they’re arresting people for performing abortions, they’re deporting people for liking pro-palestine posts on social media, they’re sending immigrants to forced labor camps in south america, we are living under fascism right now
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The whole W presidency pushed us down this cliff and nobody with any amount of power ever bothered to stop us. Quite the opposite, they've been basically cheering for the arrival to this moment (and frankly: beyond) the whole time.
the thing is, bush genuinely had lost pretty much all public support by the end of his. there wasn't any major cult of personality surrounding him like trump has. the gop nearly collapsed in 08 and thats why the tea party rallies happened
things like mass deportations to work camps are what the gop have wanted for decades. republicans thought it was over for them after bush's presidency so they mobilized until they got what they wanted in order to keep the plan going
hell, think back to guantanamo bay, or the patriot act, or mccarthyism, or cointelpro. its not unlike what trump is doing now. autocracy didnt happen just because trump got reelected, its been rooted in american political ideology for decades
Yeah, cause Democrats are really trustworthy. They fucking enabled this shit. They lost to trump deliberately. Incompetence is a good cover for absolutely fucking over the American people. Makes it easier to stomach for Dems. They aren't on your side
Wrong. They tried that. The establishment Dems closed ranks and put up Hillary, Biden and Kamala. Liberals will the death of the dem party. Lobbyists own that party. Lobbyists are happy to push the Dems further right, so the Republicans seem more normal. It's already too late to fix
I refuse to believe that this is just how Americans are, and the majority of not just Trump voters but everyone is quite happy with how things are going.
If I do that I might as well walk over to the local Nazi bar and hand myself over to ICE
That's the problem with history, it makes it seem like past events happened and everyone noticed or it was a sudden change when that's rarely how it works.
Its because we don't have a leader, during the entire Biden administration Republicans still had Trump
Democrats have no leader, Biden Harris and Obama are all irrelevant rn, closest thing we got to a leader is Bernie Sanders who is still fighting but we failed 3 times now to put him on the ballots
The libs just cry if you say you are going to do something. They cry about "violent" words. They cry about "violent" actions. They cry about fascist feelings. Meanwhile, people are being ripped from their families and children with cancer are being deported. When will the libs realize?
WE ARE doing something about it… grassroots organizations are on fire 🔥 … No more sitting on the sidelines… get involved today!!💪✊🇺🇸🇺🇦🇲🇽🇨🇦
Stop asking if actions are Constitutional Crises.
6th Jan 21 & almost every Trump executive order is unlawful.
Trump/Musk/MAGA/DOGE are f#cking with you & laugh in your face! The world can help if you act now!
Do you love your children?
The Constitutional crisis began when Congress allowed the Republican ballot to include a person who had taken an oath of office and then incited insurrection. This violation of the 14th Amendment, Article 3 now remains ongoing. Congress must remove this unconstitutional Republican administration…
several years ago, at minimum. it ended when a rapist seditionist was allowed to be president again. crisis over! constitution: clearly worthless! anyone pretending otherwise is delusional.
nah, they seem to be even more stressed out because they have no idea why the dems aren't suddenly fighting the fascists they were taking photo ops with
being scared and confused is worse than being scared and knowledgeable, I promise
I’m glad that is going on but we need articles of impeachment, his minions being charged with crimes since he is immune. I’m talking action not words. I’m protesting and writing and calling but that is easy to be dismissed. It’s time for those who can make moves to stop this to do so now.
That's just it. "Supposedly". There's no evidence, no lawyer, no due process, no information on where people have been shipped to, nothing. So, anyone and everyone is at risk. "Supposedly" anyone can be disappeared.
No hate but it's very funny how the USA education system is so bad not even the most progressive among y'all understand the concept of Central America lol
They are being propagandized to think that it's now their patriotic duity to tighten their belts. The cult has them and they will find a way to explain to themselves every negative thing the regime does to them as something the libs did.
Yup. And imagine how most of us in canada 🍁 want nothing to do with it. If he turns on us we will fight. But I think he will be occupied with you Americans first. Be strong. Take him down!
We’ve been living under fascism. Even when Biden was in office the movement wad alive and well and the threat was real. No one but Trump has always been the “deep state;” and it is fascism.
Genuine question here. What do we do about... any of this? I don't think we can solve these impermissible issues without using impermissible methods. Do we start a revolution? A civil war?
