we did an episode of western kabuki covering grummz almost a year ago. the lore on him isn’t up to date but the basics are all here if you want to familiarize yourself with him
Sorry to go off topic but whenever I see someone post the fandom wiki I feel like I should try to be helpful and say that the main wiki is now hosted at https://tardis.wiki or https://mirror.tardis.wiki and the fandom wiki is no longer properly moderated.
If I could forget every Twitter Nazi and ggater and cosmic collision of divorced guy energy, I’d do it. Make my mind spotless with that eternal sunshine.
In like 2015 I was into the WoW private server scene and people there worshipped this vaguely known Grummz guy who advocated for earlier versions of WoW as well as for criticizing Blizzard (servers weren't nearly as big as they are now and communities were desperate for any outside validation)
crazy part about ubisoft dunk is this might be the first time majority of people were ever on ubisofts side and that dunking on elon musk is a valid and beneficial business strategy
Someone should have told their marketing and comms teams before they spent the last nine months debasing themselves trying to make the racists like them again
on one hand i'm like "ubisoft is a terrible company and this is just a marketing ploy" but on the other hand i'm like "we should absolutely reward ubi for this and make other companies realize that dunking on elon musk is free advertising"
Oh I don't need to be convinced I already bought it lol, still wanna play a couple other games before I get around to it but as a certified ubislop enjoyer I'll probably love it lol
What's even more nuts is that Musk is so addled the volume and lack of quality of his posts leaves him perpetually wide open and he is so self-absorbed that he has to strike back at every barb.
He's like an attention generating machine for people willing to poke him with a stick.
It also helps in that it should be second nature to tell grummz to fuck himself on whatever he says. Just out of principle.
Nobody should ever have to find themselves agreeing with him on anything he says, and the fact that a situation this hasn't happened yet is proof there is a God.
It seems every bad studio can bring players around at least a little with one special moment if they try. I mean I just spent a few weeks playing Split Fiction with my friend, and that's technically an EA game. EA ORIGINALS so you know, the "good" EA, but still.
all they had to do the last 10 years was make one of those games in sengoku era japan and they finally listened to someone who was saying that and look, the mandate of heaven
RotTK AssCreed will make enough money to allow them to buy the US presidency from Elon. It's either die after no one buys the company or do that people have been yelling about and win at this point.
I love Splinter Cell and wanted this for a long time, but at some point I was like "Actually I don't want this anymore, I feel like they'd fuck it up somehow"
If it comes out and is great, then yay. But until then I'd be nervous about it.
Thats already a thing. There's AC Chronicles: India that came out in 2016. Set in 1841 Amritsar, where you play as an assassin set to recover the Koh-i-Noor Diamond, which is a piece of eden.
I contend they could place a "main" title in the 1700s totally fine, as a meaningfully distinct situation from more consolidated British rule in the 1800s.
Putting aside the whole Mediterranean Renaissance Trilogy Ezio hosted.
The idea is touched on in one of the all time best of the series, Syndicate, and also in the sides roller someone else mentioned.
(To this day I maintain Syndicate as probably the Last Good AssCreed, though I am also someone who Lets People Enjoy Things so no shade on people who like what I dont)
Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot still hasn't answered for the horrendous abuse of employees by members of upper management that happened on his watch, nor the fact that he actively protected them. They are very much NOT "back."
For dudes who at least fantasize that they have massive gamer clout, getting rolled by Ubisoft of all companies gotta be lowest of the low. Like you're so disliked that people are celebrating Assassin's Creed to own you.
Ubisoft may be a shitty company making insane corporate decisions that benefit absolutely no one, especially not their devs. But they're still french, and if there's anything the french are known for its an insatiable hatred for authority figures.
Jesus I make a smartass comment and it explodes like this? My obligitory "wow this blew up" is telling you all to play more PS2 games.
Go Play God Hand, or Ratchet and Clank, or Metal Arms, or Shadow Hearts. Go do it. Especially if you're exhausted by AAA/AAAA publisher slop. You'll thank me later
Why not playing Xenoblade X though? It is basically a 6th generation console game, evolved. At least that game has Charme and a soul. (I also realised it's over ten years old now...)
Monolithsoft carries the spirit, absolutely, but I mostly just suggested PS2 due to how big of a library it was and how many hidden gems there are still waiting to be unburied because cost of development was still reasonable at the time.
Honestly I've been going back and forth myself even before this. Sengoku Creed has always been a dream AssCreed setting for me and Nobunaga's camp is a perfect focal point. but Yasuke feels like he'd benefit as being a "Player's mentor" role than actual PC and also standard modern ubisoft trappings.
