This really illustrates how hard it is to fit any individual person inside our conceptual boxes of political / lifestyle alignment. We all contain multitudes
Wait, there’s more!
The court also heard that she previously owned two other guns while living in the States, but she had accidentally given them away.
"Those guns I ended up giving away, because I accidentally left them in a donation box."
According to The Daily Mail, Goodson also brought in “cat spine, squirrel feet and rabbit pee,“ though she declared those on entry. She did not declare the gun
Not every clown that comes along schedules a date with destiny, but this one was going to take her shot. If she were only more accustomed to getting through customs..
I recall my father stashing his pistol in a conveniently placed airport locker so we could go through airport security to meet grandma Marie when she disembarked
In addition to the clown school part, I thought her calendar entry was a nice touch. "Put the gun in the suitcase." Especially when you pretend it was accidental.
If it's checked baggage, it doesn't go through TSA, it only goes through automated processing. As it's legal to check firearms in the USA, there is really no attempt to differentiate the fact that it is illegal to have a firearm at the endpoint. That is ultimately the travellers responsibility.
From the TSA website, “You may transport unloaded firearms in a locked hard-sided container as checked baggage only. Declare the firearm and/or ammunition to the airline when checking your bag at the ticket counter.”
It's a regular occurrence that Americans turn up in Europe with just ammunition (not even a firearm) and are denied entry, and placed on a return flight with a passport stamp permanently denying reentry.
I'm also interested in this, since TSA rules say that you are only allowed to transport a firearm in its own locked container, which you declare and check separately from the rest of your luggage.
It doesn't sound like she did this, so it went through the scanner. lol, lmao
The TSA typically fails at detecting test objects in luggage about 70% of the time. It's pure theatre. The only thing they're good at is finding bottles of water.
I will say that, while I personally dig her aesthetic, this does not look like the face of person that thinks about how her decisions will affect her life in the long run.
This woman clearly needs professional help and perhaps a legal guardian.
Anyone that travels to NZ or Australia should know they are not messing around when iot comes to customs.
She looked up the rules BEFORE she left.
She was bringing a gold plated gun to Australia to go to a CLOWN SCHOOL.
She also has TONS of face tattoos.
Those 3 things suggest this woman needs professional help and this was a cry to get it.
People don't understand even rules in the US. I still cringe thinking about that nurse in TN who traveled to NYC and asked the police where she could check her gun at the 9/11 memorial.
Watched a lot of it on UK TV and you wonder how many Chinese visitors were going to be caught bringing in illegal food items. Hint : it's pretty much all of them if they're on the show.
Ha! Absolutely... and boy do they get upset when it all gets confiscated. And while I expected the myriad creative ways to attempt smuggling drugs, it was things like massive suitcases filled with cigarettes that made me laugh :)
Disregarding the whole "clown college" aspect, I don't know those searches on the screenshot are all that damning.
Sadly, here in FreedomLand it's a valid query... we can't bring guns in our carry-on, they have to stay in our checked luggage.
Yup. I distinctly remember one older fella who thought because he’d been cleared to own a weapon in his home state he was good to go anywhere. He found out otherwise when the border guards stripped his RV after finding his gun.
Some countries will jail you over rounds of ammunition, let alone a gun. When traveling abroad, leave the gun home. A Main reason I don't leave the US.
One of the best taglines I've read in a couple years...
"Liliana Goodson travelled to Australia in 2023 to attend clown school with the gold-plated pistol, worth about $3,000, in her luggage"
Trump’s nominee for Surgeon General accidentally killed her father at age 13 with an improperly stored gun. I thought that was the most American thing I’d hear this week, but this topped it.
definitely sounds like she took the wrong lesson from it. Although I'd bet she didn't get therapy either, which I'd say she probably needed after living thru that. :(
She will not be a good, that is, funny clown. To be a good clown you have to be smart and know how to be funny. A stupid clown is just cringey and not funny, at all.
Honestly the line of thinking in my joke was pretty wobbly and hard to follow, like, you got scared by your own dog, maybe you're paranoid, oh these drugs might increase anxiety and paranoia... It was a bit of a leap.
The buried lede here is that American clown schools have fallen so far behind that our citizens will now travel around the world in search of a good clown education, where they can’t legally protect themselves with their gold-plated firearms.
"Hey kids, are you enjoying the birthday party?"
[no response]
[click of handgun being cocked]
"I _said_... Hey kids, are you enjoying the birthday party?"
"...claiming she brought it with her for protection."
