Well, glad I truly got to campaign for Kamala. It was cool to get the full election experience and it sucks I’ll never get to experience it in my lifetime again. Trump said it himself, there won’t be another election.
It seems like it ought to matter that it's clearly unconstitutional for Trump to take office without having been cured of his 'disability' (being a seditionist) by a 2/3rds vote of both houses of Congress.
No hope there, I imagine? It doesn't seem like Biden's style. I wish AOC had an Ironman suit.
A bit more practically, she might step out with Harris & others to address some very large, rambunctious but not murderous, pro-Constitution, anti-billionaire crowds.
Hey, dunno who needs to hear it, but fascism is a loser ideology for pathetic losers. Eventually, it always fails because it only benefits a few elites. Let this not be the end, but the beginning of the next fight. So much love from Germany. Wish you all the strength needed, I really do.
Millions of people are going to suffer and we've probably lost our last chance to stop climate change. Putin is going to have free reign over Europe. This shit is not okay.
Take charge. Take action.
If everyone is so concerned and convinced of Project 2025. Then come up with a plan to fight back when they implement it. Be prepared. I’d rather go down fighting than live under his trumps fascist rule!
Yeah, like that makes one bit of difference now, right?
The ones who didn't participate...
participated by not participating....
Next time, if there is one, maybe factor that in to the Big Picture.
I actually survived the 2016 election and 4 years of Trump and dared to believe people here wouldn't want more of that shit. Shows what I fucking know.
Among all the horrid things we’re facing, the realization that the majority of my fellow citizens are fascists (or at least fascist friendly) is the most difficult.
We felt the same in the UK after the brexit vote. The shock of realising that the world view we thought was shared by almost all is in fact actively rejected by so many. Sending hugs 🤗
Trump winning in 2016 at least makes some sense because there was a media narrative around Clinton that she was corrupt or influence peddling.
But Trump winning despite having worse corruption classified documents scandals and all of this (gestures wildly at numerous other scandals) is absurd.
I've been thinking. Hard to come up with the right thing. Currently, my plan is just to say that whatever happens now, it's what many people in this country actively voted for and presumably wanted.
Or they live in a place where the leaders have made it really hard to vote. Only 50% of Texas votes. It’s not a red state it’s a voter suppressed state
Tell them that what makes democracy the best system of government is that it works ...even when it works against your personal beliefs....and in a democracy..there is always another election.
You obviously misjudged the level of stupidity to which so many of our fellows are capable of stooping....in other
With the lowest turnout in my reliably blue county since 2012. I don't know how you look at this election and say, "I don't care how this one turns out," but clearly a lot of people did.
Hey man, it hurts to see you hurting, because for me, and I know many others, you’ve been such a source of reason and dignity. As parasocially deranged as this sounds: I luv u, bro, and I look forward to continuing to join your voice in shouting No to save this silly, benighted country of ours. 🫂
Yes to WHAT though? If you have a relative who is a Trump supporter PLEASE do this at Thanksgiving. Don't argue with them. Ask them the top 5 problems they expect the Trump administration and GOP lead senate to solve. Take detailed notes on what they say. Then, over the next four years, take
every opportunity to send them greeting cards, birthday, mothers/father's day, easter, Memorial Day, whatever. And slip copies of one of the notes in each greeting card. Don't even write a snarky "So how's that working out". Just remind them of what they say they voted for.
I think there might be a good chance that the cult fever of Trump and even Trumpism may break once people have lived experiences with the implementation of Trump's actual policies. It's all fine and good to rub your hands together in Xenophobic glee at the idea of 18 million people being deported
They already have four years of that experience, and the “fever” didn’t break; four more years aren’t going to break it. Because it’s not a fever or a delusion or a cult. He’s giving them what they want, a world in which their bigotry and fear is not merely allowed, but celebrated.
Trump did do family separation for INCOMING people and I believe you that his supporters delighted in the cruelty. But Trump did not attempt a full scale mass deportation of the 15-18million undocumented people ALREADY here in the US (with is predicted negative economic impact).
