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Dismantling the Department of Education has nothing to do with improving outcomes for our kids, it’s simply about taking away resources from our public schools.
Kelly: When I was flying in combat over Iraq during the first Gulf War, I didn’t expect that there was a 10-year-old kid sitting in South Africa who would one day become the richest guy in the world and call me a traitor for doing my job. Now, he kind of acts like a 12-year-old kid
The Measles vaccine is completely safe and two doses are 99 percent effective
GOVERNING is negotiating with the other side when you need 60 votes and you only have 53. Refusing to negotiate when you don’t have the votes is incompetence. That is why Republicans can’t govern.
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Should have never stopped.
Feels like I'm leaving money on the table by not doing a scam or swindle of some kind. Would you guys buy a car for $100,000 if I pretended it can drive itself. What about a fake currency
Republicans seem to have completely forgotten about the first amendment
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Dear Bluesky, Congrats on hitting 33 million users. Love, God
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My message to our steel and aluminum workers: you have our full support, now and for the future. We’re going to build big things in Canada, and we need every one of you.
The oil industry buys off Congress. No action on climate. The NRA buys off Congress. No action on guns. Insurance companies buy off Congress. No action on health care. The list goes on and on. Money in politics is the root of our dysfunction.