Matt, there’s a classic text called Mostly Harmless Econometrics, which deals a lot with causal inference and selection bias, it’s really helpful for understanding things like why this is a crucially different claim that what you said earlier, and within individual vs between individual differences.
And didn't he lose this exact argument (in embarrassing fashion) to on the old site? I'm beginning to suspect that Matty Y has a social masochism fetish.
And to further support's point, look at how basketball players train. The emphasis is on developing fast-twitch muscle fibers through successive jumping, not weight training. Some of the bounciest players have twigs for legs. See, e.g., LaGerald Vick's toothpicks/legs. #RockChalk
I used to be able to dunk a basketball. It ain't quads, it's calves and quads and abs and quick-twitch tendons. Squat lifters aren't jumpers, they're lifters.
Matt they didn’t say he could squat more than you. That is a given. they said they weren’t sure you could squat without your arms and legs falling off. Their skepticism is well placed.
We are not talking about average ppl tho we are talking about athletes who train for specific things. Even at the HS athlete level the correlation between squat weight and vertical break down. Who squats more vs jumps higher: high jumpers, basketball players, football linebacker, weightlifters?
Not true! I had very strong legs. Jumping takes skill and certain type of muscle, plus, being tall helps as there is more length to get speed up in the jump. Speak to a physiologist
Do you remember when it was leaked that anti-trans groups were going all in on sports as a wedge issue bc it was the only area that establishment lib morons were credulous enough to engage on? Anyway, whenever I think about Dorthy Thompson's who goes Nazi article, I think about you and your ilk
urban dictionary says its teen slang for ‘creating a hostile work environment for trans writers and getting upset that the they asked you to wash your dirty dishes is Bad, actually”
Matt, we need to have a serious talk about this risky unproven medication you took to change your body. I’m not sold on it being safe or in your best interests, it’s too new and are you sure you won’t regret it? You have to put that weight back on until I’m at ease here
I don’t agree with that, I think people should generally be allowed to have surgeries they want even if (as is the case with the one I had) the evidence on long-term impacts is unclear or absent.
The things you don't know could fill more books than you have written. I am not at all surprising you aren't familiar with Dorthy Thompson's essay "Who Goes Nazi?", which describes how people who aren't ideological Nazis fall in with them because they are weak, stupid, and/or greedy
Does it give you a thrill, constantly being this far out over your skis? I'd have to imagine there's an adrenaline rush to it, hurtling down the slope, totally off balance, no idea where you're going or how to stop.
Hi Matty I’m guessing you still have no shame or regrets about your slate column arguing that more brown people should die in factories and yes that makes you racist and a sack of 💩
brave of you to come back. almost as brave as defending treacherous, brutal labor conditions before the people killed under those conditions can be mourned by their families
Look at champion high jumpers. Or even just people who need to jump high a lot for their sport like volleyball players and basketball players. Then look at champion squatters.
Matt why aren't you half as mad about the poor high school basketball players who had to share a team with LeBron James? Or swimmers with Michael Phelps?
fullest stadium wins
Every high school coach knows this. That's why plyometric exercises exist.
Are his legs strong? Sure. Is it more about mechanics, agility training and body type? Yes.
Same as these, they are also tools like you.
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A claim you are not refuting.
(newsflash: not all leg strength translates to leaping.)
Then...go take a nap, or something.