Okay genuine answer: he's a centrist independent type with a libertarian streak. He voted Harris (iirc) but he's also the type of person to say the democrats went too "woke", with a very poor definition of what that even means. He's also very stubborn and keeps relitigating old arguments he had.
I can see that but does that make him a bad guy? Has American society gone so far left and right that a centrist that keeps voting for democrats a bad guy? Something we need to look into.
I think Erin Reed just added him because she saw the blue check and the inflammatory tweet. I have a long list of issues with Silver, but he's not nearly as bad as the others on the list.
Twitter-likes encourage tribalism because of their design. It obviously affected both sides here.
Important to note, I think, that while X is a destructive hellsite for many reasons and people should leave it, Bluesky is still just a slightly improved Twitter. You make Twitter, you get Twitter problems. Hard to fault someone for making snap judgements on the snap judgement website(s).
it's not the same thing at all, but how about i go and post anything reasonable on their "truth" social definitely-not-a-mastodon-server? I'm sure that they'd ban me.
Its always very funny when righties complain about Bluesky. "Oh that thing you're doing I dont like, well actually it definitely lost you the election. You can trust me, the guy who hates everything you stand for and wants you to lose elections."
they're mad we're doing what they've been doing for decades: finding our own non-mainstream platforms. only we do it for peace & progress and they do it feed prejudice and hate 🦋💙
I mean he's not wrong, big accounts ARE screenshotting and posting the screenshots...
As for ideological conformity? Meh... If the idea of treating your fellow human beings as if they're human beings rubs you the wrong way, I have a suggestion: stop being a 1980s Saturday morning cartoon villain.
They're just upset that we aren't sticking around the hell site for them to harass anymore. Trolling us is their reason for being and now they just get to yell in the void.
It’s a computer program! I don’t like google docs… cause I’m old school and learnt everything in excel…. So I don’t use google docs… but I like pages over word so I use pages! I don’t like crazy people in my social media so I know longer use X… doesn’t stop the world turning does it?
I know it’s a source of income to these people…. And that’s what they are worried about… but sometimes you just have to go out and get a new job… and they might find they are happier by doing so…
When I was on twitter, (bounced no long after trump was unbanned), I would rant and rave about everyone reposting whatever MTG et al would say (she was more in vogue then), and I did become quite pedantic about it -- but it's like yeah, not letting them flood the/your zone with shit is so effective.
I love the double-hit of them yelling "Bluesky sucks!" paired with not being able to say the word 'Bluesky' because it will stop people from seeing your post lol
The very idea that liberals/leftists would be happier in a space specifically without them is untenable, because it would require acknowledging that they're deeply unpleasant to be around.
I believe it is, yes. During the period of 'jumping ship' I and a lot of folks went out after the AI update terms, any post containing a link to a Bluesky account would not hit people's feeds. It would be on the poster's page timeline, but no notifications would be sent to your followers
If you're wondering how I got that, it was from several artists I followed. I even caught their alogirthim fucking up, posting a post that contained a bluesky link, tried to click it from my notifications, and it'd send me to a non-existent page error and suddenly, it was removed from my notifs.
Elon change the algorithm, manipulated it in such a way that there’s a list of words that if you say including cis, major de boosting will occur I also have a feeling that words like trans and everything similar will also de-boost!
Think it’s a way to talk about something w/out helping it become a trending topic (ie the algorithm doesn’t know Blu*sky is the same thing as BlueSky). Those tweets don’t show up in searches for ‘BlueSky’ & they bypass filters for those who don’t want to see tweets w/the word BlueSky on their feed.
Twitter suppresses the reach of tweets that link or even just mention other websites. For a really long time you couldn’t even link your twitch stream in a going live tweet without getting your engagement slaughtered.
"hunting trophies" lmao they're so free speech until a single person makes fun of them. then it's "no wait they should morally not be allowed to do that"
The only thing that really concerns me is that with Bluesky's relatively minimal amount of staff, it's pretty clear these folks that make a living out of harassing people are firing up their fanbase to sneak over here and try to establish a overwhelming foothold to bring their bullshit here.
Like, very much brainwashing up their fanbase to prime them for harassement raids like little keyboard warriors. Telling them that 'the liberal brainwashing is now over THERE so we're going to have to take our CRUSADE to them!' shit.
The harassers are more than a little on that, publishing fake lists to try and trick folks ASAP.
I don't doubt everyone's resolve to keep this horseshit at bay, I just respect the sheer audacacious, shameless lengths these lunatics will take to keep grifting forever while galvanizing hatred.
Just amazing that the "free speech absolutists" on the website owned by a "free speech absolutists" have to self sensor the name Bluesky to avoid algorithmic censorship
Poor little broflakes are just torn slap up that we will not allow their particularly noxious trolling here. I've blocked, and reported three today. And I'm at less than 200 followers so far.
