This is a bar for only the most straight heterosexual men. Cowboys, Construction workers, Cops, Leather Bound Bikers, Firefighters, Wrestlers, and Sailors. No girl stuff. Just sweaty heterosexual men being sweaty & heterosexual & male with each other. No femmes. All He/him. Males for males. M4M.
Speaking of cowboys...for anyone who spends this much time and money on boots and hats,
we have some difficult news for you
Give folks an aneurysm at the same time.
Wow! I get free beer for dressing like shit?
the bar erupts into chaos, but what’s that? you guessed it, my speedo’s belly band holster holds my .45 caliber FREEDOM DISTRIBUTOR AARP commemorative handgun.
Dudes rock.
Can I dress as a DIFFERENT heterosexual male? If so, I want to be Ric Flair.
Can I have my free beer now?
To get the full dose of misery you must listen and watch the interviews with this owner. SO sad.
They have no month long holiday, no special flags, no one wants to hear them read stories to kids!!! SAD
In short, they WANT ATTENTION NOW.
Do you think they'd be okay with being flooded with straight trans men? A slightly-shorter-than-average sea of flannel Aidans, Damians, Augusts, and Sebastians? Granted, there are only like four straight trans men in my entire network, but...
Btw, I always thought that it was Straight Pride® 365 days a year...
It's bad enough to have to get up and put some clothes on first thing in the morning, and now I also need to feel proud while reaching for my more or less clean jeans and sweater (or T) and feel heterosexual (sorry: 'straight heterosexual') while I search for that damn other sock?
Piss off.
These guys are the same types that would call me a beta cuck, while at the same time living in abject terror of the judgment of their 'mates'
Don't get me wrong, i like being a dude, but i'll be damned if i am going to let assholes tell me what that should mean
Guys like that don't like women at all, they just want to own them
Str8s: oh yeah?? for forcing us to acknowledge that you exist, WE'RE going to have an EQUAL month all about how much better we are than you!
Pride: that's not what we're doing at all, tho?
Pride: um...
Str8s: ... wait
And it's the only menu.
And all the drinks are extra "girly".
gay bars are much more healthy & fun environments.
The whole problem with the Mia Wallace situation in pulp fiction was that it was a socks-off massage
"why did you get a grindr ping"
"How'd you recognize it was a Grindr ping"
things that make you go HMM
So maybe they have to worry about property damage insurance instead
I *wish* I looked even close that good.
Orville has an impressive bum.
Me in that photo would be catastrophic 😐
All bums are valid and lovable 😃❤️
it’s fun to stay at the.
Hell, it could be in a Shake Shack and it'd still be impressive.
They continue to send us subliminal messages