Find the thing you're good at and look for activist groups you can trust. If you do art make propaganda posters. If you can cook feed neighbors. If you have a job position that gives you any interface with the federal govt resist and don't obey any unethical orders even if you get fired
We do, but that takes infrastructure, organizational and logistical. Plug into an org that’s already organizing (DSA, SPUSA, PSL, SRA, IWW, various immigrant rights/ICE-watch groups etc etc). Also exercise your 2A, get a tool, practice with it, regularly. Advocate outside the DP bc they’re complicit
It all came around. People just didn't want to acknowledge this country's original sins, that of genocide and slavery- it continued domestically and in foreign policy with every president, but there was always a chance to fix it and do much better. Liberals looking away from Gaza brought us to this.
important to remember we can still get out of this mess. theyre not invincible. but had more people done more about it in the past and not bury their heads in the sand and tell themselves "it can't happen here", it wouldnt have to be done with complete brute force
also important to look at all the good that's being done. a few hundred people gathering outside tesla dealerships made its stock go into freefall. if we can make them panic just by doing that, we're capable of so much more
We've been told we can't for decades. We can't change anything. It's too big. We need to know our place. Whole generations have grown up hearing it. That message was a reaction to the Vietnam war protests, to stop it from happening ever again. But it was never true. We aren't alone, and we can do it
I've loathed republicans for MANY years, and one of my family was a victim to Trump's policies! The one period I go off on liberals, from Twitter to even on here, I've been told I'll be detransitioned, placed in concentration camps, and deported! I'm allowed to dissent! Liberalism assists fascism!
What’s the difference? Honestly. They are ty same in my definition. I’m a socialist. Farther left than most leftists I know. I’m also liberal thinking.
When did ppl wake up and make those different? Did I miss a meeting?
Look, these are my thoughts on the matter of Republicans. But I'm not going to pretend most Democrats aren't weak at best if not outright evil. They've spent decades pushing away progressives and progress. All our civil rights gains were from the courts. It was unsustainable
Nobody does. But liberals pretend to oppose conservatives, when all they really do is enable them. Conservatives WILL NOT change, but a liberal can at least be shamed into doing the right thing on occasion.
Yes yes yes
You’re the first one I’ve seen to admit this.
Please spread the word. I keep saying, the USA is NOT heading towards a dictatorship because you already are one! Now please do what you can to reverse that. For the good of the free world.
Thank you, from 🇨🇦
Watching relatively progressive people online slowly but surely give up everything they believe in to give fascists a wider berth is one of the most sobering and bleak things I've ever seen in my life, but I'm gonna do my best to remember who did it when all this is over and never let them forget.
That's actually one of my greatest fears. That they're aiming to crush any hope we may have so we feel that the only option left is to turn to the dark side.
I find this type of speech seriously unhelpful. Under that framing a lot of people feel powerless and prefer to hide. We need to use every tool at out disposal, including asking people to stay engaged with the democratic process and not secede it
first they came for the illegal immigrants / then the legal tourists / then permanent residents / then the spouses of citizens
but they'll surely go no further. it's unthinkable. it would fly in the face of all our existing norms. so the rest of us are actually fine & will not be sent to the camps
I called it years ago. I am so disappointed that Biden and Harris did not pull out every stop to keep this from happening. They were really our best hope.
Don't forget a majority of Gen Z-t*rds (excuse my language, but I can't be PG-13 anymore) who see voting as the same with gambling w/ craptocurrencies, or placing bets on whoever team wins.
There's something vile that some folks only started saying anything like this because of the whole "voided Biden pardons" issue and not, you know, all of this materially more heinous shit
But but we have more than a single party!!! I was told that fascism couldn't happen in America because we have voting. Are you telling me that Libbers have been lying to me ?
The convicted 🍊💩🧷 felon is throwing away things that's making America weak & destroying everything. Carnage is his middle name. 🤬
1. Allies
2. Our Ideas
3. Autocrats vs Democrats
4. USA world trading system
5. Civil liberties
6. Religious Liberty
7. Limited government
8. Natural rights
I just saw video of the people deplaning in Venezuela. They were shaving all their heads right after they got off the plane. We don’t even know who was on the plane!!!!
Yes. We're LONG past constitutional crisis. We're watching the fall of a republic, and that needs to be acknowledged to have any ability to react. But if those who would destroy our nation just ignore legal federal edicts, and those forces don't...enforce...then - what? I'm actually asking.
It certainly looks that way - curious to know what Magats are now saying about the great lord trump - obviously none of those affect them so probably nothing
It all stems from The Heritage Foundations "Project 2025." Idk why more people are not upset at these so called right wing "think tanks" who have essentially given our leaders playbooks to follow for years. They've become way too extreme with their ideology. Everyone's too focused on Trump/Musk.
People actually believe it is trump doing this, but:
The authors wrote the plan and are executing it.
Musk bought the sharpie.
