the thing about “democrats should take popular cultural positions” is that what constitutes popular is a function of an interaction between the public and elites. if a faction of elites start screaming about a vulnerable minority and another faction says they have a point, this shapes the public.
Reposted from
Atlanta DSA
In a leaked recording, State Senator Elena Parent (D-42) said she’d vote for Republican transgender healthcare bans because trans rights are too “unpopular."
"You can go right to heck. I don’t think I will lose re-election based on you screaming at me"
"You can go right to heck. I don’t think I will lose re-election based on you screaming at me"
"Save Girls Sports"
He lost, and it wasn't close.
Not sure why they're so eager to concede this point.
Once again for the back row.
We are not free until we are all free.
Please concede no ground!
It’s a damn good poem. They’re coming for you next and you better fucking believe it!!!!!!
They will say things like Dems want men using womens bathrooms and they will amplify this for their own benefit to impressionable voters.
Dems should distance this topic from their public forum
Why aren't Dems media trained? Teach them the how not the what (they are not good enough to repeat talking points convincingly)
300,000 13-17 identifies as trans which represents 1.4% pop
1.3 million adult
925 trans kids receive puberty blocker and 1956 receive hormones
10 athletes out of 515,000 are involved in college sports and 5 in middle schools
I wish she understood that healthcare privacy is the same core fight for IVF or trans kids.
That's all!
Electeds are more scared of not being an elected than anything else. It’s about “I must stay in office” justified by the equally-dangerous “because no one else can do what I do”.
Based on what evidence? A single video of a state senator?
She did it, but didnt do it right.
Liz Cheney!
I should have a keyboard macro for this l.
Walz was making too much headway & the Big Media owners freaked out.
Like, I question the judgement of any doctor who prescribed Ivermectin for Covid, but it's a question best directed at THEM, as opposed to being used to push a law that says, "No Ivermectin for anyone, ever."
There are plenty of fights Dems could pick. It’s the fight itself they seem to lack.
He just about had an aneurysm.
so maybe consider another tactic. your views are extremely unpopular but the echo chamber is so tight that you don't even know it.
Be proud of your values. Only democrats would think doing the right thing is shameful.
Trans people existed for decades before Fox decided it was an issue in 2021 and went to work shaping public opinion.
That means if you cater to the bigots, you don't win anything but you do lose.
they want to help them less not more.
The people who do politics professionally as democrats have a shockingly poor understanding of what politics actually is.
Be decent to everyone or fuck off.
"I don't want trans people around"
"Don't you agree that all people deserve to be treated with dignity and respect?"
It's not that hard. Embrace universal values which resonate with people rather than letting the opposition frame the argument.
Until this last election, the VAST majority had no clue.
"They do WHAT to kids?"
Didn't think we'd ever rise to the top.
But here we are!
"... like the ruler of the city, so are all its inhabitants. An undisciplined king will ruin his people."
- Ecclesiasticus 10:2-3
Dump people
Like this senator.
She’s basically a republican now.
Is this person really in government not understanding why we have civil rights laws and how they're exactly not about popularity?
I wonder what would have happened if we just went belly up and conceded about slavery. Because elections were lost.
This is not a sign to drop it, it is a sign to push harder.
Or is it the video. In any event, she's a disturbed person.
Is Georgia here? Let’s do this!
You don't beat fascists by becoming them.
1) What makes them think being anti-trans will help them *win* elections? If a voter is that anti-trans, they’re voting republican
2) Why do they think they will stop at trans issues?
Apparently “lead by example” is lost on consultants
Be more racist, misogynistic, homophobic and xenophobic, appeal to the white supremacists and you’re in!
Biden was the most trans-positive administration in history and trans activists told Harris to eat shit and stayed home because "Gaza".
Being shit unreliable allies gets you nothing.
Screaming at Dems to make doomed votes gets you nothing.
Doesn't seem like your theory holds much water.
Anyway, Harris had sat down for an NBC News interview w/Hallie Jackson wherein she backed away from trans support, reducing her previous enthusiastic backing to wanting everyone to have "dignity and respect."
So, like most things, the answer is: “money.”
At some point, you've just got to do the right thing. No matter how unpopular it is.
They are cowards.
What I realized in college is that you should identify historically successful and classic axioms of truths and base your identity on the ones you resonate with.
What an absolute Garbage Person.
Deciding which humans should be denied basic human rights based on popularity is obscene and immoral.
There’s a huge difference.
Leaders become leaders because THEY LEAD.
If something is maybe or maybe not popular and someone decides to stand up and lead and say this is what we should be doing... people will follow and it will become popular!
The most compelling one I ever heard: “We all do better, when we all do better”. It was a clear vision and an aspirational view of what we could be.
Hitler didn't come to power in a coup or by winning an election
He was invited in by a Centrist party to keep the Left out
Calling your representative a POS and then expecting a genuine response is weak.
But then I've been harping on community building for a while.
Because that is a big distinction.
Go ahead, bash me all you want for being honest.
Elites decided that low egg prices were popular when it was time to ratfuck Biden. That task completed, high egg prices are now a liability to Trump, so the propaganda machine has depopularized eggs.
"If in pursuit of your destination, you plunge ahead heedless of obstacles and achieve nothing more than to sink in a swamp, whats the use of knowing true north?"
They've been trained that capitalism is the only way they won't be robbed, and that's what they care about.
The only reason transgender issues are part of the current debate is because Republicans made them so. Maybe the Dems could learn a lesson and fight back instead of folding.
She basically just put in her notice and gave up her job to a new, non dehumanizing progressive candidate. 🤷♀️
Like dude, Bostock, which held that "sex" includes being transgender, was decided just five years ago. It's good law! Gorsuch wrote the opinion! 5/6 justices in the majority are still there
The court's direct analogies were firing women for having young children, forcing women to pay more for benefits, and punishing same-sex sexual harassment.
Does she not see where all this leads?
If we all end up swimming in a sea of bigoted language and opinions, because it goes unchecked, that bigotry then becomes public discourse, opinion, and policy.
MAGA launched inflammatory rhetoric, they go nonstop on their bigotry and when Dems respond they say “all they talk about is identity!”
We have to shift this, stop legitimizing their bullshit.
JUST TELL THE TRUTH.. don't entertain trans panic. EZ
This woman thinks it's ok to punish people she thinks aren't good enough. It is deplorable.
John Brown was right.
If you align with goals against your (supposed) ideology, what's the point in having power?
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