FACTS: The 3 best things young (18-25 YO) leftists can do to protect their communities moving forward:
1.) Join the Police, especially state police. Keep in mind you'll need to pretend to be stupid to get into the academy
Control the means of suppression and influence other cops.
1.) Join the Police, especially state police. Keep in mind you'll need to pretend to be stupid to get into the academy
Control the means of suppression and influence other cops.
Maybe first try to know your neighbors’ name, learn how to mend and repair and grow a garden ?
1. Get really good at communicating with all people. (I have not achieved this.) The main ingredient is listening.
2. Think and read about really basic, simple (continued)
I mean having at least one would be a fucking start.
And yeah 10, years is actually a short timeline for social movements you incredible ignorant moron.
Please do not advise people to do things that will get them killed.
2. Buy a coffin
3. Wait a few months
However, you can not fix the police or military by being a part of it. You know what happens to "well-meaning" cops who try to change things? They either go bad or "go away".
"Good people joining the cops" doesn't work, we tried that a fuckton of times. The police institution is INTRINSICALLY corrupt, and will defend it's own corruption through firings and even murder if need be.
A: A pig.
damn this is such a good idea i bet no one ever tried this
oh my god no
I'm sure we're the problem, not your pie-in-the-sky nonsense and shite temperament.
ok pally, go right ahead with this excellent and well-thought-out plan
like your nasty intolerant 20th-century-flavored ranting sounds exactly like the cops already
Oh that's right, you posers are actually fucking morons who can't read, critically think, or plan.
do you really think you're gonna flip a centuries-old criminal gang supported by the government by being a footsoldier and working your way up thru, what, the "meritocracy of the police"
Starting now, it would still take years to see widespread reforms, but that's how things work in the real world.
JFC you kids are sooooo fucking stupid.
By joining in, and stirring the pot.
Lots of tactics work, especially at night.
Bigger is better, when it comes to efficacy.
Lenin's family was new aristocracy.
Mao's family was the son of a wealthy land owner.
Poor folks do deserve a bigger voice.
That would be nice
More armed Leftists is a good thing. Leftist influence in the military is way too low despite leftist messaging being VERY popular with veterans and military-aged men. So many stupid officers means it should be easy for intelligent Leftists to get promoted.
Your just a lib.
I lucked up to advance on the only time I took the E-4 exam for my very crowded rate. Would've made it on test 4 for E-5 but by then I was done & it wasn't worth the effort to update the rank--
Risking your mental health to own the MAGAs in this way ain't worth it
Dude, we were doing paperwork in the office and ducking the Senior Chief.
Blue-collar jobs are overwhelmingly dominated by MAGATs. We need leftist plumbers, electricians, construction workers, building inspectors, and everything else under the sun currently dominated by Right-wing big business interests.
We own an old home in Oregon and every tradesperson who comes to our home is queer or from a minority group or people who work with those people.
But you'll need to change how you think and adjust everything to LONG TERM planning!
Informative: people have died for such things. (Noted.)
But a lot of replies are just mean. I don’t think that’s necessary.
promotions in the police and military come from being good at doing violence to undeserving people
which you have to prove by doing violence to undeserving people.
you are asking leftists to violently uphold the state in order to one day hopefully take it over
no. you damn liberal.
It's also against TOS, can't just be posting uncensored hog on BlueSky like that, not in these skeets smh
do you think no one has ever tried this before