Trump.... he has sold his signature, you know he cant understand all those executive orders, he just does what he is told.
He does love his tantrums though. I think he's still doing his own brand of damage, but yeah following the lead on what his 'donors' (briberies) demand of him
The Fascist terrorist, Menachem Begin, founded Likud and was elected PM in 1977. Begin gifted "Moral Majority" leader, Jerry Falwell, a private jet, to help spread their Fascist ideology all over the US.
With a Constitutional Crisis right around the bend. Maybe tomorrow. See what the courts and judges do.
Take over, complete. As Putin walks right over us. Fuck Trump.
We've been knee-deep in Constitutional Crises for months. Ankle-deep in them for eight years. The last time we *weren't* in a Constitutional Crisis was about February or March 2017.
I think when he usurps the powers of Congress and DEMOCRATS endorse his goals we’ve past a constitutional crisis. If the courts send non US Marshalls to the White House he will declare it an insurrection and invoke martial law. We are five kinds of toast beyond a constitutional crisis.
Why would the courts send non US Marshals?
When they ignore the courts and judges tomorrow, we are then considered a CC. If our senators and representatives sit on the sidelines, what do we have? We have to keep writing to them and big time protesting. BIG TIME as in Serbia. As in Hungary.
They are deporting Hamas & Hezbollah members & sympathizers. I remember at some point not too long ago it was obvious that they don’t belong in America.
It actually started in 2020. BLM protesters getting thrown into unmarked vans by unidentified men. And the very blatant display of fascism..when he had protesters maced so he could march to the church and have his little upside down Bible photo shoot.
We need to advocate for more state power-- using their Constitutionally given authority to block illegal actions from the Trump admin and ICE. I lay it all out here and adapt the letter template Abbott used to block Biden in Texas. This is our best shot.
A year ago I was worried about going home to Russia because they'd search my phone and see my pro Ukraine posts, but now I don't even have to leave the states to experience Soviet oppression! Cool!!
One of the main organizers for the protests in Columbia University was disappeared away to a detention facility in Louisiana where a lot of non-criminal ICE detainees are hidden
That’s not liking a post that’s pro Palestine and getting hauled off. I’m aware of the situation at Columbia and it’s unlawful too. But that is it just liking a pro Palestine post and getting hauled off. If there’s proof that’s happening we need to know who, when, etc.
Hey not at all contradicting just asking for some context but what’s this about the pro-Palestine posts and arrests for abortions? Hadn’t heard about these
I wish I could say or do something, anything to get through to my family the situation we're in. I warned them for months and everything I said is coming true.
The U.S. has turned the corner. We are a fascist country with fascist government in control.
Unfortunately, a third of the fucking population doesn't know it yet, a third does and isn't doing a fucking thing about it and the other third is all in.
Well that would have to be assessed individually! I think more likely intimidated - so they are sticking to parish pump issues, sport, lifestyle - and TBH most journalists at the local level are functionaries not free speech warriors.
Are we just going to sit here and let them do it? There's an election in Florida on April 1st. Everyone needs to go out and vote for the Democratic candidates. Same for the New York election. A tie in the House will stop Trump's actions.
Boycott Tesla, and mock everyone who has one. If that company goes under, it will have a domino effect that will go up to Trump. Musk has already lost a lot of money. If he has nothing, he can't do anything for Trump, so he'll abandon him. We can stop him, even if our government won't.
I was kicked off Facebook last week for saying something about the administration that was negative....
They deleted my accounts, all of them, and blocked me from opening any new accounts...
My account from 2008, and instantly lost contact with my 350+ friends, lost all my pictures of over 15 years, my marketplace sales, etc...
I wish I could find a lawyer that would fight for me getting it back...
Devastating, especially mentally....
I'm on here to lessen the withdrawal not having anything to do or my friends to talk to for the week after that... this is something, but not what that was... I appreciate your compassion... I've been trying to avoid political posts and politics on here...
Some of their justification for Khalil's detainment was his social media activity, but it wasn't actually anything that he posted. So I assume it was posts he liked or maybe even just accounts he followed.
Sounds like they're making an example out of this guy to coerce people and shift media coverage to the controversy and public backlash. Open a new information front and undermine trust in leadership and media when they can't realistically fight all of these fights at once.