Sure, like that first term didn't do enough to convince the cult not to vote him back in?
Sorry pal..you are just peddling bullshit...I understand why but really..if we're going to face this Shitstorm we should do it without platitudes...
Just saying.....
A lot of young Latino men and young Black men were too young to vote in 2016 and were not paying attention. They don't actually realize how well Trump's administration did not serve his voting base.
until the assisted living center where grandma lives calls and says they are transferring grandma to a center 2 hours drive away because they are consolidating due to intractable staffing shortages. Then your daycare calls & says the same thing.
I knew this country was rotten at its core, but I still believed that there were enough good people that we’d avoid doing this again. I’m so despondent and I’m from a privileged group that can probably weather the storm. I’m so sorry for all of those who are going to be hurt by these monsters
America is horribly broken. It doesn't value decency and intelligence. It now establishes itself as the kingdom of selfish bullies and the biggest bully of them all, Donald Trump is their supreme leader with incredible power. This is a world where evil wins.
And, when you calm down and can think rationally again...ask yourself WHY? Who did this to us? How did we get here....and, if you can put your WOKE shit away for a minute you might jcome up with WE just can't accept the REALITY of the world in which we live and so continually get fucked by it...
If you're looking for historical perspective on a period when folks took the fascist option (not that history repeats itself, which it does not), try Philipp Blom's "Fracture: Life and Culture in the West, 1918-1938". A good bookend to Menand's "The Free World". With a big fat war in between.
History itself refutes your claim that it does not repeat itself....there are countless examples throughout history that prove this....and a failure to acknowledge this is grossly incompetent ...
I want to know her popular vote margin, please. Because it still stands that a majority of this country did not vote for this. I try to keep remembering that
The people have spoken but do they even know what they are saying by giving a mandate to this guy? Triumph of chutzpah and media manipulation over any demonstration of policy
Republicans have the Senate. I think they’ll have the house to and they have the Supreme Court. There just aren’t any sort of guardrails anymore at all.
Agreed for the most part. But he did have some people in his cabinet during the first term that pushed back. Now there is absolutely no one. It will be way worse now because of that.
Yeah....Ronald Reagan s Dumb Down America plan seems to have worked beyond his wildest expectations....and George Orwell 's prediction of a world gone mad is one step closer to becoming a frightening reality ...
Why? Because Democrats are more interested in pretending the world is how they want it to be instead of how it really is... That's why.
Somewhere they came up with the concept of WOKE and they got fucked by it....The world is what it is..not what you want it to be...Dems just never get it ...
The popular vote win/slim loss (whatever it turns out to be) is the most damning. Like, I get Trump winning because of a broken system but this is a clear approval of him as a person and leader by a majority of people who cast a ballot.
I wouldn’t say it shouted yes. Based on the popular vote totals compared to the last election it seems like a metric ton of people quietly said “ehhh whatever”.
I've said it before but he is truly the most American president. He, unfortunately, represents this country's values and beliefs better than anybody else.
We need to stop whining and resolve to Resist this Nazi motherfucker at any level we can...
It's gonna get ugly...we need to get
So...take a day....
Commiserate with family and friends and tomorrow....get to work...
I allowed myself to feel optimistic. But as a Jew, I always know that Christians pick hate over love and as a woman, I know that men pick hate over love.
I think this is another shout of “no” - it strikes me as yet another cry of anger and dissatisfaction, groping around for solutions to their problems, their sadness and anomie - much of which have nothing to do with public policy.
Indeed. And T's head will be fatter than ever and he'll be even more insufferable. I will not unite behind that man after the horrible things he said and lies he ran on. Back to muting my TV or changing the channel every time I see him
California's state referendum to ban slavery and involuntary servitude from the state constitution is currently losing by ~6 points with about half the votes counted.
It is starting to feel like CA is no better when you take off the rose-colored glasses. After all, they elected Gavin Newsom.
The final margins, at the end of the day, will be close and have been determined by people who have absolutely no idea what they're doing. He won an anti-incumbency election for the reasons out-parties win anti-incumbency elections.