I can't imagine what some of the more popular accounts are experiencing!
They REALLY cannot handle the idea that tens of millions of people just do not want to deal with their crap anymore.
They feel entitled to our attention and time. Entitled to access us.
"Ideological conformity"? Any organized group of people has SOME level of ideological conformity. For example, most people agree murder is bad. The law punishes people for expressing murder is good. Thus, these people are just upset that Bluesky's Overton window doesn't allow transphobia
Hilarious to see activist blogger Ben Ryan complain about bluesky since his whole transphobic grift was born out of being sexually rejected by Ari Drennan.
also as kind of an aside, if you were going to throttle engagement if a tweet contains the word bluesky can't you just add in all the versions where a letter is replaced by an asterisk?
like is this some secret sytem the mods haven't caught onto?
I mean, if there were actually intelligent people working on the site, it'd probably be easy enough to do. But it's also the site that banned the term "cis", but not c*s, c!s, c1s, etc.
Eh, don't hate it - or, go ahead and do so if you want; just, it doesn't reflect poorly on you that you once did.. There was a time when Nate Silver was trustworthy.
If Democrats want to be lose, they’ll go on Bluesky, see breaking news, exchange ideas, organize, and build capacities.
If they want to win, they’ll go on X, get throttled by the algorithm, get censored, get death threats, and allow Elon Musk to control the American information space.
Silver's post is spoken like someone who sees everything through the lens of electoral politics. Like we shouldn't seek a supportive community and protect our mental health because it might hurt Dems' chances in the election?
That is such a strange take by Nate. You can easily claim the right wingification of Twitter brought trump the win. But having a left wing version is somehow bad for Dems? This guy has lost the plot.
I resisted putting serious effort into blue sky but not because I hated the platform, only because there seem to be a lot of infighting there because people were bored.
Now there's enough people here that I don't think that's an issue anymore, ruining block button functionality tanked Twitter lol
There’s an entire army of “libs of BlueSky” accounts back on X. Guess the blue checks figured out pushing all their victims off the site was bad for their revenue.
😂 oh look it’s the same asshole who was whining about activists like me turning Nature into a tumblr blog because we published a paper about decoloniality a few years ago! 🤣 🤣
Fine with me. They can stay on X or the so-poorly-named truth social. I hope they won’t come here with their misinformation, agressive verbose and bad negativity.
It's funny how one of them is talking about being "savaged" for "having a different opinion" when the majority of BSKY haters are complaining about their posts NOT getting enough or ANY engagement or that it's "boring" because of the lack of discourse and "drama" but I guess being ignored and/+
They all seem really upset that we don't want to hang out with them anymore. I would say they should go hang out with their friends and family, but it sounds like a lot of them don't have those anymore either.
I think that between here and Substack, you and I are both in the right place! You got me started on Substack, btw - I’m a subscriber over there. Thank you for all of your hard work.
Maybe if all these people would stop confusing free speech for "Carte Blanche to be an asshole," they'd stop getting flagged for intolerance. To these transphobes who saw emerging science about the human condition and said, "I didn't learn that in high school in the 90s." Grab a new book, please.
Right, Bluesky is "a haven for predatory activities" as if Twitter users haven't been posting and sharing literal CSAM for years, and Elon just lets it happen.
Of course the party that has a pedophilia problem accuses a website that bans their asses for intolerance of being a site that is somehow harboring pedophiles. Classic projection!
They use #Projection and so many other #PsychologicalManipulation tactics against #WeThePeople that many are confused as to who they want rid of, because they're falling for the lies. If #Lying to the #Police is a crime they why isn't #Lying to the public from a position of power an abuse of said
An abuse of that power & a crime? Its unethical at BEST but its a serious abuse of the power to #PyschologicallyManipulate those who cannot tell that's even what's being done to them. The #RepublicanCrimeSyndicate behavior is unethical @ BEST and much is #Criminal as people believe they are truthful
That was garden variety transphobia. The whole “all trans kids were abused as kids do we must prosecute trans folks to prevent child abuse” line of thought is extremely common.
And i report any offensive posts they made. There are enough categories to find the right one for these garbage statements.
Thank you Bluesky for allowing us to feel safe.🙏
Attempting being the operative word. I have a little giggle at the ones who have accumulated 1 follower after 200 posts, just before I block, secure in the knowledge that I won’t see them again unless they go to the bother of creating another account.
I saw a lot of these CHUDs are trying to claim Bluesky is a haven for CP. Of course none of them had articles to provide, they’ve seen the proof though.
Oh yeah, I remember when someone posted CP and got banned, but the owner personally intervened to have the ban reversed...Wait, no, that was on Twitter.
"A haven for predatory activity" describes Twitter so perfectly now. They're over there worshipping Matt Gaetz and trying to convince themselves (and everyone else) that every exposed right-wing pred is innocent, and just being targeted by the deep state.