They deported another student for liking social media posts and a doctor for visiting Lebanon to see her parents and having "sympathetic images of Hezbollah" on her phone, whatever that means
So basically they think they can deport whoever they want like being a non citizen means you have no rights
looking for sympathy & leaving readers to do their own research into the full story doesn’t cut it
Ranjani Srinivasan, an Indian student at Columbia University, self-deported from the U.S. after their visa was revoked due to alleged involvement in pro-Palestine protests and liking or sharing posts
They are doing all these things that amount to political suicide because they dont intend to ever have to worry, about elections again. Right now they are getting all the money locked down, so when they fully coup, they can make sure they have control of every cent. We have till june maybe less
Land of the free? More like land of the forced birth, thought police, and outsourced slavery. But please, tell me more about how you just need to vote harder while Mango Mussolini and his bootlickers crank up the authoritarian dial.
The truly terrible indictment of the American character is how many incumbent legislators will be re-elected next year, and with what a small percentage of the electorate that will happen.
Some Americans want fascism, some don't, but the ones who just don't care either way sustain it.
Most Americans agree with some kind of restrictions on abortions and most Americans agree with deportations. Why are we on the wrong side of this issue?
Most Americans don’t agree on abortions. 70% of people believe women should have control of their own bodies. It’s just the republicans who are happy to see people deported. Less than 50% of the country.
This coup has been in the works under guise of “democracy” for over 30 years. The KGB found their “Yuri” in #Trump.
Look what he’s done-stolen classified docs, got “immunity” from the Supreme Court and has unlimited financial access in Musk.
Hollywood couldn’t write a better screenplay. 🪶👀
And they are doing illegal things to random people for no justifiably legal reason. This shouldn't be a retrospective 10 years from now on how democracy ended in the US.
You sure you're aware of all the details, friend? Like how's there's 50 MILLION people actively cheering this on- most of which own guns, cops here will shoot first ask later, our politicians abandoned us & there's a media blackout on what we HAVE accomplished. Come see for yourself, dare ya.
Maybe if some motherfuckers took us seriously when we told them that this was going to happen after we lost our right to safe abortions we would be in a less precarious situation than we find ourselves in now.
We've BEEN in fascist America and it will only get worse.
Right now we need to be doing everything we can to come together we can’t be dividing ourselves. I’m seeing things in my neighborhood that are telling me that something is going to happen soon.
The important part of this is that we never cast out a group just to curry favor with another. We MUST be explicit in what it means to be an ally and not be friendly with foes and we cannot ever view a group of people as a bargaining chip. Validating our people is a PRIORITY!
Standing up and saying not in my community, also allows others to have the strength to do the same. We have to protect each other’s children. We have to watch out for our neighbors. We can’t let the Internet distract us from what they’re doing out there in our communities.
If you have a typo with a “.” in it that could possibly be a website, it gets popped in at the very bottom. There is an “X” in the corner that you can click to remove it before you post. They are sneaky little buggers…
💔 Tell them until they start listening.
If the orange rapist felon gets too far, he won’t stop. I am afraid to think of his capability (or in his case, in capabilities)…
Just who the fuck does Trump think he is anyway!? A massive loser, IMO.
If you have been ignoring the red flags and flashing lights, there are no excuses left. Actual Nazis are in control of our government and are demolishing it brick by 260 year old brick. Is this what you asked for?
Oh yeah, and don’t forget, good news! that we can turn this whole thing around by attempting to flip Trump voters as they leave the cult (hint: these are THE FASCISTS WHO ELECTED THE FACIST).
I got restricted/throttled on twitter (been on there since 2008) due to their “suspicions that my account is a fake/bot account, “ after I reposted a tweet about Trump firing weather employees and the bad storms over the weekend.
Given our record, if history repeats itself as we are very well seeing, we are entrenched in 'First Shot' dogma. 'First Shot' can be interpreted in many ways in our history but the most significant events are literal. We may be seeing that now. This is getting out of hand.
Yes we are….That’s what project 2025 was all about. Courageous journalists read entire 900++ pages so they could read it and warn us. Oops. No one paid attention.
They said
It is.
Project 2025 is the blueprint, and they're following it to the letter.
It's like if their office isn't literally being burned down by Nazis they don't want to act. (This is both for R and D congresspeople.)
That's where the revolution *must* begin.
If I do that I might as well walk over to the local Nazi bar and hand myself over to ICE
Democrats have no leader, Biden Harris and Obama are all irrelevant rn, closest thing we got to a leader is Bernie Sanders who is still fighting but we failed 3 times now to put him on the ballots
Stop asking if actions are Constitutional Crises.
6th Jan 21 & almost every Trump executive order is unlawful.
Trump/Musk/MAGA/DOGE are f#cking with you & laugh in your face! The world can help if you act now!
Do you love your children?
By the end of the year, I wouldn't be surprised if it was mandatory to have a photo of Trump in a prominent spot in your house.
