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I think this actually crosses the Court's line, and what needs to be said is 'I will give you $40 in a campaign contribution if you happen to already hold the position that I approve of in this matter'
Honestly, I'm surprised someone hasn't set up a thing like that. The amounts it costs to bribe officials are certainly low enough that crowd funding them is reasonable.
When you call/email your Dem Senator, make sure you include in your statement that you will 100% support a primary challenge against them when they are next up for re-election if they do not vote "No" on the cloture vote on the CR.
why is it that the only thing dems want to stop is republicans fucking themselves up? they're completely asleep for anti-constitutional actions and blatant corruption and then snap into action to save republicans from shooting themselves in the feet
Republicans believe their voters want them to oppose Dems above all and act accordingly.
Dems believe their voters want them to be more open to compromise, even if it destroys everything. At least they pretend to - mostly they just enjoy the power and status their positions give.
Shutting down government wouldn't just be republicans shooting themselves in the foot. It would literally mean americans dying. That of course dumbass america would instantly blame democrats for.
@schumer.senate.gov I abhor onion person and everything she stands for and think if she is credibly accused of crimes she should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and i I lost track of where I was going with this but she's right you should let Republicans shut down the government.
honestly not sure why I opened with all that other stuff it seems incredibly mean and also entirely besides the point, wow can you imagine doing something like that
Guys of course we oppose the republicans, but a healthy democracy requires strong healthy opposition as such it's deeply important that we do everything in our power to help republicans, who we deeply respect as an essential pillar of our democracy. They will surely reciprocate!
I actually understand why they feel like they get blamed for everything, but the GOP has the governing trifecta, a mandate according to them! Let them use it and don't lift a fucking finger.
They'd rather throw us all under the bus to keep the government running, and then get all shocked and surprised when Trump destroys the country anyway cuz that's what he does with the power dems give him.
Comedically, Schumer is allowing a government shut down, he rallied Democrats to oppose the Republican spending bill and Democrats held the line, with only the ultimate shithead, Fettermen, backstabbing his fellow Democrats, and accomplishing nothing.
For the longest time I assumed that pic was edited to make it look like her but no, while the text is edited the 90s game it came from just dead-ass has a character who looks like AOC
um actually we need to continue to show we're cooperative bipartisan team players and take the high road to preserve decorum and respect for the system in the hopes of winning over moderate republicans who will surely reciprocate and create a fair compromise in the long run. Surely!
Yes they will. And it looks like they just might. Hope they keep their spines. All this pillaging and destruction must stop, all the lying exposed, all the Evil crushed. Good people trump Evil and that is the only way to stop the money-worshippers who would step on our corpses and laugh.
But, but, but... what about appealing to the mythical "center"? How will Dems possibly win the midterms NEXT YEAR if they don't move half-way towards MAGA?
shouldn’t he be— like idk stopping this?? instead if green-lighting trump then saying “LOOK HOW EVIL HE IS”?? like he’a still letting trvmp do everything unopposed, almost like dems threw the election in 2024 and wanted this outcome??
Nope. Leftists/progressives and liberals in general would then say democrats did it. Letting republicans completely off the hook. So either way yeah it'll somehow be democrat's fault.
Senate Dems: “But it will hurt us politically if we vote against the bill instead of saving Republicans, who control all branches, from publicly showing voters their incompetence even when they have all the cards”
But if cooperate, Fox News will criticize Dems slightly less and that would lead to a .000001% chance that your lifelong Republican Mee Maw will for a Democrat.
I can't quite "endorse" this because of how many people would be hurt/killed by it, but given that the dems don't really seem to give a shit about that anyway, it probably woudl be quite effective!
Similar sentiments being posted elsewhere and yeah, can't really argue with it.
I'm a relatively privileged person (also, not American, though as a Canadian I'm pretty invested in it) so if those that will be targeted before me feel that this is the way, I'm on board
They're going to be hurt and killed anyways. The GOP is actively trying to eradicate exactly the same groups, and they'd do a better job with funded armed groups than the passive attrition of economic forces. Hell, democrats have been content to let us die that way up to now anyway.
Dems believe their voters want them to be more open to compromise, even if it destroys everything. At least they pretend to - mostly they just enjoy the power and status their positions give.
- Sun Tsu, The Art of Neoliberalism
Glad that they finally held on the CR, let's keep the pressure on and maybe eventually they'll actually earn some faith back
Schumer needs to resign immediately and let someone take over who will actually do the job needed, because he obviously will not.
rule #2 of dem club is “don’t damage the gop”
No more words are necessary.
I'm a relatively privileged person (also, not American, though as a Canadian I'm pretty invested in it) so if those that will be targeted before me feel that this is the way, I'm on board