This would be a neat concept for a sleepaway camp for kids but no, they want to try to market this as permanent housing for adults because startupbrain.
I did that with 4 as a kid, & hoo boy...and that's where 2 of the people using it could be told to pick up their towels etc.! (Mom did not need telling, Dad is a lost cause)
When I lived in Sweden I’d purposely sleep at a friends apartment sometimes like legit just show up for naps because his bedroom was a tiny room with wall to wall bed. We worked overnight so it was a great idea for that but I felt so comfy and safe in there
If not for this getting shut down for fire code violations (bedroom without a second exit), I would have had a fun new Friday night entertainment option, mocking these bros at at my local park
I'm not about to heavily criticize the aesthetic. There's some truly...unique...looking house ideas that I've seen, but they still appeal to SOMEONE out there.
If someone wants to live in a children's playhouse-esque styled dorm, more power to them. If 14 people somehow do...well, same, I suppose.
It's easy to compare this to the ideal public housing construction you're imagining in your head, but until that public housing actually gets built, it's weird to complain about the housing that actually exists.
I can and will complain about currently existing housing if violates health standards, crowds people into tiny spaces to make a profit, or is otherwise inadequate.
According to your philosophy we shouldn't complain of collapsing houses with lead pipes and severe mold, because "housing".
I love the picture of the people pretending to be absolutely delighted to have to bump heads with these other weirdos while crawling blearily out of their sleep holes for the 200th day running.
The biggest red flag here though is the 'family dinner' and group activities, never work or live anywhere that wants to foster community by pressuring people to hang out.
Just this week some colleagues were passing around a Gofundme for a disabled engineering manager in the Bay Area who was out of work & is now homeless. That one threw me.
This sleeping pod situation doesn't happen when housing is affordable. It's folks trying to survive.
You can rent a full blown house for that in kansas. Downside is you have to live in kansas and don't get a cool sleep coffin. Upside is you don't have to live with 13 other people.
Considering who this is marketed to... oh the smell. Even if everybody is keeping up with the housekeeping, just the off-gassing of a dozen closely confined bpeople living on stress, soylent, slim jims, and energy drinks. Visible fog
So, is that to buy, because we were looking at a monthly rent for the property in which they were squeezing 14 people. I'm struggling to see how anyone could be spending a million on rent, even annually
14 pods for people to sleep in and 3 full sized bathrooms. Three?!? We have four people and two bathrooms and that ends up being a huge problem sometimes. 3 bathrooms for 14 people would be a nightmare!
Seriously every time something good happens I think maybe, just maybe we don’t live in hell, I get reminded that. Yes, we live in hell. I would like to burn this whole idea with all of the fire.
I lived like this for almost a year in central London but with less privacy because it was bunks. Previously, I lived in Japan, with about as much space as this but again, less privacy.
The tight sleeping arrangements didn't bother me nearly so much as the queue for bathroom and kitchen facilities.
I just clicked on the apply button to see what kind of questions they ask and it says 'all are welcome to apply but we're especially excited for more women to join our community' Yeah bro, I bet you are. Shudder.
(otherwise it gets reassessed at current levels and most people have to sell to investors, it’s absolutely going to fuck most families in CA as the boomers die off)
The three bathrooms - are they litter boxes? Do people come and tap on the glass outside the "apartment"? Is this sponsored by a human adoption agency somewhere?
Also, i do my utmost to avoid sleeping with my laundry.
When I lived in Sweden I’d purposely sleep at a friends apartment sometimes like legit just show up for naps because his bedroom was a tiny room with wall to wall bed. We worked overnight so it was a great idea for that but I felt so comfy and safe in there
bet it smells wild up in there
also, fucking in boxes
I mean, have you seen some of their ideas like micro-apartments? They're starting to be built in the US, too.
There are a couple of these dorm style houses in my neighborhood and they are awful neighbors.
I still think they should be legal but they have a gnarly impact.
It's very much a case of trying to scale this sort of thing up without mathing out the practicality of the design. The lack of forethought shows.
(Something about the hippies tbh)
And this is the first one I’ve seen that’s not actively trying to look like a HOME
If someone wants to live in a children's playhouse-esque styled dorm, more power to them. If 14 people somehow do...well, same, I suppose.
329.5 people per square kilometre (total area)
US: 32 people per square kilometre
California: 97 people per square kilometre
The US housing problem is not Japan's housing problem, and the solution ought not to be the same
This is just an example of why relying on the private market to solve the housing problem is a terrible idea.
According to your philosophy we shouldn't complain of collapsing houses with lead pipes and severe mold, because "housing".
I would end up pissing myself once a week, jesus christ
They're trying to put a nice/brave face on the fundamental fact that they can't afford anything else.
So might as well make the best of it & try to build a community, which they can also get excited about.
This sleeping pod situation doesn't happen when housing is affordable. It's folks trying to survive.
god imagine the snores getting bounced around the plywood coffins
Which could be an issue considering the location.
Our old flat was in a block which was super popular with renters. At one point, the rent was £1600 a month but the mortgage was £800-some
Not a one of them have ever had a heat injury, I see. Or met perimenopause.
The tight sleeping arrangements didn't bother me nearly so much as the queue for bathroom and kitchen facilities.
With people you're gonna hate!
Because we have no values or cultural structure by which to screen people!
In boxes you can't even sit up in!
And with nowhere to securely store your belongings!
Better hope nobody is a rapist or thief!!!
If that's my home for months??
Plus all the stuff mentioned above.
Or does that rent include a cleaning service...
and good fucking luck getting FOURTEEN people to consistently all take their chore turns
( it pained me to type the word "chillaxing")