The problem, which some aren't reconciling to, but I'm sure you are, is you can no longer expect normal electoral dynamics to allow you to create plans for returning to power. There's things you can lose in a democracy and that's just it for a long time. Maybe much longer than your life.
Any notions that the electorate would rise above the moment were dispelled in 2016. The issue here is entirely isolated within the calcified Democratic apparatus.
Trump is a friend of Netanyahu. But a lot of people in Israel are not willing to continue with the right and extreme right. So what will hapoens after Bibi ?
Biden has about 11 weeks of power and control left...he could use that power to ensure Ukrainian Freedom or he can continue his program of blissful ignorance of the world around him....perhaps Kamala could prod him awake long enough to at least mitigate some of the damage to come...
Well, now they will have to go through the whimsy policy of the elite, Silicon Valley, and it's unregulated tycoons.. project 2025 will become reality now..
Basically trump being president is like a vent under your microwave running, the one above your stove. And it’s deafening and it doesn’t stop for 4 years.
No it's like immigrants being imprisoned and deported and women terrified to get pregnant and the kids being raped by their fathers are having babies but that's cool and tariffs have ruined trade and the US is nuking Gaza and Lebanon and it's nuclear winter so...yeah, kinda like a microwave
Oh that’s the point. It will be non stop. You will never get a break. You will lose the ability to keep up with the outrage. It overwhelms the senses. I am fully aware of how much danger people are in.
I am so sorry honey, but yeah. We have some time to make plans about what to do going forward but it's gonna be important to make them. There's gonna be a lot of work to do to keep (or take back) the freedoms you have right now.
what the fuck happened. I genuinely do not understand. are peoples' memories that short? Did they not fucking watch him buffoon around the last year or so??? What the actual fuck is wrong with us?!?
That's what cuts me to my core. Bad and cruel policies we can start to "fix" four years from now. The court will set the tone for most of my 11 year-old's life.
I mean trump literally told his voters "this will be the last time" because he wants to be in a dictatorship not a democracy... that's why he's friends with every other dictator
There are no districts where Kamala Harris did better than Biden in 2020.
So running to the right did nothing for the Democratic party?
Have any progressives warned about this? Or should the DNC blame immigrants, minorities, Arab-Americans and Muslims, as always? https://bsky.app/profile/nytimes.com/post/3labllmuum32g
Well, I was eventually planning to move to a swing state from California, but I never thought that the Blue Wall would be on the potential list of destinations. I really thought the Blue Wall would hold. Now I've got to look up what Pennsylvania's like...
I'm seriously considering that now. At least for the next few years. If Trump or Vance do some bullshit, I live in a very blue area of California, it's probably one of the safest places to be.
Plus, me moving's not going to do much alone. It'd have to be a pretty big and deliberate movement.
It feels like there is a major theme that’s missing from the explanation. The turnout, the polling, and the results seem so mismatched. So much more than 2016, I just have this underlying gut feeling like there is a gap in our understanding/knowledge of how these became the results.
I'm not stunned like I was in 2016, which was when I ceased to have illusions about this country. But I remain puzzled, even baffled: this guy, again, really?
No one voted for Trump instead of Harris because of the Cheney endorsement. No one.
NY didn't move rightward because of the Cheney endorsement. CA isn't going to vote down Prop 6 because of the Cheney endorsement. Sherrod Brown didn't lose because of the Cheney endorsement.
The electoral college win would obviously be terrible. If he has the power he has the power. But the (probable) popular vote victory is a fucking gut punch.
Trump won by 5 million votes. Maybe that number will go up or down by a few thousand as the final votes are counted, but he absolutely won the popular vote. It's insane
(Planet of the Apes was #1 at the box office on the day I was born, and Heston’s last lines have been echoing in my head for decades now. Fucking maniacs.)
Yep. & we'll all have 2 all go thru the stages of grief @ our own paces. It'll be messy. The stages aren't set in stone, they can go forward & back & overlap. Some may already have started going thru stages if they were already believing we'd have lost. But we have to all hang together & build anew.
this might be the saddest, realest response to all of this that i've seen. i have to tell my twin about this in the morning and i know he'll be devastated. shit is not fair.