I’m not delusional, but I aspire to be delusional, I’m thinking that might help my mood.
being scared and confused is worse than being scared and knowledgeable, I promise
Your input was most needed and helpful.
Ooh I might actually be banned from the states then!
However it was a million times more free than it is now
god has a fucked up sense of humor.
What's being done about it?
Someone probably doesn’t like her competing with their own medical practice. Follow the $.
When did ppl wake up and make those different? Did I miss a meeting?
And why are so many ppl not targeting the conservatives who are literally trying to erase their existence? This misplaced anger is not helpful
Biden is a centrist. So was Clinton and Hillary.
I’m a far left socialist I agree with what you say. 98% of our Congress actively supports genocide ffs.
But not blaming gop is 🚩
You’re the first one I’ve seen to admit this.
Please spread the word. I keep saying, the USA is NOT heading towards a dictatorship because you already are one! Now please do what you can to reverse that. For the good of the free world.
Thank you, from 🇨🇦
but they'll surely go no further. it's unthinkable. it would fly in the face of all our existing norms. so the rest of us are actually fine & will not be sent to the camps
Why do they be sooo mad (I 99% know) ?!?!
Good job, idiots
If there is anything on your phone/laptop that seems 'hostile' to Trump, you might end up being 'detained' somewhere.
This is NOT a 'joke' -- immigration CAN check your phone and read your social media, Facebook etc ...
I tell them the truths they so desperately need to hear.
John F. Kennedy
Really just classic boilerplate Fascism.
And we can't muster even 100,000 bodies to march on the capitol.
1. Allies
2. Our Ideas
3. Autocrats vs Democrats
4. USA world trading system
5. Civil liberties
6. Religious Liberty
7. Limited government
8. Natural rights
(Just a little correction, they are sending migrants to El Salvador forced labor camps. It is in Central America; not South America.)
The authors wrote the plan and are executing it.
Musk bought the sharpie.
Trump.... he has sold his signature, you know he cant understand all those executive orders, he just does what he is told.
"Bluesky has a LOT of friends who want to kill Nazis with me 8D"
Politicians and judges won't save you! You have to act. And it will only get worse, if you don't fight it now!
And I’m not liking it one bit.
Take over, complete. As Putin walks right over us. Fuck Trump.
When they ignore the courts and judges tomorrow, we are then considered a CC. If our senators and representatives sit on the sidelines, what do we have? We have to keep writing to them and big time protesting. BIG TIME as in Serbia. As in Hungary.
Please check where you can show up and share this widely.
But at least, I'll have a new home in Japan...
Beautiful sights to see, Tokyo Disneyland, Universal Japan, those cute animal cafes, Sanrio Puroland, Shima Spain Village, Japan's national parks...
YES. YES. YES. Now what??
Unfortunately, a third of the fucking population doesn't know it yet, a third does and isn't doing a fucking thing about it and the other third is all in.
They deleted my accounts, all of them, and blocked me from opening any new accounts...
I wish I could find a lawyer that would fight for me getting it back...
I'm on here to lessen the withdrawal not having anything to do or my friends to talk to for the week after that... this is something, but not what that was... I appreciate your compassion... I've been trying to avoid political posts and politics on here...
So basically they think they can deport whoever they want like being a non citizen means you have no rights
Cry harder now
Ranjani Srinivasan, an Indian student at Columbia University, self-deported from the U.S. after their visa was revoked due to alleged involvement in pro-Palestine protests and liking or sharing posts
Some Americans want fascism, some don't, but the ones who just don't care either way sustain it.
If you stay. It’s fight for democracy or you’ll live in fascism.
If you’re going to flee, better get out now.
i’d suggest tiktok too because meta is doing shady shit near it but there’s a lot of community there.
if my suspicion is correct, though, we’re all basically gonna be forced into twitter soon.
Look what he’s done-stolen classified docs, got “immunity” from the Supreme Court and has unlimited financial access in Musk.
Hollywood couldn’t write a better screenplay. 🪶👀
Serbians are filling the streets of Belgrade.
What are you doing? I am Canadian. Fix your shit, America.
The country still functions.
Felon47 and his gang flout court orders. Your government is being dismantled.
We've BEEN in fascist America and it will only get worse.
We literally have only one option.
If the orange rapist felon gets too far, he won’t stop. I am afraid to think of his capability (or in his case, in capabilities)…
Just who the fuck does Trump think he is anyway!? A massive loser, IMO.
On fascism index, Hitler is 99, Mussolini 80, Franco 70
We are in 60s. Neo-fascist, testing waters of martial law, disbanding Congress, banning opposition, canceling elections, etc.
Heading to fascism unless
US size and states' rights stop it if people don't
They said
It is.