you and i both know it could well be tampa's as we have the parade and the beads and floats but none of the "time to be a glutton before Lent arrives" urgency and bacchanalia
Having been in Gasparilla and ridden with Babylon in Mardi Gras - I can safely say that Gasparilla is far superior to Mardi Gras which, for me, is just dirty and gross
this perfectly cylindrical torso built from decades of layered sunblasted flesh and grouper nuggets will wither if fail to water it with 12 Busch Lights a day
We do a lot of party days right, and make up plenty of new ones in between, but Mardi Gras in Milwaukee is literally just "Polish jelly donut and go to work" day.
Minny Gras in the Twin Cities, it’s 22 degrees, the beads are made out of tater tots, everybody on the floats is apologizing to drivers held up by the parade
As a Minneapolis resident for about 13 years now, I've never seen the boring Scandinavian Lutheran residents of this city do anything related to Mardi Gras.
If you have been here for that long you would know it’s usually cold on Fat Tuesday here. I will travel to warmer spots for that type of celebration.
We have the state fair.
The only time I've been to a Mardi Gras party here in DC was a week before the pandemic started. No matter how fun it was, that automatically negates everything about DC Mardi Gras.
D’Iberville, MS - confederate flags are far as the eye can see. The spirit of Mardi Gras. Juxtaposed with the mostly fine Biloxi parade across the bridge.
I was on a weekend train into NYC in March once, and the people who got on at South Orange to get off at Secaucus (to transfer to Hoboken) were exactly what you'd expect.
I'll go all-in with Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. The name fools them into thinking they could have one, and I would be willing to bet they very much cannot.
I'm not talking about a riot. If a place throws snowballs and who knows what else at Santa Claus it's going to be remembered for a very long time. Having it be batteries more than once will also be remembered. Every city has their riots but Philly will be remembered for booing Santa.
Was just gonna say, got a king cake from HyVee yesterday and it was a dried out oversized cinnamon roll with the baby ON TOP of the cake. And not a paczki in sight. For shame, DSM area.
Hear me out, what if the floats are more like soapbox derby cars. You start at the top of one of the big hills near the space needle and then it's a giant demolition derby at the bottom. That could be pretty exciting and people from Auburn and Federal Way would be all over it.
It's really weird that Vegas hasn't embraced this way more. Like... here's an event that could draw thousands from around the west coast to do what you already do almost every single night, just with beads and floats.
michigan's infamous kkk town had their mardi gras party at their local american legion last year. can't find if they did it again this year. congratulations to howell.
Galveston Mardi Gras celebrants will throw wadded-up beads directly at your temporal lobe from a third-story balcony with the force of a roided-up ‘90s MLB pitcher
My wife went to college in Mobile and loves to brag how Mobile had the first Mardi Gras in the US. She also went to New Orleans for Mardi Gras every year in college.
Wired: which city in USA has the worst tits
I wouldn’t know, all I do is play video games, jack off, and swipe mindlessly on Tinder.
that's right, lent
But mayonnaise will make it go down more smoothly, with less heartburn.
Just sayin’.
We have the state fair.
Wouldn't even let me on the bus with a go cup
the "toss" would be the floats and onlookers throwing batteries et al at each other
You're so cool.
But yes, PHL is great. For that matter, I really like BAL, too, despite its race riots in 1919.
Baltimore doctors' riots (1807)
1812 Baltimore riots
Baltimore bank riot (1835)
Know-Nothing Riot of 1856
Baltimore election riot of 1857
Baltimore election riot of 1858
Baltimore election riot of 1859
Baltimore railroad strike of 1877
Baltimore riot of 1919
Baltimore riot of 1968
Talk about leaving money on the table....
It's just a bunch of semi trucks driving down the road, pretty much like every day.
Kansas City
You better hope she trips and injures herself first, which admittedly is a possibility
Yes we all heard you Rutgers