toxic mind control substances... is what I imagine those dipshits would say if they actually believed a single word of what they said
Is this the start to pivoting a trump campaign around all the natural food conspiracists that floated around Kennedy? All the vegetable oil feminizes you weirdos?
they feed us poison (peanut butter with added oil and sugar)
so we buy their cures (jam sweetened with splenda instead of sugar)
while they suppress our medicine (peanut butter that's just peanuts and salt)
They're referring to the conspiracy theory that the food is somehow tainted, which started off with granola conspiracy theorists insisting that GMOs were poison, not to gatez post.
I suppose that's true up to a point but purity and repulsion are pretty necessary anchors in right-wing "thought" right? I didn't mean to sound aggressive it was just a bit confusing
Somewhat, but it's usually just directed at people and cultures. They used to love processed foods because capitalism, now it's all Alex Jones conspiracy theory bullshit about chemicals making g frogs gay or some shit.
America First means keeping Americans healthy and alive.
We must clean up the American food supply.
"Feeling dead, Louis!"
Who hates him here? Makeup artist? Photographer? Or did he do this to himself?
America First means keeping Americans healthy and alive.
We must clean up the American food supply.
There is poison in the food
There is poison in the food
There is poison in the food
There is poison in the ...
That guy they got for the new tall man is really fscking creepy looking even without the makeup.
oh why bother.
But it still seems odd that he cares about food safety. 🤔
America First means keeping Americans healthy and alive.
We must clean up the American food supply.
These two things cannot be reconciled.
WTF is Gaetz trying to sell?
I don’t understand why these fucking assholes can’t focus on climate change? A real, existential threat?
It’s right there!
No details? ✅
No solutions? ✅
Now the podcast bros (like Russell Brand) are all pontificating about how the American govt is making us all fat & complacent so they can put us in FEMA camps or whatever
welcome under their circus tent
Everybody loves a nicely grilled salmon
so we buy their cures (jam sweetened with splenda instead of sugar)
while they suppress our medicine (peanut butter that's just peanuts and salt)
Warning: alt text is NSFW.
What's Gaetz smoking today?