At the risk of once again buying into cynical marketing bidding for my dollar uncritically hook line and sinker, I'll admit I'd be pretty amused if the next corporate social media trend was aggressively shitting on Elon Musk.
Hoping this leads to the trend of companies realizing that no these annoying assholes do not need to be catered to or reasoned with and you can just tell them to take long walk off s short pier.
Counterpoint: These assholes have been braying loudly for far longer and as someone who has worked the service industry, being able to tell a shitty customer or even just entitled asshole demanding you grovel at thier feet and service their whims to leap into the sun is good actually.
We should stop being nice to guys who think it;s okay to harass and throw slurs at devs and openly express glee at them losing thier livelihoods and start actualy telling "No, dude. You don't even buy anything. Go suck an egg." and point and laugh at them.
When our white house posts memes about deporting criminals and much worse, all professional decorum is off the table. I think every business should have a field day with these fascists.
I’m not even convinced that Ubisoft was unprofessional; cheeky industry-relevant roasting is what brands do to each other on social media; and Musk and Grummz are gonna post in that industry’s space? It’s fair game.
The difference is these guys take themselves way too seriously to roast and not know they're malding.
Sony roasting Xbox over the RRoD? Sure. Xbox sold a poster about the RRoD as official merchandise. Elon merely takes himself too seriously to take that kind of self depreciation. Kern too.
You think Social Security will set a fire, wait til you see the sparks flying off of our veterans and soldiers who lose their pay and benefits VERY very soon.
By the standards of companies like that it's pretty smart of them to realize that they have absolutely nothing to lose by shitting on guys like Musk and Kern at this point. The rightoids already burned the bridge!
Ubisoft is an unpleasant company that treats it's creators horribly, but if I have to choose a side here I'll hold my nose and go with them. Rather that than show any sort of Muskrat love.
A couple of years ago, I realized that I hadn't enjoyed an assassin's creed game since the third one, and committed to stop buying them. And goddamned if I'm not now thinking of getting the new one.
First time people are on Ubisofts side since maybe like 2016?
Maybe I am misremembering, but I feel like they were well liked until sometime after the release of Watch Dogs 2 and then at some point something shifted.
When was that “Save Ubisoft” E3 press conference? 2018?
mirage was kinda a bite size asscreed, extremely back to the roots of the series after the previous trilogy made all sorts of souls like inspired decisions
highly recommended, especially if you're into the naoe gameplay
Rockstar Games must be kinda pissed they already did "Elon Musk and his evil LLM buddy become Bond Movie Supervillains" in GTA Online back in 2017, and they already killed Avon Hertz off.
Ubisoft frantically trying to figure out if they can pump out another Far Cry 5 spinoff so they can make fun of Musk in addition to all the Trump digs in the first game.
No one likes the guy. He has worn out his welcome with everyone. People are begging him to go away. Even those who may be predisposed to like him politically. He’s an obnoxious presence.
Between this and Xbox offering free gamepass codes while responding to Grummz’s posts, it’s darkly funny that dunking on these die-hard reactionary capitalists is becoming profitable.
Assassin's Creed Shadows is a new game that stars a real historically existing black samurai named Yasuke. A lot of people are enjoying it, but white nationalists have to pretend that nobody is *really* enjoying it, because they also have to pretend that Yasuke was invented to humiliate white gamers
Elon Musk has been paying a team of pro gamers to play an online game called Path of Exile 2 in his name, because he wants to be King Of The Gamers. The official twitter account for Assassin's Creed is calling him out on this weird sad behaviour
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MAGA is just a makeover for total losers. The way they act is retaliation for never having enough brains, charm, wit, style, or decency to be one of the cool kids.
I like the part where Elon sounds like EVERY other unwashed asshole "She's actually an 1800 yo dragon in a childs body" pfp havin' little toddler-brained ass denizens of Asmons cesspit chat.
Rayman, Child of Light, Beyond Good and Evil and Prince of Persia. I just pretend they stopped making games somewhere around the time Black Flag came out.
I do think Hasan us over amplified. He's doing just about as much nothing for the world as the rest of us, but he is getting paid a lot more. That clapback on Elon, if real, is hilarious though.
waiting for the trump executive order establishing the doge esports team as the us national team with 10 billion in funding a year taken directly from social security
Loads of people do stuff they wouldn't normally 'just for the money'. Its called 'employment'! Does he think everyone does everything for fun and just find money in their account?
