Absolutely nobody asked for this but I reformatted my animal yeetability thread into printable poster & zine files.
Introducing, the "Pocket Guide to Responsible & Sustainable Animal YEETING" featuring a revamped rating system. Download links below.
Introducing, the "Pocket Guide to Responsible & Sustainable Animal YEETING" featuring a revamped rating system. Download links below.
Picking up her poop one morning the head of a partially digested cicada stared at me like the head of a vanquished warrior of the planet Faeces.
I did not see our particular "find" on your list but it only happened once. We took little dude down to where we thought they could live (we looked it up but I can't remember now)
They're anxiety-producing to catch, but actually easy since they're so predictable. And then they just hang out obediently in the bottom of the cup, no trouble at all.
You find the crabbo?
In your dome
You get the stabbo!
Yeetability 0
I've def heard of people in the tropics having Gecarcinus and such entering their house
Invented the game of
Slug tag
Significant yeeting but slug survival was near zero
I will not go further on the subject of slug terminal events out of respect for the squeamish
but for households with mammalian pets, being inside is probably not a very good life choice for the 'pedes.
I just know the house centipede is often unfairly maligned because it is creepy lol
here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scolopendra
That is actually one of the big selling points of my area imo, we get snow which people complain about but I would take snow over bugs like that any day lol
-5 pts for planet wide ecosystem collapse
Is it acceptable to yeet slugs that are eating your garden lettuce into the lawn for birds to pick up?
I want to get them out of the garden as quickly as possible & hope they get eaten, but also don't want to torture them.
Probably composting now, way cold.
A 4’ yeet towards actual mother is required to disorient the wee dumb-dumbs so shepherd can flee and they can fixate on the proper large blob, the one with an udder.
No worries, they are all rubber.
I say less in direct contact and more my experience when seeing people trying to exterminate them, almost nothing works, they are very problematic here principally to pets and kids. And almost no way to avoid them. I'd expect them to be durable as well.
That's the only two methods I see people using for them. That lead me to believe they were sturdy.
I have yeeted many of those listed - it is a useful guide for Sydney.
Poster format: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/30eq8ru8qgzsd4flj46pf/Yeetability-Poster-BIG.png?rlkey=qyy5e3i454jfbxliplumj154v&dl=0
Double-sided 16-page zine format: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/5jzsc3qmxygkxwfixj4d6/h?rlkey=m9pxvv6vii9dxclvf2g63uo5t&dl=0
Also CRABS. I kinda wish I lived somewhere that crabs were a problem.
(The answer is gloves)
Either UES ("Urgency, then Ease of Capture, then Survivability", like in the provided legend) OR EUS ("Ease of Capture, then Urgency, then Survivability", like below each of the bugs)
Would it be OK for me to repost on Facebook -- with credit to @faanzanth.bsk.social (or whatever else you'd prefer)?
(It's great!)
Would you like a Presidential medal?
How do I become as powerful as you????? I hate killing roaches or any insect but I'm terrified of trying to catch a roach in particular
you can get a dust pan with a long handle, shoo it in with a broom, and it would sit in the corner as you escort it out
Until I can get an audience at the mosquito council and convince them to stop piercing my skin, my wife's skin, and the cat's skin they are doomed.
(it's a last resort though because spraying the room sometimes hits unlucky spiders too)
The word "mosquito" (formed by mosca and diminutive -ito) is Spanish for "little fly".
Mosquitoes are insects belonging to the order Diptera, the True Flies. Like all True Flies they have two-wings.
Is it a phobia thing?
I agree with you on the subject of redbacks, mind you. They should all be killed and burned. Horrible things.
But I like my huntsies.
paper that described a pede taking out a bat and falling to the cave floor, anecdotally I’ve also just noticed that centipede integument is very flexible and can’t really shatter
...now there are MUCH better snacks indoors.