I feel sad for our country. I have never felt it so divided.
There is a meanness that permeated the chamber tonight.
The punch, counterpunch will never work. If we continue with this “eye for an eye”mentality, we will all end up blind.
Our country needs some healing.
There is a meanness that permeated the chamber tonight.
The punch, counterpunch will never work. If we continue with this “eye for an eye”mentality, we will all end up blind.
Our country needs some healing.
Smdh. I feel sad for you.
go do that. go actually fucking fight and end the fascism, then talk about healing.
"Democrats need to compromise to heal" is what we're hearing, but we're missing the part where they only see themselves, and not their constituents, voters, or the rank and file of the party, as Democrats.
"country" just means the ppl around him
They think of themselves as the new nobles, which I find funny, because it's just two letters away from "noballs."
Party leadership understands this lord/serf power dynamic. Only voters (D) are confused.
Maybe if we throw a few of the organs it's been targeting under the bus, it'll leave the rest alone?
It's not clear to us, which is why we keep getting angry at Democrats as well as the looter fascist Republicans.
“Collaborator” starts with a C.
In closing, fuck you.
Shame on you, sir. Al Green has more integrity in his thumbnail than you will ever have.
That’s what leadership looks like.
You just represent capitulation.
we will remember this in midterms
“I was just following orders” didn’t save Nazis during Nuremberg, and won’t save you if we ever account for what is happening now.
We certainly won’t have accountability with people like you around, that’s for damn sure. Spineless.
Go Fuck Yourself!
Grow a pair, or get the fuck out the way.
I don't want my country to be a Russian satellite state.
I don't want my children to be enslaved by the billionaire class.
I'm feeling the hate being thrown at us by billionaires and despots.
I'm enraged.
Please stop these divisive tactics and work together to support fellow Democrats in the fight against Trump. Or else our democracy will not survive.
The only loyalty he seems to keep is to Oligarchic processes.
You're a coward ceding ground to fascism. There should be many punches thrown and you should be the recipient of a few.
That’s capitulation and appeasement.
Dems and Dem leadership keep punching themselves in the face and then rage at their voters for telling them to stop.
Primaries are coming.
I also think more Dems should have stood up with Rep Green and either walked out with him or continued disrupting until they got sent out too. Trump can't tell lies if he's being interrupted. Republicans get it, why don't y'all?
The party is embarrassing because of things like this. Grow a spine, Suozzi!
You're a fascist collaborator.
How can you even look yourself in the eye!
Are you fucking serious? What a piece of shit.
And also to say these are unprecedented times. Get it together, man
Grow a pair.
They are doing fascism.
You are an appeaser.
Your job is to stop evil not meet it half way.
Fight them or get the hell out of the way
You are not a statesman.
You can't have healing without justice and accountability for the perpetrators (hint it is Trump's followers who started the "meanness".) When they repent we can talk.
Otherwise, we are on opposite sides forever.
So happy there's a Democratic unity in Congress.......NOT!!!
That speech was a vindictive volley of lies and propaganda. Every Democrat should have stood up and walked out. These are not normal times.
go fuck yourself tom