No hope there, I imagine? It doesn't seem like Biden's style. I wish AOC had an Ironman suit.
If people felt brave enough to form such crowds.
Shambolic corrupt cruelty and people gravitate willingly towards it
This time, I'm angry. I will protest but I will also be ready to surround immigrant families & work on '26, soon.
I will also keep an eye on MAGATS who will be greatly affected by his policies & be ready to bring them in. After saying I told you so.
WTF. I was seriously hopeful.
If everyone is so concerned and convinced of Project 2025. Then come up with a plan to fight back when they implement it. Be prepared. I’d rather go down fighting than live under his trumps fascist rule!
The ones who didn't participate...
participated by not participating....
Next time, if there is one, maybe factor that in to the Big Picture.
I actually survived the 2016 election and 4 years of Trump and dared to believe people here wouldn't want more of that shit. Shows what I fucking know.
I honestly, honestly thought we were better than this.
Shit, I'm actually crying again. Goddammit.
But Trump winning despite having worse corruption classified documents scandals and all of this (gestures wildly at numerous other scandals) is absurd.
Especially when Musk promised to tank the economy. I thought even people with no morals might care about that.
I grew up around a lot of people who vote against their own interests and then scream about the consequences.
I just keep hoping they might learn a tiny lesson from their poor choices.
Hoping and believing are not synonymous.
Sorry pal..you are just peddling bullshit...I understand why but really..if we're going to face this Shitstorm we should do it without platitudes...
Just saying.....
an answer....
People will learn who caused the inflation soon enough. It isn't 2016 again.
My only hope is Billionaire Infighting by 2026. They're declaring the soft landing successful too soon. "Mission Accomplished".
This isn't 2016, and I'm worried.
It's over
No beacon, no shining city, no arsenal of democracy, no best idea. No e pluribus unum.
And who are yelling "Now get off the lawn!"
Hugs and solidarity from the UK.
Somewhere they came up with the concept of WOKE and they got fucked by it....The world is what it is..not what you want it to be...Dems just never get it ...
is that the one?
I’m just left feeling so bereft.
I should not have read “death of democracy” a few months ago. Because so much, SO MUCH lines up.
It's gonna get ugly...we need to get
So...take a day....
Commiserate with family and friends and tomorrow....get to work...
It is starting to feel like CA is no better when you take off the rose-colored glasses. After all, they elected Gavin Newsom.
"Those who refuse to accept reality....are doomed to BE FUCKED by it"....
Democrats just don't fucking have a clue....
Hard for 🇺🇦 and perhaps the end of 🇮🇱
The left really went for it, tidal wave in the other direction
Profoundly saddened.
It's like none of it mattered. It didn't matter how openly fascist he was, the hatred he's shown to the people, and contempt for our democracy.
If it's as bad as we think it might be, will people learn?
And if they do, will it be too late?
So running to the right did nothing for the Democratic party?
Have any progressives warned about this? Or should the DNC blame immigrants, minorities, Arab-Americans and Muslims, as always?
Plus, me moving's not going to do much alone. It'd have to be a pretty big and deliberate movement.
Ah well, I’m just trying not to think about it. We just need to fight a bit harder for our rights now.
Nothing for it, that’s just the way it’s gonna be for the next 4 years.
(this assumes Dems get their shit together after this)
Which, given how the government is fully republican now…
NY didn't move rightward because of the Cheney endorsement. CA isn't going to vote down Prop 6 because of the Cheney endorsement. Sherrod Brown didn't lose because of the Cheney endorsement.
(Planet of the Apes was #1 at the box office on the day I was born, and Heston’s last lines have been echoing in my head for decades now. Fucking maniacs.)
America, you had ONE job. Pick the *sane* one.
How could even *you* f*ck that up?
Enroll her into self-defense courses if you can. Give her good education. Make her unstoppable. We'll need her in the future.