Some retired law guy (cop or sheriff) wrote a letter to a paper in Canada after visiting about why he should be allowed to bring (nobody in Canada is permitted to carry). Nobody cares about your fear problem. Honour foreign law or don't travel.
he explained in the letter that he and his wife took a walk in a public park and someone had the temerity to say hello to them and he would have brandished it, normally. Like, what kind of fucking idiot???
Imagine getting a gun pulled on you for being a friendly Canadian and saying hello. The guy sounds like a Maga operative supporting Putin’s-PPs stance on gun control.
yup. It was printed in full in the paper it was sent to and it left one scratching head. Like 'what? They said hello to you in a public park at 10am? (he included the time) and you were bummed that you couldn't pull a gun on them? TF is the matter with you?'
So like, did google's AI say it was fine for her to put a gun in her suitcase? I'd like to know the results of that search, because it was either wrong or she ignored it.
People I know who work with AI have warned me that even newer versions can “hallucinate” and provide incorrect answers on occasion. I just can’t wrap my head around why someone traveling overseas would believe such a bizarre answer and not verify it against trusted sources…🤦♀️
AI hallucinates a lot, from what I'm told. Although using the term 'hallucinate' is kind of a misnomer, imho, considering it doesn't actually have a mind to begin with.
But yeah, it makes stuff up and spouts it like it's actual fact. 0_o
okay, where was this part? I didn't see it in this article. Was it reported elsewhere or did I just miss it under the weight of all the other wtf-ery? :D
Look, everyone knows Antipodean Clown School is a bit of a scam anyway. They teach you to juggle scarves and then you come back to the good old US of A and find out they're all backwards and you have to relearn the trick.
And don't get me started on the whole Platypus and Koala switcheroo
I'm gonna be RW-coded for a second and say, Who would spend $3,000 on a gold-plated pistol but not the extra eighty bucks to get an extended beavertail to avoid hammer bite?
OK back to thinking about solar panels and cooperative ownership.
A thing I have learned about my fellow Americans is that the categories of ‘spent a lot of money on guns’ and ‘knows fuck all about guns’ overlap less than you might expect.
go look at her picture, then read why she was going to australia, and then ask yourself if she was ever capable of making informed, rational decisions.
The details are even better:
Attending clown 🤡 college in Australia
Brought it with her for protection
Claimed she forgot but had a calendar reminder on her phone to "pack her gun"
Had to remove her "extensive jewelry"
And, to top it off, admitted to using everything from psilocybin-meth
The only thing this story is missing is what ChatGPT told her when she asked if it was okay to bring the gun to Australia as long as it was in her suitcase.
best bits of context in this article:
1. “Liliana Goodson travelled to Australia in 2023 to attend clown school with the gold-plated pistol, worth about $3,000, in her luggage”
2. And the last sentence, regarding use of non-prescription psychoactive substances.🤣🤣🤣 it tracks
I'm curious how she got on the plane in the U.S. Guns aren't allowed in luggage here either, other than special lockable cases that need to be declared.
Mind you, the penalties are trivial. They confiscate the gun, and state law might charge you with a misdemeanor, but it's unlikely.
Good catch, that does look like egg crate foam. So it probably passed US laws just fine. But you gotta be a special kind of clueless to not know that taking guns across borders is bad.
In fairness, she seems an absolute MODEL of clueless, but not the inadvertent kind. Weaponized cluelessness, really. That woman would be a train wreck anywhere you found her.
She certainly checks off alot of boxes. Clown school, $3k golden gun, from the USA, from Florida (duh), notes on her media to bring her gun in a suitcase, flying to a country with strict gun laws...she'd be considered marriage material in deep red states and uh, pollute the gene pool even more.
In fairness, I didn’t read the article and assumed she got a warning or probation or the like. System’s got me accustomed to outcomes like that, so nice to see it play out properly for a change.
This is as good as the American tourist in New Zealand who tried to get out of a speeding ticket, in New Zealand, by claiming their First Amendment rights were being violated. While in, I repeat, Not The USA.
It always seems weird when countries will spend money incarcerating foreign nationals rather than just deporting them and banning them from the country.
Like, Australia can be rid of her forever RIGHT NOW and yet they made it complicated.
Clowning is a serious matter when it comes right down to it. So many amateurs parade about and have no understanding of the internal intricacies and traditions of this long standing activity. Perhaps a read over here:
More “flood the zone with shit” antics that mess everyone up. Do you go for the James Bond jokes? The Homer Simpson “That’s it! You people have stood in my way long enough!” jokes? I just don’t know where to begin.
attending it or giving classes?
i have a feeling the latter was the intention.
FWIW the articles have all said 'attending'. I am feeling a bit snarky today.
