Wait, what? Is this a joke, or did I completely misremember the end of this book? I thought he drowned in his own swimming pool and nobody showed up for his funeral
"Here's a question for you: Who is not afraid of no ghosts? [beep] As of just now, every character in every book by Virginia Woolf. Man, those things were dull." --C. Johnson
"Reach the stars
Fly a fantasy
Dream a dream
And what you see will be
Rhymes that keep their secrets
Will unfold behind the clouds
And there upon the rainbow
Is the answer to a...."
“They were careless people, Trump and Musk—they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness.” - Apologies to F. Scott Fitzgerald
Really a brilliant decision on both author's parts - it set everything up for the crossover sequel series. I liked how later on they explained that Gatsby faked his own death by disguising the whale and throwing it in his swimming pool.
Dad, today I made a plan - a fundamental plan. I'm going to earn money, a lot of it. When I have money, I'll buy the speedboat. On the day we move in, Mom and I will be in the top deck. Because the sunshine is so nice there. All you'll need to do is walk up the stairs. Take care until then. So long.
I liked the twist that the green light was a time traveling Hitler attempting to escape time traveling assassins only to be ripped to shreds by langoliers.
It's been awhile but I feel like that wasn't how the book ended. If I recall correctly Nick wakes up and realizes Gatsby was a figment of his imagination and they were the same person the whole time.
First time I felt bad for a rich person because he was literally just miserable, wanted friends, and then a got killed by trailer trash for something he didnt even do.
Truly a classic of literature. Like when Frodo returned to the Shire after their adventure, said goodnight to Samwise, retired to his dark house and pulled a shiny object from his pocket ... "my precious", he whispered before letting loose a malevolent laugh.
In the 50 years since I last read what I fondly referred to as The Great Gooteby, I was so fixed on the light at the end of the pier I forgot the end. Thank you!
I quite hate it. It’s one of the very few books that has taken me multiple attempts to get through. Like, I need at least ONE sympathetic character, and it doesn’t have any. All the characters are supremely useless people, and I couldn’t bring myself to care about a single one.
I feel like the Punisher would start ranting about being a Sovereign Citizen when asked for ID, so the clerk would give up and just take cash for the rental.
I'm reminded of the Liam Neeson 'The Marksman' movie and how he did a semi-illegal financial transaction while on the run. Liam convinced the shopkeep, a fellow Vietnam War veteran, that he meant well.
I've tried reading this book a few times. I just can't get into the headspace to identify with a bunch of rich people from the Gilded Age. Maybe I'm looking at it wrong?
I remember seeing that years before watching the actual movie and being disappointed that Potter never was caught. SNL clearly had the superior ending.
It's beautiful, and I'm glad he cut out all the technical, complicated bullshit, weird shit about "raising his M-16, which he had invented and told no one about, and fired from the boat into the air with twisted glee."
Watched the movie not long ago. I still don’t know what the fuck is going on. Apparently a guy kills a boat captain, claims his identity and money, and proceeds to live the life of a mysterious bachelor who falls in love with some chick who somehow manages to figure out he’s not who he says he is?
Interesting because I just saw Gatsby on Broadway yesterday and know your ending is as delusional as perhaps Fitzgerald’s life was. He was a notorious drunk and died at 44 shortly after quitting drinking. Great book but you must read between the lines, not make them up.
The book So We Read On brought me to tears -- the context of Fitzgerald's life, the horrific treatment of his family by Princeton U, the rebirth of the novel during WWII as it was issued to soldiers.
The lines that always stood out to me were...“They were careless people, Tom and Daisy- they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.”
Same. After I heard Toby Maguire say it at the end of the movie I sat there & realised how many careless people I knew. Just going
about willy nilly up-ending peoples lives & carrying on as if nothing had happened. I’m glad I don’t know those people any more. I’m gladder I’m not one of them any more
That's it exactly. People with immense wealth have never cared about others. Ever. They swan around spreading death and destruction when they could bring such great joy.
I heard in one of my Masters programs that vampires were bored rich people who had fun terrorizing those less endowed in terms of capital and education.
I wrote a whole essay on this book & used that line along with a ton of subtle symbolism & got a 102% on it. The colors chosen for outfits, the textures of furniture, the drinks, it all plays into how they want others to see them as how they act, it's quite fascinating.
“They were careless people, Tom and Daisy- they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.” There's a book called Careless People.
"..and there- right outside the window of the suite!- was the madding crowd, in blatant contrast to claims in the hotel's marketing materials and making FAR too much noise for 7 AM"
Really? Around here thats just another drunk boater speeding around on Narragansett Bay! Sound carries over water, onshore people hear everything! Rowdy boaters on the bay photo DCBrooks. Their yahoo yelling and screaming got my attention!
Don't worry, it's not really a spoiler. Right before this paragraph it turns out it's all a dream and the stuff you read here isn't really happening and actually Gatsby is dead and the only character that lives through the book is the speedboat
"Daisy leaned over and nuzzled against him in her bikini. Nick and Jordan laughed hysterically from the back of the boat as Meyer Wolfsheim opened another bottle of champagne. They could barely hear Tom's pleas from the hull, begging to be untied or at least ungagged."
I love the whole trilogy. The Great Gatsby is great. Gatsby: None Greater is a non-stop thrill ride. And Gatsby's Greatest Game is unarguably the great American heist novel.
But there's still no closure on that giant floating face! Who is going to take care of the giant floating face!? Isn't the Green Light supposed to be its secret weakness?
Fly a fantasy
Dream a dream
And what you see will be
Rhymes that keep their secrets
Will unfold behind the clouds
And there upon the rainbow
Is the answer to a...."
"Jon I'm getting with Sansa stfu"
The Frankmeister
Made from bodies
Frank to his friends
I've never read it before.
And now I know how it ends...
Rivaling Oscar Wilde!
“Hey Earthman? You hungry kid?” said Zaphod’s voice.
“Er, well yes, a little peckish I suppose,” said Gatsby.
“OK baby, hold tight,” said Zaphod. “We’ll take in a quick bite at the Restaurant at the End of the Universe.”
As "the Punisher"? Surely that's not legal in NY
Or does he not want to admit he stole it?
But it's very funny to imagine him walking up to a counter at the marina and everyone being like "ah yes surely this famous vigilante is on vacation"
it’s “BLUE current”
I'm like 50 pages from finding out whether Ahab gets the whale or not. Nobody better spoil that one for me!
But if one DOES, I'm coming for YOU!
Elmer Gantry’s Plot Against America Can’t Happen Here!
about willy nilly up-ending peoples lives & carrying on as if nothing had happened. I’m glad I don’t know those people any more. I’m gladder I’m not one of them any more
We are literally repeating these eras. Not the best ones.
you made the baby Jesus cry
He hated Jim. He attacked Jim. He killed Jim. Jim was a terrorist. Jim's neighbor was scared of him.