This gets at an important question. For those of who write, what is the point of writing? More than enough journalists and commentators are already documenting Trump’s abuses of power and holding him to account. What do we add by adding to the pile-on and stating the obvious?
"Other journalists are already calling out a bigoted, narcissistic demagogue. So, I'm not going to pile on. I'm going to focus on the Democrats."
Huh?! You're a pathetic excuse for a human. Let alone a journalist.
They shouldn't be on the Blue!
Your writing (and, for that matter, your existence as a whole) has been a net negative for the world.
The only thing your “provocative” headline tells me is that you have no idea where the American people are, how truly uninformed they are and that they are overwhelmed with the information environment. Just arrogance
What *is* the point of anything you write?
I want peace, and war casualties are terrible, but some of these folks aren't living in reality.
Get the hell outta here with this evergreen clip piece bullshit… imagine thinking this is cutting edge commentary.
We know your weak type… kissing up to Bezos & Trump because you don’t have the spine to criticize Trump.
Spinelessness at its finest.
Muskrat is a Nazi, GOP are Nazis.
So maybe, go back to Twitter?
(ps: i agree with you about Dems needing to rebuild)
What WaPo and NYT did to the Dems in the past few years (and you, chiefly among them) is not only created, but exploded the fissures, while normalizing the GOP and Trump.
The only carve out I’d like to see is for them to explicitly exclude you, so that we hopefully never have to read any of your trolling trash ever again.
It seems as if your issues with the Democratic party are the same attacks hurled by the gop.... almost as if these talking points have been regurgitated by the media over and over....
The corruption and criminality is what they must fight.
Maybe go join up with Lindy Li.
Educate the public on how programs and research touch everyday lives & not some early clickbait sensationalist drama garage
The fact that you, a journalist would mitigate what’s happing is problematic.
Democracy will return, but will your morals?
Oh, here’s that ad that wouldn’t print. Nobody voted for elon
Look at what Trumpers believe.
There is no vision clear enough or good enough to cut through.
If they can spread lies like that, Dems need to start LOUDLY AND NON-STOP telling EVERYONE what the fuck is going on!
If Dems don't, nobody else is gonna!
I guess its true that WaPo only employs spineless Nazi bootlickers at this point.
Second, you are obviously a shill for your employer's desire to gaslight people.
Fuck off, please.
why don’t you adopt a pluralistic approach to liberalism rather than arguing for a decoupling from democracy?
Poland: “🫥”
"We know Hitler did that attempt to overthrow the government, but reporting on all the details of his new regime isn't adding anything..."
Repeating lies often and loudly sure seemed to work for Trump and co. Why would repeating the truth be any different?
Seriously, what is your job again? Are you just a shill for the Trump regime or what?
But shame on me, I shouldn't have expected so much coming from the Washington Post these days.
#2) MORE people banding together to show opposition helps the ignorant see the bad and not hide from it.
#3) Writing rage bait serves no one but yourself in a country that has quite enough self-serving assholes to go around.
Who is "us" in this sentence?
It's clearly not the American public given the election outcomes.
Is it people who read the WaPo?
Does that paper assume that each and every person who reads it is a Democrat?
Take away their power over the representatives.
You don't have anything original to say. You just whitewash Trump's abuses of power the same ways as others, such a person-on-the-street interviews with random voters and criticisms of the ineffectiveness of the Democrats.
You should heed your own advice and shut the hell up.
He’s taken away the eggs
He’s sacked air traffic controllers
He sounds like his faculties are going
Doesn’t he look old.
Over and over.
You don't have to keep reminding us.
Such an embarrassingly bad take
This is inherently false and I can't dumb myself enough to explain why. 40% of the country doesn't "already know" and repeating is a way of breaking the bubble.
She had no idea the insulting way Trump pronounces “Chi-Nuh”
No idea that Elon has been serially impregnating women.
No idea that Elon wants to replace people with AI in federal government.
So, you all aren’t doing your job. Do it.
Biden's, and the Harris', campaign was built around "here's how we're going to build on the last 4 years and help even more people have a piece of the American Dream."
Which one won?
And it's a good question.
If I presented you with a contarian opinion, is that more valuable than the truth to you? Are you simply, blindly putting novelty on a pedestal? Are you bored? Is this all just a game?
REPEATING TRUTH: we tried something once and we're all out of ideas; don't want to appear unseemly
1. You empower people who agree but are passive to become active.
2. You help those still uncertain decide which way to go.
3. You puncture the bubble of the unconverted who believe everyone agrees with them, reducing their certainty and morale.
5. You inspire people already active on your side to believe in victory and keep going.
6. You provide new perspectives and methods to those on your side.
8. Your grandkids won't have contempt for you.
9. Publicly stating your lines makes you more likely to honor them.
10. It's the right thing to do.
Washington Post was instrumental in creating this horror account of Trump's pathological lying.
Think they've still the cajones to write part two?
Not looking very likely.
"Trump is bad"... FFS🙄
Trump isn't "bad", he's appalling.
Trump is an elderly, poorly educated, demented, narcissistic grifting felon. His re-election is an indictment of thirty-odd percent of eligible voters who voted for him, and an even greater indictment of another thirty-odd percent who did nothing.
I’ll repeat that truth as many times as it takes
Who is your lecture for?
By a libertarian whore like shadi?
Good one.
Welp, sounds like none of your posting was necessary because we've heard this shit before, from people that don't pretend to be something they're not.
You seriously should find a different job if that’s where you are right now.
Here's a thought, rather than whine about what the minority is doing, why not write about what the majority is doing, like completely abdicating it's responsibility to enforce Congressional power under Article 1?
Journalism has been gutted. Theres not enough coverage of all the news
Ok that’s piling on. But maybe you should get a legit job, maybe one vacated by the undocumented you despise.
being on the right side of history?
holding those *in power* accountable?
Were we “premature anti-fascists”?
Asking cause that's not my definition of writer. Also, I never heard of you until Jamelle put you in my feed. Not appreciated.
Also, your boss wouldn’t print this ad. While you’re asking important questions, go ask him why not?
btw Nobody voted for Elon.