1: From Florida
2: Ms Goodson, when placed under arrest, said “it was a dumb mistake and there was no intention to harm” and earlier admitted to having in her bag a “cat spine, squirrel feet and rabbit pee”
Abundant weapons for the dumbest of us.
The court also heard that she previously owned two other guns while living in the States, but she had accidentally given them away.
"Those guns I ended up giving away, because I accidentally left them in a donation box."
Shocker. 🤦🏻♀️
From the TSA website, “You may transport unloaded firearms in a locked hard-sided container as checked baggage only. Declare the firearm and/or ammunition to the airline when checking your bag at the ticket counter.”
It doesn't sound like she did this, so it went through the scanner. lol, lmao
TSA *fucking sucks.*
"The illusion of security"
mind you, not blaming the mushrooms
Anyone that travels to NZ or Australia should know they are not messing around when iot comes to customs.
Almost seems like a final cry for help.
It’s astonishing how little people (especially Americans) bother to learn about other countries before traveling to them.
She was bringing a gold plated gun to Australia to go to a CLOWN SCHOOL.
She also has TONS of face tattoos.
Those 3 things suggest this woman needs professional help and this was a cry to get it.
sounds right
This girl living life to the MAX. While I'm sitting at a computer all day, home girl flying to Australia with a 24k gold 1911 to go to clown school.
We are NOT the same.
Sadly, here in FreedomLand it's a valid query... we can't bring guns in our carry-on, they have to stay in our checked luggage.
I've seen posts from both Canadians and Australians about their '2nd amendment rights'
In case your interested, Aus' 2nd is about the currency and Can's 2nd recognizes Manitoba as a province
Like, not cool, m8
"Liliana Goodson travelled to Australia in 2023 to attend clown school with the gold-plated pistol, worth about $3,000, in her luggage"
"The court was told in recent years, Goodson was using psychedelic drugs, synthetic cannabis and crystal meth amphetamines."
[no response]
[click of handgun being cocked]
"I _said_... Hey kids, are you enjoying the birthday party?"
Some retired law guy (cop or sheriff) wrote a letter to a paper in Canada after visiting about why he should be allowed to bring (nobody in Canada is permitted to carry). Nobody cares about your fear problem. Honour foreign law or don't travel.
Just unbelievable.
But yeah, it makes stuff up and spouts it like it's actual fact. 0_o
Her calendar's second to none
When she packs, oh, she's packin' for real
The clown with the golden gun
Down south to train for the circus
Her shoes are a size twenty-one
An American so out of touch
The clown with the golden gun
That tracks.
When America sends its people to Australia, we aren’t sending our best…
This person BOUGHT A GUN. 😣
And don't get me started on the whole Platypus and Koala switcheroo
"The court was told in recent years, Goodson was using psychedelic drugs, synthetic cannabis and crystal meth amphetamines."
“Goodson had declared that she was carrying cat, squirrel and rabbit parts on her incoming passenger card, but failed to mention the gun.”
OK back to thinking about solar panels and cooperative ownership.
I admire her commitment to that look.
Attending clown 🤡 college in Australia
Brought it with her for protection
Claimed she forgot but had a calendar reminder on her phone to "pack her gun"
Had to remove her "extensive jewelry"
And, to top it off, admitted to using everything from psilocybin-meth
Clowning detail
At least, I hope so.
but also, everything in AUS is trying to kill you, of course you want a gun
You have no idea how tough that is…
1. “Liliana Goodson travelled to Australia in 2023 to attend clown school with the gold-plated pistol, worth about $3,000, in her luggage”
2. And the last sentence, regarding use of non-prescription psychoactive substances.🤣🤣🤣 it tracks
Mind you, the penalties are trivial. They confiscate the gun, and state law might charge you with a misdemeanor, but it's unlikely.
After reading the article this lady doesn't strike me as someone who makes good life choices.
Too bad she only got 1 year. But she will be barred for life from returning once she’s out of jail.
Liliana Goodson travelled to Australia in 2023 to attend clown school with the gold-plated pistol
The court was told in recent years, Goodson was using psychedelic drugs, synthetic cannabis and crystal meth amphetamines.
Like, Australia can be rid of her forever RIGHT NOW and yet they made it complicated.
Well, not that shocked.
i have a feeling the latter was the intention.
FWIW the articles have all said 'attending'. I am feeling a bit snarky today.
1: From Florida
2: Ms Goodson, when placed under arrest, said “it was a dumb mistake and there was no intention to harm” and earlier admitted to having in her bag a “cat spine, squirrel feet and rabbit pee”