Probably they don’t have people to constantly fight with and rabidly abuse. Wait till they all turn on each other because there is no common enemy anymore 😂
I’m going to start calling the fash who hate Bluesky “MAGA mushrooms”
Not *just* because Stormy said Trumps 🍆 looks like a shroomchode, but because mushrooms need dead things and manure to flourish and it’s so nice and clean of their destructive detritus that they are unable to flourish here.
Just reading these posts is giving me life! Imagine, a social media platform where we are not gaslit, where bullies are told to go pound sand. This is such a wonderful thing. Why didn't we all leave that other platform sooner??
I've been a blocking FOOL. Pretty fun to see them with only a handful of followers. I've been here 2 days and have more already. I mostly post pet pics.
Mostly manosphere of intolerance complaining we won’t take their hateful f*ckery under guise of “free speech”.
And the cling on Women desperate for proximal power via manosphere.
Wow! He's going to hate it here. The guy curates his Twitter so the only people who ever comment on his page are sycophants and simps he cons into funding him going around the world being a Clown wearing a sandwich board trying to agitate people to generate content.
These people are so mad their ability to harass, slander and libel has been limited. They’re abusers who can’t stand to live without victims - but we sure can live without them 🤷🏼♀️
Twitter-likes encourage tribalism because of their design. It obviously affected both sides here.
No fucking awareness.
As for ideological conformity? Meh... If the idea of treating your fellow human beings as if they're human beings rubs you the wrong way, I have a suggestion: stop being a 1980s Saturday morning cartoon villain.
Bluesky really is what you make of it, and he couldn't be more wrong
Hmph, this is why Trump won. Fucking liberals.
Look at my checkmark, i paid to have my opinions plastered everywhere in this website, and you WILL engage with me.
I don't doubt everyone's resolve to keep this horseshit at bay, I just respect the sheer audacacious, shameless lengths these lunatics will take to keep grifting forever while galvanizing hatred.
i can't believe nature is WOKE now
I can't imagine what some of the more popular accounts are experiencing!
They feel entitled to our attention and time. Entitled to access us.
I hope they keep on crying.
So yeah, hang it as a trophy.
Girl I can’t 🤣🤣🤣
and maybe that's how it works idk
like is this some secret sytem the mods haven't caught onto?
What a failure.
If they want to win, they’ll go on X, get throttled by the algorithm, get censored, get death threats, and allow Elon Musk to control the American information space.
Got it.
or fking reddit for that matter
are these ppl getting paid by the tweet by gop?
Now there's enough people here that I don't think that's an issue anymore, ruining block button functionality tanked Twitter lol
Reposted by Colin Wright
a Colin Wright joint
starring Colin Wright
Meanwhile, X promotes pedophiles, rapists, racists, and misogynists.
"At least trans people aren't there".
Let’s get them all capes for Christmas. Then they can be super mad!
I also salute you @erininthemorning.com for braving the horror-hole and bring us scalps.
#AskingForAFriend 🤣
Every baseless accusation is a confession.
Far-righters when they are excluded from a space:
Everyone they don’t like are “groomers” despite the insane amount of projection coming from them.
Everything they don’t like is “woke” despite not being able to define what that means.
If the they’re gonna be nasty, they could least be original.
are we that frightening? 🤣🤣
So... I read their profile and block accordingly.
Thank you Bluesky for allowing us to feel safe.🙏
"Trump won, cry more"? YAWN.
And much more powerful user tools for managing their feed.
You can't pick a fight with someone if you're locked up in an empty room screaming at yourself.
The block end quarantining strategy seems to be working.
An irony that flies over their small minds. 😂
His knowledge of biology probably doesn't go past the kid in 'Kindergarten Cop' that says "boys have a penis, girls have a vagina".
I really miss the bots, too.
Gotta dodge the filter on the free speech site after all...
If they don't like BlueSky, that seems to be a mark of approval for BlueSky.
That's one of the best things about Bluesky. You can open a post and not see a sea of toxic blue check replies.
So many of them had some nasty stuff in their profile bios.
Not one time.
Maga = immediate no.
No tolerance for the intolerance or hate anymore.
Immediate block. Keep it pushing.
Go live in your hateful hobbit holes of shame maga. We dont need or want ya.
Not *just* because Stormy said Trumps 🍆 looks like a shroomchode, but because mushrooms need dead things and manure to flourish and it’s so nice and clean of their destructive detritus that they are unable to flourish here.
I have roughly 30,000 people blocked on Xitter; I can block the odd one here no problem. 🙂
And the cling on Women desperate for proximal power via manosphere.
I try to stay informed, but I just have been feeling really sad and anxious.
I'm glad at least people like this don't show up in my feed much and for very long though.
The horror. /s
right-winger gets called out for long history of being toxic a-hole: "clearly this is 1984"
"The worst people that you know HATE this social media platform!"