See, THIS kinda shit is why some people haven't totally abandoned Twitter yet. If we still have a few eyes over there, we get to see stuff like this and are able to spread ever further the fact that every single one of these idiots are the biggest dorks on the planet. xD
I wouldn't call hasan a sellout he's just trying too save a bunch of idiots from drowning in a kiddie pool. 🤷♂️ Not really my thing he's pretty much a life guard from baywach.
😂 The important part to take away from it is, Elon's just projecting. The biggest "charity case" when it comes to promotions and investment is Elon Musk, yet he wastes no time at all pointing at someone else. He's so full of shit, you can hardly imagine it.
Yes -- most teenagers I know would be mortified if their friends (let alone someone old enough to be their dad) was out there arguing with people like that. Hasn't he got a country to ruin?
he dreamed of being tony stark in the avengers movies, but in reality he's just lex luthor, but not even one of the cool lex luthors, he's the dipshit whiny jesse eisenberg lex luthor
i just dont get why he cares so much that a guy that CLEARLY hates him has him blocked
why does it live in his brain at all
it gives off vibes that he secretly wanted to be friends with hasan and now he's throwing a fit like "well i never wanted to be friends with you anyway"
His desperate desire to be loved by everyone is so funny. Like, just don’t be a piece of shit? But he can’t do it so he’ll make himself miserable like a boss hitting his own glowing weak spot forever.
yet another case of republicans and rightoids proving to the world that their mentality of "unlike leftists, i can be friends with someone even if we disagree on politics" is actually a veil for the fact that they have no friends and no one in the entire world cares for their existence
The funniest part about this is the Muskrat accusing anyone of being a coward when he made copious excuses for why he couldn’t fight Zuckerberg IRL, one of which included having his mommy step in to save him
Middle aged and yet his balls still haven’t dropped 🤭
Elon managed to make me want to buy assassins creed shadows. At full price. Because fuck Elon musk. If I was still on Twitter I’d respond to him personally telling him that.
You're absolutely correct. All those people liked it because I said it with conviction. And it took this long for someone to correct it lol. That's how these guys do stuff. I actually think he's kinda smart.
I still don't like rich people or the people that give them more money.
Yeah but we should direct our hatred towards Musk since he is actually influencing Politics and is friends with "Donaldo Trumpolini"
(It's a mix of Donald Trump and Benito Mussolini)
I've never NOT directed my hatred towards rich and famous people of all types. Including yalls precious Gaga and Dave Chapelle Roan. I shop outta vacation homes. My focus has always been just fine hon. When they put their money where their mouth is on Capitol Hill we'll talk. Elon did unfortunately
The faster we remember that all of these fuckers are the biggest dweebs in the world - no matter how much money they have or how many followers they have on X - the faster we’ll realize dunking on them is the way to go. Channel your inner high school bully and go to work on these nimrods.
Musk is not a nerd. He cosplays as one, but he's not. He's a trust fund business major. I don't know if people still use this term, but he's what we called "preps" back in the day.
Only he's a loser. He was awkward-looking, balding, has poor fashion sense, and has always been perpetually uncool. Preps are too superficial to have let him in their club. Nerds and geeks are too smart for him. Stoners, goths, and others would hate him, too.
Eh, yes and no. He used to be quite charismatic to the point where he was basically SpaceX's mascot. He lost that when he went fully mask off and joined Trump, but we should remember that he was quite the household name for a while.
They're mad that the game features a Black samurai and that the game is doing well critically and financially. The Path of Exiles jab is in reference to Elon claiming he's good at it but in reality pays someone else to level up his account and has no idea what he's doing. Hope that helps!
Shit like this almost makes me want to create a Twitter account, just to make Elon cry all day. That would involve making a Twitter account, though...so I don't know about all that.
I saw a screenshot tweet from Elon that read something along the lines of "Hasan is a chicken shit r*****" was that one true as well? We're just going hard r now?
I try to appreciate that there exists a separate reality alongside my own, in which video games are important. It has many people living in it. I know nothing of their culture or their language. I’m glad we can coexist peacefully, and that no one is forcing me to learn anything at all about them.
Grummz is a former game developer and noted horrible person, he is a leader among fellow horrible reactionary gamers who are mad about the new Assassin's Creed game because it stars a historical figure in Japan who was black, Elon Musk was caught cheating at Path of Exile 2.
Real life should be reflected in video games and the boots and sword do ring a bell. That was one of the points of being a Ninja actually you covered your face hid your identity... women werent allowed to fight. Want a Muslim version of Mulan? I know Disney.
