Using OpenAI's new, powerful "reasoning" model to calculate the amount of states that have R in them. Welcome to the future, everybody
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They get to call this "reasoning" in the same way words like "free", "open" and "privacy" no longer mean what you think they do.
It has no idea what letters are in ANY word, because it doesn't know the actual words
"How many R's are in Food?"
What the LLM actually gives you is an answer that more closely resembles
"On average, how many R's are there in words that are kind of similiar to 'Food'?"
Connerticut, Massachuserts, Mirchigan, Minnersota, Mirsirsirpi, Montarna, Nevarda...
If you just add an R at the end, then the machines are right
Welcome to Costco, I love you.
So much waste on a calculator that can't give a consistent answer (nevermind accurate) to 1+1.
Different outputs from the same models while using the same inputs...
These failures are trying to become too big too fail before the crash
But it's exactly one R and they have to share.
- AI bros, probably
So probably the senator Wyoming scenario.
lowa, ldaho, l don't Iike the current tech cIimate.
And uhhh "Connercticut"
And "Massarchusetts"....
I’m just going to leave this here:
My list contains MA, ND, PA, SD, WA, WI and WY for some reason with this prompt:
It’s going to take a while to have all the r-related problems sorted out.