I don’t know what is going to happen but one reason I am pessimistic about Harris’ chances is that a former Trump chief of staff saying the president praised Hitler doesn’t make the front pages, except maybe as an aside in a bigger story framed as a partisan attack by his rival
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Kelly and crew should have spoken up much earlier.
Headlining it as if it's Just Harris calling trump a fascist is terrible journalism though.
The trials will be boffo.
We are in deep deep trouble.
They will obey and will not act to save us.
Skilled, energetic brown female possibly losing to convicted Hitler apologist white guy.
Apparently the consensus that polite American society has arrived at is that aspirational - if not actual - naziism is not something which bears critiquing anymore.
The people voting for Harris know enough and the ones that are old school gop probably know enough too.
Now I think anything short of a Harris landslide will be disastrous.
You're right though. It's like these newspapers have already reported that
Trumps racist so for them it's boring or report it over and over again.
(Edited 6:09 AM via @skeetsapp.com)
But, I agree, the conservative media is going to keep it closer than it should be.
I can't even.
CJR: https://www.cjr.org/business_of_news/los-angeles-times-editorials-editor-resigns-after-owner-blocks-presidential-endorsement.php
Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/media/2024/oct/23/la-times-editor-resigns-presidential-endorsement
LAT Guild leadership vs. owner's #gaslighting:
I know a few who've held on at the Strib, and the vibe is always grim. They're dedicated to doing news, but it's a much harder slog than 10 years ago.
Speak out… Or get lumped in with your editors.
No source that wants their story to reach a wide audience and doesn't want it twisted should bring their stories to this paper at this point.
(And FWIW I actually was surprised by, and appreciated, the response.)
Or maybe "they hate Trump's enemies a lot more than they dislike Trump?"
And of course i understand if you are not willing to talk about it.
turn out in numbers like Obama's victory
offer to take your neighbours if they're scared
stick around at a poll to walk ppl in if nutjobs are there
help ppl vote... it's CRITICAL
but I work in media & know how shiftless my colleagues R
I wouldn't let them move my car, I'm definitely not trusting their intuition on race; with polling as F'd as it is, they sure AF don't know
2) Trump's base has not grown in 10 years. He only had a 29% approval rating at the end of his previous term
3) Prominent Republicans, whose head would literally be first on the chopping block, are publicly endorsing Harris. They know
otherwise want to do that’s a decision you’re making on your own. I’m not making you do or not do anything.
If you go to @nytimes.com home page right now, and Ctrl-F the word "Kelly" you get zero hits.
You do get, "Harris Calls Trump a Fascist" but what prompted that? Who can say? It's unknowable.
*I did turn it on once in 2008 when Obama clinched to watch them suffer
Also, people think Trump is just blowing smoke, but they don't realize people like Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller aren't.
Journalism in the US has been compromised.
At this point in the campaign, I genuinely don't understand how anyone could think Trump still has a chance.
They're watching the wrong polls. It'll be Harris, 54-46. I'll still be here on 11/6.
The press isn't influential at all.
Actually, why do we even have one?
There's a bigger world outside of your bubble. Regardless of your (or my) opinion of them, millions upon millions of people read them.
She answered a direct question about John Kelly's own words directly and that's bad.