Here’s the forking announcement:
How about a classic!
i haven't appreciated an open world game this much since the last horizon
and i think this is a lot higher effort tbh
way more detailed environments
it's so dang pretty AND it might be the best gameplay the series has ever had
Or at least fist pump worthy
It also the positive reaction shows that even on his own platform a ton of people still just hate Elon
It's heartwarming.
He's like an attention generating machine for people willing to poke him with a stick.
Nobody should ever have to find themselves agreeing with him on anything he says, and the fact that a situation this hasn't happened yet is proof there is a God.
They should try more. Be good more!
Fucking hell lol
I have the Aiden Pearce statue in a glass cabinet in my living room, and it still looks pretty damn good 10 years later.
But also Musk’s Diablo 4 player is worried if his check will clear this month.
Back before right wingers took over so many platforms.
If it comes out and is great, then yay. But until then I'd be nervous about it.
A similar setup as Shadow but set in, for example, the East India Company's invasion of India could just as easily been done well.
Putting aside the whole Mediterranean Renaissance Trilogy Ezio hosted.
(To this day I maintain Syndicate as probably the Last Good AssCreed, though I am also someone who Lets People Enjoy Things so no shade on people who like what I dont)
@commandersterling.bsky.social , what do you think? Is this a Ken Watanabe in Godzilla "Let Them Fight" moment, or is there a right side to be on?
😳 “I…do…good?”
*no one disagrees*
😅 “I do good!”
Go Play God Hand, or Ratchet and Clank, or Metal Arms, or Shadow Hearts. Go do it. Especially if you're exhausted by AAA/AAAA publisher slop. You'll thank me later
That might finally break him completely.
He keeps telling everyone he's a genius after all, and not just some adderall brained husk with too much money to burn.
Also, I'll be disappointed if GTA 6, that's set in Florida, doesn't include a parody of Mar a Lago and some of its famous residents.
Sony roasting Xbox over the RRoD? Sure. Xbox sold a poster about the RRoD as official merchandise. Elon merely takes himself too seriously to take that kind of self depreciation. Kern too.
Wanna see 'em do it again?
Maybe I am misremembering, but I feel like they were well liked until sometime after the release of Watch Dogs 2 and then at some point something shifted.
When was that “Save Ubisoft” E3 press conference? 2018?
highly recommended, especially if you're into the naoe gameplay
(did it get fixed eventually?)
Ima have to re-read this multiple times to understand it. 😂
Elon is a fake gamer and got called out by a French gaming company
That’s about it
I no longer think that. He truly is that stupid.
MAGA is just a makeover for total losers. The way they act is retaliation for never having enough brains, charm, wit, style, or decency to be one of the cool kids.
I can only hope this interaction continues.
He doesn't like it..
Oh wait….
Summit to me,
your beautiful king
orange man Donny ❤️
Though “shadows” seems too nice a term for twitter…
Truly wild to get mad at that
Cuz that sounds really funny
oh shit we summoned him
Ubisoft: I sleep in a big bed with my wife.
Ubisoft: you mean the one down the hall.
He's constantly obliterated everywhere he speaks. Keep up the good work everyone.
Trump just promoted his Nazimobiles for Elon's gain.
If Musk's hypocrisy was defined by a pile of shit, it would be Mount Shiterest.
I know plenty of guys who got grades off cheating who have personalities and actually benefit the world
why does it live in his brain at all
it gives off vibes that he secretly wanted to be friends with hasan and now he's throwing a fit like "well i never wanted to be friends with you anyway"
Middle aged and yet his balls still haven’t dropped 🤭
Also Elon: *refuses to go on The Daily Show after they called his bluff cause Jon is now suddenly too “propagandist”*
When corpo accounts feel comfortable enough to call you out specifically you REALLY are in a tough spot, man.
I have almost every AC game, only ever bought the first and second one. All the rest were freebies.
I still don't like rich people or the people that give them more money.
(It's a mix of Donald Trump and Benito Mussolini)
Musk is way more dangerous though so I kinda agree.
Part of me wants to do an evil laugh.
Part of me just feels really old all of a sudden.
He's no prep. He's a loser dork.
The Assassin's Creed account is on a killing spree
Like holy shit, the fact that these two clowns are allowed to breath the same oxygen as the rest of us is fucking surreal.
And I hope big companies keep dunking on them
Real life should be reflected in video games and the boots and sword do ring a bell. That was one of the points of being a Ninja actually you covered your face hid your identity... women werent allowed to fight. Want a Muslim version of Mulan? I know Disney.